Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
2017 (30th Mar-2nd April) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones Medallion & M/S set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to just 250 se…
Sold $180
2017 Henry Lawson Limited Edition pres folder with 2 exclusive M/S's incl one imperforate. No. 169 of only 200. Cost $89.95 from AP. Exc cond.
Sold $50
2017 Street Art - Artists Behind the Stamps pres folder with 4 numbered offset printed blocks of 4 M/S's & single M/S with set. No. 137 of 200. Cos…
Sold $42
2017 Trans-Australian Railway 100th Anniv AP pres folder with commem M/S (only available in this format), 2 covers & a medallion cover all numbered…
Sold $65
2017 Trans-Australian Railway panoramic M/S & 3 commem copper tokens in pres folder. Numbered 76 of 200. Cost $89.95 from AP. Exc cond.
Sold $42
2017 (8th-11th Sept) Dragonflies set of Day 1 to 4 Miniature Sheets issued specially for the China International Collection Expo with each postmark…
Sold $525
2017 (8th-11th Sept) $2 Koala set of Day 1 to 4 Miniature Sheets issued specially for the China International Collection Expo with each postmarked …
Sold $160
2017 Heard Island M/S ovptd "APF Supports New Zealand 2020 in gold & numbered "80 of 100". MUH
Sold $28
2017 Succulents embellished numbered M/S set of 4 with matching gutter blocks of 4. Numbered 198 of only 259. Cost $89.95 from AP. Exc cond.
Sold $40
2017 "War in the Air - Rise of the Australian Flying Corps" limited edition sheetlet pres pack showing b&w photos of AFC aircraft tabbed to 24 x $1…
Sold $22
2018 Banksias imperforate M/S ovptd "Canberra's 20th Stampshow" with coat of arms logo in silver & numbered 078 of only 150. MUH.
Sold $20
2018 Lest We Forget War Memorials imperforate M/S's ovptd pair in both silver & gold with "100th Anniversary Newcastle Philatelic Society" with log…
Sold $50
2018 (25th-27th May) Newcastle Stamp and Coin Expo M/S's set of 3 each pmkd on day of show & numbered 75 (green), 123 (black) & 220 (red) of the 30…
Sold $60
2018 (27th-31st May) "Australian Eucalyptus Israel's Favourite Tree" M/S's x 5 each pmkd at the exhib on each day with green opening & red closing …
Sold $280
2018 Silos Miniature Sheet set of 3 with Perth Stamp & Coin Show overprint & each pmkd on the 3 respective days of the show in green, black & red w…
Sold $65
Australia: Booklets
1913 (17th Jan) 2/- kangaroo complete with 1d x 18 & ½d x 12 1st wmk. Inside covers with red on blue-green with the bold headings sans serif typef…
Sold $1250
1957 4/- QEII booklet with red stitching. VG cond. Pfeffer & Crum B60Aya, Cat. $60
Sold $20
1959/60 4/- red QEII booklets x 2 with pink stitching. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum B61, Cat. $60ea (2)
Sold $20
1960 5/- QEII blue with "1/1960" editions with diff ad page inserts & 1962 5/- with "3/1962" edition. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum B62Ad & Ae & B66Be, …
Sold $50
1960/62 5/- blue QEII booklets x 5 from the "3/1960" editions each with diff ad pages. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum Nos. B63Ad, B63Af, B63Ai B63Al & B6…
Sold $100
1960/62 5/- blue QEII booklet "3/1961 NSW" edition. VG cond. Pfeffer & Crum B65Ag, Cat. $130
Sold $60
1964/65 5/- green QEII booklets x 3 each with diff editions. Exc cond. Pfeffer & Crum Nos. B67Ee, B67Nd, B67Oe & B67Rd, Cat. $500+ (4)
Sold $220
1966 60c 4c QEII Edition DG8 with miscut advertisement "Rates of Postage/Commonwealth Bank" insert page. Exc cond & unusual. Pfeffer & Crum B76Bg, …
Sold $65
1967 50c Defence Forces booklets with 5c QEII affixed to the right hand side. VG cond. Pfeffer B129b, Cat. $85
1969 $1 Prime Ministers booklet with each pane cancelled "DISTRIBUTOR OF STAMPS GPO PERTH WA" by an oval cachet in mauve dated 25th May 1970 plus a…
Sold $25
1989 $3.90 Fishing booklet miscut resulting in "AUSTRALIA 39c" appearing twice on some & others without. A most impressive variety. Exc cond. Pfeff…
Sold $400
1989 $4.10 Cycling booklet with AUSTAMP 90 ovpt & 3 koala reprint logos with part perf at left. Exc cond. A scarce booklet. Pfeffer & Crum B158Cb(1…
Sold $65
1989 $3.60 Christmas booklet overprinted World Stamp Expo '89 with Washington logo. Pfeffer B161(2). Retails $175
1989 $3.60 Christmas booklet as above.
