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Western Australia: Postcards |
 "1st Reinforcements "W"/ Blackboy Hill Studio" Kodak unused photographic b&w card showing large formal group of over 150 uniformed men. Some staini… $25 Sold $40 |
"A Busy Day Bunbury Jetty" framed b&w (H+B) photographic card with at least 6 ships at wharf. Very fine unused with minor crease damage. Scarce ser… $30 Archived |
 "A Mob of Fat Cattle at Katanning, W.A." Falk coloured card. Exc unused cond. $25 Sold $20 |
 "A Scene on the Group Settlements, WA" b&w card from the Beam series 225 used 10 May 1943 to Sydney. Good cond. $25 Sold $55 |
 "Bathurst Lighthouse, Rottnest Island, W.A." Falk colour card used to Germany with ½d & 1d kangaroos tied by indistinct roller cancel but message … $30 Sold $55 |
 "Boating on Avon River, Northam." sepia & white card by C.A. Robertson, Music Store, Northam. Light staining front & back. Scarce unused example. $30 Sold $30 |
 "Bowling Green, Subiaco Gardens, WA" & "Children's Hospital No. 2, Subiaco, WA" with "Greetings from Subiaco" across the top of both of these Cadma… $30 Sold $25 |
 "Bridge Over Murray River at Pinjarrah, WA" Falk colour card. Fine unused cond. C1900 $25 Sold $20 |
 "Bunbury Looking North" Very slight staining on back. "H.B. Albert & Co, Booksellers etc. Perth & Bunbury. Printed in Germany" on reverse. Shows ae… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Burt Street Boulder, WA", "Fremantle Harbour from North: Fremantle Bridge, WA" & "A Corner of Government House Grounds, Perth, WA" Falk colour car… $20 Sold $20 |
"Central Marine Terrace, Geraldton" Snell coloured card used from Geraldton with 1909 cds. Addressed to "Caulfield via Moora Moora, Mid Rly". Some … $20 Sold $20 |
 "Chapman River, WA" Austral b&w photographic card pmkd Geraldton 22 DEC 1905 & addressed to Albany. Good cond. $25 Sold $40 |
 "Congregational Church, Bunbury, WA" with "H.B. Albert & Co, Booksellers etc. Perth & Bunbury. Printed in Germany on reverse. Fine cond. C1910 $30 Sold $30 |
 "Congregational Church, Subiaco, WA." A rare Cadman coloured card. Slight adhesion mark on reverse otherwise in exc cond. First coloured Cadman we'… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Convent Church Busselton, WA" in pencil on reverse. This b&w photographic card was from Kodak - Elston Studio Busselton. Very fine cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 "Convent, Bunbury, WA" from "H.B. Albert & Co, Booksellers etc. Perth & Bunbury. Printed in Germany" on reverse. Small stain on reverse otherwise V… $30 Archived |
 "Council Chambers & Post Office, Bunbury, W.A." in exc cond. "H.B. Albert & Co, Booksellers etc. Perth & Bunbury. Printed in Germany" on reverse. S… $40 Sold $40 |
 "Court House, Bunbury, WA". Very fine unused & scarce. These were sold by with H.B. Albert & Co, Booksellers, Bunbury. "Printed in Germany" on reve… $30 Sold $45 |
 "Esplanade Jetty, Geraldton, W.A." framed b&w photographic card printed in England for E. Snell Geraldton. Minor corner damage top left but rarely … $30 Sold $30 |
 "Fremantle Harbour from North (Fremantle Bridge), W.A." Falk coloured used from Geraldton 7 MAY 1908 to Tasmania. Good cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 "Geraldton, looking West" coloured Snells card showing an elevated view of the town. Geraldton 29 DEC 1910 cds with neighbouring Burwood, Vic arriv… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Geraldton, WA" & "Serpentine Falls, WA" both Falk coloured, the latter used Midland Junction to NZ on 13 OC 07. Also "Tea Rooms Kings park, Perth"… $30 Archived |
 "Grandstand, Boulder Racecourse, WA" Falk coloured card with Boulder 23 AU 06 cds's tying ½d & 1d swans for Canada. Message reads, "The Governor o… $30 Sold $25 |
 "Hannan St, Kalgoorlie" b&w Western Mail photographic card with undivided back. A few light tone spots on front. Pre-1910 scene. $25 Sold $20 |
 "Hannan St, Kalgoorlie" Kodak Austral b&w photographic card from the 1920's/30's era showing early cars in street outside the "Majestic Café & Oys… $25 Sold $25 |
