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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Indonesia 1968-1984 range of better sets & M/S's incl several imperf from restricted printings. All fine MUH. Total Cat. £660+ (18 stamps & 15 M/S's)
Sold $150
Ireland 1922-1971 mainly used in "Collecta" printed album. Vals to 10/- incl 2/6d Seahorse "Saorstat" ovpt pair & 2 singles all with parcel cancels…
Sold $150
Israel 1948-1981 mainly used in standard Minkus album. Starts with 16.5.1948 Naharuya Local Council M/S MUH & CTO (Bale Cat. US$65), then 1948 coin…
Japan & China Former with modest interwar period better items & 1953 National Park M/S & folder while the latter interspersed with 1960 goldfish se…
Sold $230
Japan 1872-2002 with mainly broken sets but with useful singles throughout. Mixed MUH, MLH & used from 1962 with used being mainly neat cds copies …
Sold $120
Japan 1960-1979 MUH/MLH c50% complete in Schaubek hingeless album, stockbook with 1877-1959 MLH plus a few 1980-1982 MUH noting 1925 Wedding 20s ML…
Sold $170
Luxembourg 1852/1991 accumulation in large stockbook & 2 Davo albums plus 2 vols of postcards & covers. Opens with 1852/8 10¢ shades (10 + 3 forge…
Sold $2000
Luxembourg 1859-2012 on leaves noting 1859 10¢ used before average used to 1930. Pickings later with 1930's charity sets (incl 1933) MLH, 1949 UPU…
Sold $140
Malta 1860-1971 in "Collecta" printed album with some later to 1994 on Hagners. Noted 1860 ½d pale buff (no gum & perf faults), 1863/81 ½d perf. …
Sold $920
Manchukuo 1932-1940 mint & used on leaves with useful Pagoda & Pu Yi incl 1934/36 13f MLH (Cat. £15) plus better commems with 1935 Visit used (Cat…
Sold $65
Mauritania to Portugal with good range of Netherlands incl charity sets of 1950's, Portugal of the same period & Norway with some MLH Posthorns. La…
Sold $40
Mauritius 1863-1993 used collection on computer-generated pages in chronological order. Noted 1863/72 range (8) to 5/- mauve incl 3d dull red & 10d…
Sold $100
Netherland Antilles 1949-1997 comprehensive used/CTO with some MUH incl M/S's & booklets in Davo standard album with mounts added. Noted 1950/79 de…
Netherlands 1852-1971 MLH/used in "Collecta" printed album. Very little missing with complete sets incl 1852 imperfs, 1864, 1867/71 & 1869/91 to 2g…
Netherlands 1860 to 2000, largely used range on typed up pages with over 90% complete post-war but missing key items. Patchy pre-war but noting all…
Sold $100
Netherlands 1864-1986 used collection in Davo album with odd MLH. Mixed cond reflected in conservative reserve. STC £850+ (100s)
Sold $40
Netherlands 1907-1969 in Davo hingeless album (leaves from 1852) with scattered sets & odds to 1959 in variable cond. Noted 1942 12½c + 87½c Legi…
Netherlands 1962-1985 MUH (odd MLH) in Davo Hingeless albums x 2. Some duplication in sets & M/S's. Mostly fine. Cat. £900+ (100s)
Sold $70
Netherlands 1966-2001 booklets with both defin & charity issues in Davo standard album with mounts added. Useful later booklet issues frequently mi…
Netherlands 1988-1992 Year Collections containing all issues incl M/S's & booklets MUH. SG Cat. £150+ ($240+) (5 packs)
Netherlands New Guinea 1950-1962 complete used incl PD's & UNTEA ovpts. Cat. £240+ (106)
Sold $85
New Caledonia 1949-1981 range of fine postally used issues. Nice genuine cancels with useful duplication. Many thematics. Total cat. £450+ (230+)
Sold $70
New Hebrides (British Adin) ditto to above. Cat. £100+ as fine used. (30)
Sold $60
New Hebrides (French Admin) 1967-1979 range of FDC's all on official covers & unaddressed. Incls the 1977 Currency Surcharges & Islands set to 500f…
Sold $100
New Hebrides 1949-1980 complete MUH/MLH in stockbook. Good range of thematics. Cat. £225+ (229 stamps & 2 M/S's)
Sold $85
New Zealand QV-KGV Postmark collection on leaves in 3 lever arch files. Good percentage of strikes from this period with over 380 different place n…
