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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut ovptd "OS" in MUH Ash imprint "n" over "a" block of 14 (8 to left of gutter) & right margin vertical block of 6 also MUH. …
Sold $800
1931-47 CofA 6d chestnut ovptd "OS" in MUH marginal block of 4. ACSC 23(OS)a Cat. $500 as singles (see plate 4)
Sold $140
1931-47 CofA 9d violet good to fine used blocks of 4 & 6 plus a Small Mult wmk block of 4. 9d CofA block of 4 shows "lower left corner retouch" var…
Sold $100
1931-47 CofA 9d violet with "lower left corner retouched" variety. F/U with a couple of nibbled perfs top frame left. ACSC 29(4)o Cat. $100
Sold $30
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow with "white flaw at top of kangaroos arm" variety. Fine used with part Fremantle cds. ACSC 46(V)m Cat. $150
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow good to fine used block of 4 with "foxed faced kangaroo" & "elongated Spencers Gulf " varieties on right hand pair. …
Sold $120
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow. 9 used examples of which 1 is CTO, 2 have machine cancels & the rest are cds examples. All with ACSC listed varieti…
Sold $200
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow. Fine MVLH example. ACSC 46b Cat. $375 (see plate 3)
Sold $100
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-buff with duty plate "broken coast near Sydney" variety. MLH, centred low & left otherwise fine. ACSC 46c(D)da Cat. …
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-orange with duty plate "Spencer's Gulf short & thick" variety. MLH with one pulled perf at top. ACSC 46a(D)I Cat. $8…
Sold $110
1931-47 CofA 5/- grey & yellow-orange. MVLH with rich, fresh colour. A lovely stamp. ACSC 46a Cat. $325 (see plate 3)
Sold $130
1931-47 CofA 10/- dark grey & aniline pink. Fresh MLH verging on MVLH. Centred slightly high. Very good perfs. ACSC 50E Cat. $2750
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink fine used with "muzzled kangaroo" variety. Centered low left. Nice Fimiston WA cds. ACSC 50A(V)q Cat. $550
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with "ewe-faced kangaroo" variety. Fine used by Airmail Late Fee Sydney central cds. Well-centred with good perfs. AC…
Sold $200
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink with "muzzled kangaroo" variety. Very light used with clear variety. Centered high. ACSC 50(V)q Cat. $550
Sold $60
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink. Fine used with crisp "Late Fee" 1937 cds. Couple short perfs at left & slight smudge of pmk for accuracy. ACSC 50a C…
Sold $90
1931-47 CofA 10/- grey & pink & £1 grey both ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH, light grease stain bottom left of latter. ACSC 50xe & 54x Cat. $170 (2)
Sold $50
1931-47 CofA 10/-grey & pink, £1 grey & £2 grey-black all ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type D. Fine MLH, 10/- & £1 off centre but £2 MVLH verging on MUH. A…
Sold $170
1931-47 CofA £1 grey. Good to fine used with part bold cds. Centred slightly high with good perfs. Light vertical reg crayon line at left. ACSC 54…
1931-47 CofA £1 grey ovptd "SPECIMEN" Type D in block of 4. Small part perf separation at base with a short perf & a grease spot on another perf f…
Sold $500
1931-47 CofA £2 grey & rose crimson ovptd "SPECIMEN". MUH & perfectly centred. A superb example. ACSC 58x Cat. $175 (see plate 4)
Sold $180
1931-47 CofA £2 grey & rose-crimson ovptd SPECIMEN with two examples showing "very short Spencer's Gulf" & "very short Spencer's Gulf" varieties. …
Sold $120
Miscellaneous: King George V
Printed in black. ACSC 70pp(2)a Cat. $325 (see plate 4)
Sold $190
Printed in black from the base of the sheet with Jubilee panel. MVLH. ACSC 70pp(2)a Cat. $325 (see plate 5)
Sold $190
Printed in pale carmine. ACSC 70pp(2)b Cat. $475 (see plate 4)
Sold $210
Printed in pale carmine. Damage to right wattles from surface scratch. ACSC 70pp(2)b Cat. $475(see plate 4)
Sold $100
Printed in very pale carmine with right selvedge. ACSC 70(2)b Cat. $475 (see plate 4)
Sold $270
Printed in carmine-rose. ACSC 70pp(2)c Cat. $300 (see plate 4)
Sold $310
Printed in bright violet. ACSC 70pp(2)d, Cat. $475 (see plate 4)
Sold $360
Printed in mauve. ACSC 70pp(2)e Cat. $425 (see plate 4)
Sold $360
Printed in pale dull mauve. ACSC 70pp(2)f Cat. $425 (see plate 4)
Sold $360
Printed in pale dull mauve. MLH. ACSC 70pp(2)f Cat. $425 (see plate 4)
Sold $310
State 1 Die Proof in black on cut down highly glazed white card (35 x 40mm) without endorsements. 6 copies known. ACSC 70dp(11)bc Cat. $6,000 (see …
Sold $2550
State 1 Die Proof of the completed design with a solid field behind the King's head & clean surrounds in bright red on highly glazed thin card (94 …
Sold $7900
State 2 Die Proof of the completed design with lined background surrounding the King's head. Alterations have been made to the King's nose & his ha…
Sold $5200
State 3 Die Proof of the completed design. The King's nose is straight & the line background has been modified. Presented in carmine-red on cut dow…
Sold $5000
1914-20 Single wmk ½d green perfined "OS" with inverted wmk. F/U, centred high left. ACSC 63aba Cat. $80
Sold $20
½d green with "dry ink" variety. Good used with neat Victoria machine cancel. ACSC 63c Cat. $150
½ emerald-green, single line perf. Good to fine used with part Victoria roller cancel. RPSV cert. (1978) ACSC 64a Cat. $900
Sold $350
½d red, Die II, plate 1a Mullett imprint gutter block of 4. MLH with some light tone spots & bottom selvedge with 2 creases not affecting stamps. …
Sold $140
1½d green left selvedge positional pair from plate16, L 13 + 14 with prominent constant flaw not listed in ACSC. Left stamp displays two prominent…
Sold $30
1½d green positional plate 17 block of 6 for R28, 29, 30/ 34, 35 & 36. MUH, centred right. Cat. $120+
1½d black-brown in 2 pairs with "ta of postage joined at top" & "long bar to second "e" of three" varieties plus extra of later as a single. MLH w…
Sold $30
1½d red vertical pair with "white flaw below kangaroos tail" variety ACSC 89(23)l. Fresh MUH & well centred. Cat. $30 + premium for pair & MUH
Sold $40
1d deep red, Die II, single line perf. Light diag crease (ironed out). Good to F/U. Drury Cert. (2017) ACSC 70B(1)i Cat. $5000
Sold $2100
1d red bottom selvedge pair with part imprint showing "ra of Australia joined" variety. MLH. ACSC 74(4)j Cat. $360
Sold $120
1d red Dies I & II with “substituted clichés". Good to F/U. ACSC 71(2)ja/ka Cat. $300
Sold $120
1d red left pane plate varieties with "substitute clichés" in both smooth & rough papers. Good to fine used. Min cat. $600 (4)
1d red on rough paper in 5 different shades from 1916 to 1918. MLH range. A useful lot with a min cat. value of $150
Sold $60
1d red pair perfined "OS" with "wattle line" & "nick near top of L.F." varieties. F/U. ACSC 71(4) & 71(4)g Cat. $40 + premium
Sold $20


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