 "Hannan Street (Looking East) Kalgoorlie, West Australia". Valentines (M5789) b&w photographic card with message on back dated 29th Jan 1939 with n… $20 Sold $30 |
 "Hannan Street Kalgoorlie." Bon Marche Stores b&w with blue sky type showing tram passing MacKenzie & Co. Fine unused example, c1910. $30 Sold $30 |
 "Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, Looking West" published by A.E. Sharland, Kalgoorlie. An early card with undivided back. Kalgoorlie MY 15 05cds on 1d s… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie, WA" published by Austral Stores, Perth. An unused b&w card with blue sky, c1920 showing tram in front of hotel. $30 Sold $40 |
 "Hauling Logs at Karridale, W.A." in colour showing small steam locomotive. Published by Mayrhofer & Co, Perth & Fremantle. Fine used from Perth in… $25 Sold $25 |
 "High Street Fremantle, WA" published by Austral Stores sent Fremantle to Adelaide with Fremantle duplex cancel dated FE 6 06. Good cond with some … $20 Sold $20 |
 "Horseshoe Bridge and Railway Buildings, Perth, W.A." Falk colour card showing horses & buggies queuing outside station. Used Kalgoorlie to Sydney … $25 Sold $20 |
 "Hospital, Malcolm, W.A." b&w with Coat of Arms above "Donald Taylor Collotype Company, Ltd, N. Adelaide, SA" on reverse. 1908 Malcolm cds's tying … $120 Sold $150 |
 "In Camp at Blackboy Hill W. Aus 21-6-16 Are We Downhearted No thanks" b&w Kodak photographic type with "In Camp Blackboy 1916" in pencil on revers… $30 Sold $60 |
 "In Camp at Blackboy Hill W. Aus 28-8-17" b&w unused Kodak photographic card with about 35 uniformed men outside hut 4. Good cond. $30 Sold $60 |
 "In Camp at Blackboy Hill W. Aus. 10-5-17 Are Downhearted Chorus (No)" b&w Kodak photographic showing large group of men in uniform outside hut No.… $30 Sold $70 |
 "Intersection of Hannan Street and Maritana Street Kalgoorlie" b&w card by Hoking & Co Publishers, Kalgoorlie. Very scarce phototype posted from Ka… $30 Sold $50 |
 "Jarrahdale Rifle Range" Kodak b&w photographic card. Fine unused cond & most unusual. $30 Sold $60 |
 "Katanning, W.A." colour Falk card with 1d swan tied by Cookernup duplex cancel for 28 OC 08 & addressed to Perth. Very good cond. $25 Sold $35 |
 "Katanning, W.A." Falk unused coloured card in good cond with minor corner damage. $20 Sold $18 |
 "Late of Bremen. Arrival at Fremantle" b&w Kodak photographic embossed "Gwen Bros" showing troop ship "Konicin Luise London" with huge group of sol… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Marine Terrace (East End), Geraldton, W.A." from Miller photo & published by Constantine & Gardner. Good used with Geraldton 26 JUL 1907 cds to Me… $30 Sold $30 |
 "Marine Terrace, West End, Geraldton, W.A." b&w photographic card showing street scene with horse & buggies passing the Western Australian Bank. Pr… $20 Sold $20 |
 "Maritana Street, Kalgoorlie, WA" b&w Falk & Co Ltd photographic showing trams passing MacKenzie & Co. VG cond & another previously unlisted card. $30 Sold $30 |
 "Methodist Church, Busselton" in pencil on reverse of this b&w photographic card from Kodak - Elston Studio Busselton. VG cond. c1910 $20 Sold $20 |
 "Mill Point in '96 W.A." Very early photographic b&w card with Rae Bros in lower left corner. Used Perth machine cancel 1909 to Windsor. This is th… $100 Sold $100 |
 "Mill Point, South Perth, W.A." with " Printed in Bavaria for E.S. Wigg & Son, Perth" at base. Early undivided back card. Some corner damage caused… $30 Sold $25 |
 "Mt Charlotte, Kalgoorlie, W.A." Falk colour fine used from Norseman to Canada with JA 9 08 cds. Unsurprisingly, minor corner wear. $25 Sold $25 |
 "Mundaring Weir & Valley, WA" used Perth to England Nov 1908, "The Blackwood River Near Balingup, WA" used Maylands to Bullsbrook, "Railway Bridge … $40 Sold $40 |
 "New Norcia (Western Australia) - The Benedictine Abbey" with "Dalle Nogare & Armetti, Milano" on reverse. Sepia card in superb unused cond. $40 Sold $50 |