Sold $40
1990 $2 Heidelberg & Heritage with an over excess of blue ink on front cover. Normal for comparison. This will be listed in next edition of Pfeffer…
Sold $40
1996 $4.50 booklet with Christmas Island 6798 Australia 28 OCT 1996 pmk on cover. Only 400 of these booklets were produced & made available on 26 J…
Sold $130
1997 $4.50 Wetlands Birds S/A booklets x 3 with original printing & 1 koala reprint versions x 2 with koala logos both at top of pane & middle. Pfe…
1998 45c Champagne Roses S/A block of 4 from the booklet totally imperforate. Some minor wrinkling probably as a result of being salvaged from prin…
2003 $5 Coronation booklet pair with both Philatelic & General barcodes ovptd "APTA National Convention Albury August 13th-17th 2003" in red & numb…
2010 $1 Fishes of the Reef booklets ovptd "23rd Australian Scout Jamboree AJ2013 Jan 2-12 Maryborough, QLD" in silver & numbered "023" & "The Phila…
Sold $85
2012 Floral Festivals Prestige Booklet ovptd overprinted "MAWSON 100 YEARS CANBERRA STAMPSHOW 2012" with map outline. Numbered 100. Exc cond. Pfeff…
Sold $50
2013 $6 Surfing S/A ovptd "Overprint Booklets Collectors Club Stamp Fair 2013 Punchbowl Stamp & Coin Fair" in gold with matching M/S numbered 141 &…
Sold $36
2015 Aust Legends Victoria Cross S/A booklet pres pack. Exc cond. Cost $37
Sold $30
2016 "Span" A Tour of World Bridges Prestige Booklet with one pane printed on aluminium metal foil. Limited to 500.
Sold $50
2018 Newcastle Philatelic Society Centenary booklet set of 3. Each numbered 51 of only 150. Incls original 1947 set tied by NPS cachet & the Person…
Sold $50
Australia: First Day Cover
1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House example on Beecham Stamp Importer, Perth FDC pmkd Perth 10.45AM Post Early Each Day slogan. Printed address & …
Sold $230
1932 (14th Mar) 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge Typo plain hand addressed FDC with Perth "Post Early Each Day" slogan. Some toning around perfs but a diff…
Sold $65
1937 (2nd Aug) 3d KGVI Die I on plain typed addressed cover pmkd Cowley's Creek, Vic. Small tear at right but not detracting from what is otherwise…
Sold $75
1937 (2nd Aug) 3d KGVI Die I, 6d kookaburra & 1/- lyrebird on plain hand addressed cover pmkd Fremantle. Toned top perfs of Lyrebird & very tips of…
Sold $50
1946 (1st Sept) Victory set of 3 in imprint blocks on separate registered Cairns FDC's designed by Qld Philatelic Society. Typewritten addresses wh…
Sold $36
1953 (25th May) Coronation set of 3 on Cover Craft illust cover with typed address & Foy & Gibson (WA) insert card.
1954 (2nd Feb) Royal Visit set of 3 on Boans illust cover with typed address & neighbouring GPO Perth cds to the set plus addition 7½ on single Bo…
Sold $44
1956 (30th Nov) 2/- Olympic Games green on illust First Day Card & hand addressed to "Miss V Bullwinkle, R.G. Hospital, Heidelberg". Neat "Philatel…
Sold $150
1985 (17th July) 33c Ginger Meggs hand illustrated cover by James Kemsley, the Australian cartoonist who produced Ginger Meggs which now appears in…
Sold $130
1993 (8th Mar) Albany Western Australia "WHALE POST" set of 4 rouletted cinderella FDC with pictorial whale cancel. Each with "5W" denomination for…
Sold $26

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