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Airmails: Airmails - Australia
1937 (15th June) Burketown to Normanton covers x 2 each with 3d KGV & 1d QM tied by neat upright Burketown cds's & b/s Normanton same day. AAMC 741…
Sold $25
1937 (28th June) Adelaide to Kangaroo Is with ½d, 1½d KGV & 3d Airmail tied by Adelaide cds's with neighbouring Kingscote cds with additional cds…
Sold $30
1937 (9th Aug) Cobar to Broken Hill intermediate flight with ½d & 1½d KGV tied by Cobar cds. Printed envelope completed in pencil. Broken Hill b/…
1937 (12th Aug) Fourth MacKay Aerial Expedition cover with 1½d Sturt & 2d Silver Jubilee x 2 tied by Wave Hill NT cds's & signed by pilot Frank Ne…
Sold $150
1937 (16th Aug) Guinea Airways Adelaide to Sydney intermediate cover via Cootamundra to Melbourne (AAMC 757a Cat. $60) plus cover dated 19th May 38…
Sold $30
1937 (29th Aug) Camooweal, Qld to Auckland bearing 5d KGV & Airmail vignette both tied by Camooweal cds. A genuine airmail cover as note written on…
Sold $45
1937 (30th Aug) Mt Gambier to Melbourne intermediate Davis Bros covers with Naracoorte SA b/s & with ANA colour vignette. Only 15 flown. Good cond.…
Sold $25
1937 (30th Aug) Mt Gambier to Melbourne intermediate as above. Good cond. AAMC 762 Cat. $75 each
Sold $30
1937 (5th-7th Oct) Air Mail Exhibition, Melbourne covers by Davis Bros x 2. Both with matching registration labels (no's 485, 487) & bearing vignet…
Sold $80
1937 (23rd Dec) Sydney to Auckland by Imperial Airways flying boat "Centaurus". 2 covers sent by a well-known Sydney collector back to himself with…
Sold $400
1938 (25th Jan) Qantas Empire Airways ticket issued to Mr F. McMaster (co-founder of Qantas) from Longreach to Charleville with detail completed in…
Sold $210
1938 (23rd May) Sydney-Moree, Moree-Sydney & Tamworth-Sydney by North-Western Airlines all signed by pilot I Thompson & addressed to Crome. VG cond…
Sold $120
1938 (30th May) Aust to Papua & New Guinea group of 31 covers in the AAMC range 808-812 relating to First Official Airmail. One signed by pilot R.C…
Sold $260
1938 (30th May) Aust to Papua & New Guinea matching boomerang illust Standard Stamp Company, Brisbane covers. Most attractive with 2d & 3d New Guin…
1938 (30th May) Sydney to Rabaul by WR Carpenter Airlines. Signed by pilot R.O. Mant with Rabaul b/s. Addressed to FW Haig of Vacuum Oil Co. VG con…
Sold $30
1938 (31st May) Perth to Youanmi & return "First Official Experimental Aerial Mail" typed at top of this Mitchell cover with 2d KGVI & 3d Airmail t…
Sold $50
1938 (9th June) Adelaide to Darwin by Super Electra 14 Lockheed of Guinea Airways. 2d KGVI, 3d Airmail & 6d KS Airmail tied by neat Adelaide cds wi…
Sold $50
1938 (26th June) First "all the way" flying boat mail. Long cover bearing 1/- KGV & 3d KGVI. Small tear at top & odd bend. 6th July 1938 "Received"…
Sold $40
1938 (3rd July) Java to Australia by KNILM covers x 3 with Neth. Indies 25¢ on one, 10¢ x 2 plus 5¢ on another & 30¢ triangular Air & 5¢ on a …
Sold $70
1938 (22nd July) England to Australia First Airmail at Ordinary Postage Rate. Regd at Blackpool & addressed to Warnambool franked with 1½d x 3 KGV…
Sold $40
1938 (27th July) England to Australia by Flying Boat with one cover being registered Bournemouth & bearing 4d KGV & ½dKGVI while the other ordinar…
Sold $25
1938 (28th July) Singapore to Australia "Commencement of all-up airmail 3/8/38" typed & endorsed cover addressed to Capt. RB Tapp, Qantas, Darwin &…
Sold $25
1938 (6th-8th Aug) Australia to England Flying Boat covers x 5 incl 3 registered with 2 franked 5d KGV & 3d Air. A larger cover with 8 adhesives to…
Sold $80
1938 (11th Nov) Tooraweenah to Sydney printed "First Air Mail…" env with 5d KGV tied by Tooraweenah cds & pilot signed with proceeds to Crippled …
Sold $20
1938 (8th July) Normanton to Rutland Plains & Normanton to Kooletah & return. These were first flights to cattle stations at which there were no po…
