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Lot No Description Est.
Airmails: Airmails - Fiji
1930 (14th July) Labasa to Suva printed Fiji Air Lines cover. Suva b/s. Good cond. AAMC (1997) F4 Cat. from $150
Sold $60
1930 (17th July) Labasa to Suva cover with 1d x 2 KGV tied by Labasa cds. Addressed to Australia. AAMC (1997) F5 Cat. from $400 (see back cover)
Sold $160
1933 (18th Mar) Lautoka to Suva Fiji Airways printed cover with 2d KGV tied by neat Lautoka cds. Good cond. AAMC (1997) F10 Cat. $75
Sold $30
1933 (18th Mar) As above but two, both with 2d KGV frankings & pmkd PO Levuka & Suva b/s's. Also VG cond. AAMC (1997) F10a Cat. $150 each (2)
1933 (18th Mar) As above but with ¼d, ½d "War Stamp" ovpt, 1d & 4d KGV pmkd PO Levuka & addressed to NSW. Still with Suva b/s. Good cond. AAMC (1…
Sold $40
1933 (21st Mar) Levuka to Suva on Fiji Airways printed cover with 2d KGV franking pmkd PO Levuka with typed address & b/s Suva 23 MR 33. VG cond. A…
1933 (1st May) Fiji Airways printed "First Fiji Air Mail to Taveuni Carried by Fiji Airways, Ltd March 28, 1933" printed covers x 24 all with Fiji …
1939 (16th Aug) Fiji to Tonga flying boat service. "McDonald's Hotel Suva" env endorsed & signed by pilot J.W. Burgess. Good cond. AAMC (1997) F21,…
Sold $120



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