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Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1d green, Die II pair. Fresh MUH, centered slightly right. ACSC 81(1)i Cat. $100 each + premium for MUH
Sold $70
1d green, Die II with inverted wmk. MH, centered left. ACSC 81a Cat. $100
Sold $25
2d red-brown, Die II in lower left selvedge block of 4. MUH with good centring & strong colour. ACSC 99 Cat. $80
Sold $40
2d golden scarlet, Die II Ash imprint block of 4 "N over A". MLH with good centring. ACSC 100(2)za Cat. $125
Sold $50
2d golden scarlet, Die II Ash imprint block of 4 "N over A". MUH, centered high. ACSC 100(2)za Cat. $125 + premium for MUH
Sold $55
2d golden scarlet, Die II Ash imprint block of 4 "N over N". MLH in centre selvedge only. ACSC 100(2)z Cat. $125
Sold $40
2d golden scarlet, Die II John Ash imprint pair ovpt "OS". MUH, centered high but fresh. ACSC 102 Cat. $80+
Sold $30
2d golden scarlet, Die II John Ash imprint strip of 4. MLH in centre selvedge only. Fresh. ACSC 102 Cat. $80+
Sold $30
2d scarlet, Die III, Ash imprint block of 8. MUH. ACSC 102zCat. $165
Sold $130
2d blue, Die II pair with "retouched "st" of Australia" variety. Fine used & well centered. ACSC 108g Cat. $60 + pair premium
Sold $25
3d blue in type A+B pair. Fresh MUH top marginal pair. ACSC 107c Cat. $575
Sold $300
3d blue, Die II perfined "OS" vertical left pane bottom right selvedge strip of 4. (Positions 42, 48, 54 & 60). Rich colour with 1 MLH, others MUH.…
Sold $75
3d blue, Die II with part imprint single & full John Ash imprint pair. ACSC 108 Total cat. $180
3d blue, Die II, Ash imprint block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 108z Cat. $250+
Sold $80
3d blue, Die II, top selvedge block of 4 with "flawed "g" of postage" variety. Centered left. MVLH in selvedge only. ACSC 108k Cat. $270
Sold $80
3d dull blue, Die II, Ash imprint pair. MLH. ACSC 108z Cat. $70
Sold $20
4d olive-green Ash imprint pair. Mixed centring & fluffy perfs but stamps fresh MUH. ACSC 116(3)z Cat. of stamps only $125
Sold $50
4d olive-green perfined "OS" lower left corner with part John Ash imprint block of 4 from right pane. MUH/MLH ACSC 116Abq Total Cat. $230
Sold $60
4d olive-green with "no shading behind emu's head" variety. MLH & well centred. ACSC 116A(3)I Cat. $90
Sold $30
4½d violet. MUH, centred low left. ACSC 120 Cat. $175
Sold $60
1/4d turquoise bottom selvedge example with "thick 1 at right" variety. MLH with slightly toned gum & centered low left. ACSC 129n Cat. $600
1926-30 SM watermark Perf. 14½d orange left selvedge strip of three with inverted wmk. Fresh MUH & well centred. ACSC 66a Cat. $80 as singles
½d orange in 3 horiz pairs with "no top to crown", "thick upper frame at right" & an unlisted "flaw on King's ear" varieties. All MLH ACSC 67(8)j …
Sold $30
½d orange selvedge block of 4 from the top left corner of plate 8 with "eight wattles at left" & "cut in right wattles" varieties. A little staini…
Sold $40
1d green Ash imprint pair with "ra" of Australia joined (retouched)" variety. MLH. ACSC variety 80(4)ja Cat. $30
Sold $20
1d green block of 4 with "N-Y joined" & "white scratch behind kangaroo" varieties. MUH/MLH. ACSC 80(4)o/p Total Cat. $85
Sold $25
1d green in 3 horiz pairs & 3 singles with one perfined "OS", plate 3 Ash imprint pair with "white flaw opposite emu's feet" variety (ACSC 80(3)r, …
Sold $80
1d green John Ash imprint "N over A" block of 4 with "ferns retouch" & "ra joined retouch" varieties. MUH/MLH & well centered. ACSC 80(4)ib/ja Cat.…
Sold $40
1d green left marginal block of 4 (VII 31&32/ 37&38) with "wattle line" State II, "nick T.L. frame" & "flaw under neck" State IV varieties. MUH but…
Sold $120
1d green Mullett imprint pair with "RA retouched "variety. MUH. ACSC 80(4)ja Cat. $45 + imprint pair & MUH premium
Sold $30
1d green Pane VII from the Ash printing complete with all varieties & with INVERTED WATERMARK. We note that a comparative piece to this was not ava…
Sold $2000
1½d orange in marginal block of 4 with inverted wmk. MUH/MLH ACSC 66a Cat. $80 as singles
Sold $30
1½d red with "slurred print" variety. MUH with good colour & well centred. ACSC 91c Cat. $150
Sold $100
3d blue Mullett imprint block of 4. Fresh MVLH with rich colour. ACSC 106(4)z Cat. $450
Sold $210
3d blue with "retouched lower right corner & white flaw above emu's foot" variety. MLH. ACSC 106(4)k Cat. $100
Sold $30
3d blue. MVLH Mullett imprint block of 8 with both bottom pairs show Type A B configuration, these being in MUH pairs. ACSC 106(4)z Cat. $325 plus …
3d ultramarine Die I. MLH, centered right. ACSC 106A Cat. $50
Sold $12
½d orange MUH/MLH blocks of 4 x 2 with one showing "no top to crown" on lower right stamp (which is MUH) ACSC variety 67(8)j & the other with "dot…
Sold $90
1/4d deep turquoise. CTO example of this scarce shade with Drury Cert. A couple of toned perfs reflected in conservative reserve. (2017) ACSC 129Cw…
Sold $960
1/4d greenish-blue in lower marginal pair with right unit showing "thick "1" at right" variety. Mint, no gum. ACSC 129An Cat. $975 as MLH
Sold $150
1931-36 CofA ½d orange to 5d chestnut group of 5 "OS" ovpts in MUH/MLH blocks of 4. Mixed centering but fresh & striking. ACSC Cat. $400+ (5 blocks)
Sold $150
½d orange to 5d chestnut complete set of 7 ovptd "OS". Fresh MUH with above average centring. SG O125/26 & O128/32 Cat. £140
Sold $130
½d orange ovptd "OS" John Ash imprint block of 4 from plate 9 with "break top frame left of crown" variety. Fine CTO with full gum. ACSC 69(OS)(9)z
Sold $50
½d orange ovptd "OS" John Ash imprint block of 8 from plate 8 with "lower end of left fraction bar thickened" variety. Rich colour. CTO with full …
Sold $85
½d orange ovptd "OS" John Ash imprint block of 8 from plate 9 with "break top frame left of crown" variety. CTO with full gum. Some reinforcing hi…
Sold $50
1d green Ash imprint block of 4 with inverted wmk. MLH on centre selvedge only with stamps MUH. Both right hand stamps with vertical crease. Scarce…
Sold $100
1d green John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH. ACSC 82 Cat. $50+
Sold $25
1d green used pair with "wattle line fifth state" & "nick near top pf L.F. retouched" varieties. Also single with "white scratch from beard to S.W.…
1d green with inverted wmk. MUH block of 4, centered right. ACSC 82a Cat. $200 + premium for block
1½d red-brown Ash imprint block of 4. Plate 3. MLH. ACSC 94(3)za Cat. $80
Sold $35

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