Sold $260
New Zealand 1855-1966 used in Davo Hingeless album with Chalon imperf 1d large star & no wmk, 2d blue wmkd, 6d brown wmk & no wmk, 1/- green no wmk…
Sold $1450
New Zealand 1873-1966 used collection in Seven Seas standard album. Basic lot in very mixed cond with some seriously stained examples. Odd clean pi…
Sold $50
New Zealand 1873-1990 MUH, MLH & used stock in old Lighthouse stockbook. Good range of 1898 pictorials incl 3x 6d green used & 2/- perf. 11 no wmk …
Sold $460
New Zealand 1929-1973 Healths (no 1930 or 1931) MUH with a few of the pre-1950 with perf stains. Also Samoa 1967-1978 MUH clean with 1967 birds to …
Sold $30
New Zealand 1969-1990 range of M/S's in black leaved KA-BE stockbook. Comprises 28 Health M/S's all MUH plus 22 CTO incl 1969 Cook on FDC. Fine. (50)
Sold $50
New Zealand 1971-1985 PO Year Packs complete. FV NZ$75+ ($70) (15)
Sold $55
New Zealand 1999-2001 (Vols 15 to 20) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, colour separations, gutters & signed FDC's for "Scenic Wal…
Sold $150
New Zealand 2003-2004 (Vols 26 to 30) Limited Edition single issue books with the M/S's, gutters, colour separations & signed FDC's for "Ballet", "…
Sold $150
New Zealand Sparse duplicated range of MUH/MLH in slim "Briefmarken" stockbook. 1898 2½d pictorial before a few KGV low vals & 1940-1977 range wit…
Sold $20
North Borneo 1888-1956 range on Hagners in padded binder. The 1888 issues with forgeries in imperf singles & blocks plus a few genuine. Later incls…
Sold $100
Norway 1855-1991 with odd later in Davo standard album with slipcase. Mixed MLH & used with used listed unless stated otherwise. Early issues stron…
Sold $1200
Norway 1980-2004 in Lighthouse hingeless album with leaves to 2008. High degree of completeness bar some 1993/94 issues & odd others. Appears fine …
Sold $250
Pitcairn Is 1940-2009 in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Nearly all MUH incl 1949 RSW & UPU, missing only 1986 Frama label & 1998 floral triangulars…
Sold $390
Portugal 1853-1990 MUH, MLH & used in 2 Davo standard albums. Good range of used embossed from 1853 Queen Maria 25r in 2 shades, 1855/56 King Pedro…
Sold $1200
Portugal Patchy coverage but noted Ceres mint & used with the former cat. £550 incl 10e pink. Also 1924 Camoens excl 48¢ & 10e (cat. £70), 1992 …
Sold $90
Portuguese Colonies General MLH & used range on over 40 Hagners with very fine complete sets plus page of Allenstean 1920 ovpts to 3mk (2 diff) & H…
Sold $85
Rhodesia (Northern & Southern & R&N) & Malawi on leaves with value in MUH/MLH sets & M/S's of Malawi to 1994. Useful earlier with S. Rhodesia KGV t…
Sold $320
Saudi Arabia 1916-1925 used range with all items "flagged" with SG cat. numbers & prices. Light duplication. Cat. £400 approx. (64)
Sold $120
Solomon Is 1908-1979 MLH & used on stockcards incl 1908 to 1/- MLH, 1913 & 1914/23 MCA to 2/6d MLH, 1/- (2 shades), 2/-, 5/- sheets used, 1922/31 t…
Sold $300
South Africa - Boer War 1901 censored fronts x 3 to Ahmednagar, India from POW to different addressees. Variety of censor markings franked with Nat…
South Africa - Boer War 1901/02 Boer War covers x 4 with a variety of censor marks, 2 with "Opened under MARTIAL LAW" tabs. "ARMY POST OFFICE NATAL…
South Africa 1980's-1990's FDC's. All clean & unaddressed with strong thematic appeal comprising RSA, SWA, Namibia & all four South African homelan…
Sold $50
Spain 1854-1985 with 68 pre-1900 & a mainly used later range but mint incls 1928 Catacombs Fund with 11 vals to 25¢, 1930 Columbus & Goya sets to …
Sold $60
Spain to 1970 neatly arranged on computer generated pages (nothing scarce) plus folder with Hagners of Croatia & Yugoslavia & Hagner binder with Va…
Sold $90

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