Sold $80
1938 (4th Aug) Commencement of Thrice weekly flying boat airmail service by Qantas Empire Airways & Imperial Airways with 6 different intermediate …
Sold $120
1938 (4th Aug) First Three-weekly "All Up" England to Australia intermediate cover from Singapore to Australia with Straits Settlements 8¢ tied by…
Sold $30
1938 (17th Dec) Darwin to Sydney unofficial flight by pilots Pulkowski& Jennet after leaving German. 2d KGVI tied y Sydney 8 JAN 1939 slogan cancel…
1940 (Mar) Brisbane to Cape York cover with 4d koala tied by Cape York cds & Thursday is cds also on front. Typed endorsement & signed by pilot Ray…
Sold $100
1940 (27th Apr) NZ to Australia illust Flying Boat covers x 3 all signed by pilot JW Burgess. Franked with Centennial issue to make up 5d rate on e…
Sold $90
1940 (27th Apr) Australia to NZ Trans-Tasman Flight covers x 2 each on a differently illustrated printed env franked 5d on one & ½d kangaroo & 1½…
1940 (27th Apr) As above but one Registered Sydney with 3d Airmail & 6d KS Airmail. VG cond. AAMC 900 Cat. $200 (2)
Sold $55
1940 (30th Apr) Australia to NZ Teal Inaugural Trans-Tasman Flying Boat Service long illustrated covers censored & taped at left, one with 1d in fr…
Sold $50
1940 (30th Apr) Australia to NZ Teal Inaugural Trans-Tasman Flying Boat Service long illustrated covers x 2 with both pilot signed by JW Burgess. O…
Sold $40
1940 (30th Apr) NZ to Australia plain covers x 2 with 5d Centennial with boxed 6 line cachet in violet. Both covers addressed to Australia. Good co…
1940 (30th Apr) NZ to Australia to England by flying boat "Aotearoa" all with Centennial issues on pre-printed colour covers x 3. Two of 3 covers R…
Sold $90
1940 (30th Apr) NZ to Australia with "First Flight Regular Service New Zealand-Australia" over Maori Warrior Chief illust covers x 2. Each franked …
Sold $70
1940 (2nd May) Inaugural Trans-Tasman Flying Boat Service cover from Australia to New Zealand. Pilot signed by Capt. JW Burgess. VG cond. AAMC 900 …
1940 (13th May) Sydney to Broken Hill via Melbourne per D.H. Dragon "L.M. Pattinson" This carried on the Broken Hill to Sydney leg & signed by pilo…
Sold $130
1940 (16th July) USA to NZ to Australia bearing USA 50¢ Trans Pacific Airmail with "opened by censor" tape at left. (AAMC 905a Cat. $90) Also Aust…
Sold $65
1940 (25th Nov) 2d red KGVI embossed PSE uprated with 3d blue annotated "First Flight Reduced Rates for A.I.F." from Sydney to Darwin. Address cros…
1941 (21st Jan) Dili (Portuguese Timor) to Australia cover addressed to Nelson Eustis with "Primeira mala aerea directa de Dili para Australia" cac…
Sold $240
1941 (9th Apr) Canton Island to Australia PAA Airmail cover addressed to & flown by PG Taylor. GPO Sydney b/s. Good cond with only 18 flown. AAMC 9…
Sold $300
1941 (19th Apr) Sydney to Noumea First Direct Flight by RAAF Flying Boat. Addressed to EA Crome with only 30 flown (AAMC 916, Cat. $400) & 1941 (10…
Sold $400
1944 (11th Sept) "Re-Opening Flight Australia-England/Airmail Service" in red on 7d KGVI Airletter cancelled GPO Sydney with boxed violet "Passed B…
Sold $40
1944 (13th Dec) Qantas 7d Airletter to England ovptd in blue with kangaroo & Christmas greetings. Only 100 such airletters were flown given to pass…
Sold $400
1945 (2nd April) New Guinea to Australia re-opening of Qantas Lae to Sydney return flight with 5½d Gloucester tied by "No. 7 Aust Base P.O. A". Bl…
Sold $200
1945 (2nd April) As above in VG cond. AAMC 1003 Cat. $275
Sold $90
1945 (2nd June) Australia to England 7d Airletter without cachet in red. Signed by pilots Jackson & Thomas. Faint vertical crease otherwise fine. A…
Sold $70
1945 (2nd June) "By First Qantas Lancastrian Service Australia to England" typed in red on 7d KGVI Airletter without the red cachet at left plus an…
Sold $160


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