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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: PNC Covers
2017 (30th Mar) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones $1 coloured coin & $2 stamp pmkd in green on opening day of Melbourne Int Stamp Exhibition. Limited to 50…
Sold $80
2017 (30th Mar) Holden 160th Anniv $1 tabbed & 50c coloured Torana coin PNC ovptd "Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria Inc Royalpex 125 Celebratin…
Sold $30
2017 (30th Mar-2nd April) "Rare Beauties" Gemstones Medallion & M/S set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to just 250 se…
Sold $250
2017 (30th Mar-2nd April) Holden 160 Years 50c coloured coin & tabbed stamp set of 4 pmkd each day of the Melbourne Int Stamp Exhib. Limited to 100…
Sold $160
2008 (7th May) Coat of Arms Cent with 45c Arms/Citizenship & 50c Aust map stamps tied by Perth Philatelic pictorial cancel with $1 Arms commem coin…
Sold $25
2008 (16th May) Royal Flying Doctor "80 Years of Saving Lives" with 18c RFDS & 50c Aust map tied by "Success" cds with $1 kangaroo coin. No. 2 of 50.
Sold $30
2013 (12th Mar) Canberra Cent with 18c & 45c Canberra Parl House stamps tied by matching pictorial cancel with $1 NSW crown coin. No. 2 of 20.
Sold $30
2013 (12th Mar) Canberra Cent with 45c Arms/citizenship & 45c Parl Conf. stamps tied by Parl House pictorial cancel with 20c Cent of Canberra coin.…
Sold $30
2013 (9th May) 25 Years of new Parliament House with 37c Opening of Parl House & 45c Federal Parl stamps pmkd Parliament House, Canberra with 20c m…
Sold $30
2013 (21st Oct) Sydney Opera House 40th Anniv with 3c & 7c QEII plus 7c Opera House & 80c Steamer cancelled by Sydney pictorial cancel showing the …
Sold $40
2015 (7th Feb) Busselton Jetty 150th Anniv with 60c Long Weekend & 45c Dolphin tied by Busselton cds with $1 coin. No. 2 of only 5.
Sold $55
2016 (25th Jan) Aust Day with 22c Aust Day & $1 map stamps tied by "Love to Celebrate" Melbourne cds with 50c Merino sheep coin. No. 2 of 10.
Sold $30
2016 (13th Feb) 50 Years of Decimal Currency with matching stamp pmkd Perth Philatelic Sales Centre & 50c Merino sheep coin. No. 2 of 10.
Sold $30
2017 (27th May) 1967 Referendum & 1992 Eddie Mabo Annivs with 60c Mabo & $1 "Yes" issue pmkd Canberra "Count Us Together Make Us One People" cds pl…
Sold $35
States and Territories: New South Wales
1846 (19th Oct) Sydney to Suffolk stampless cover with crowned Ship Letter strike in red. Sealing wax on reverse.
Sold $25
1850 1d dull carmine on hard bluish paper, imperf with 4 close margins. SG 11 Cat. £375
Sold $100
1851/52 1d carmine on thick yellowish paper, imperf with 4 close margins. Good used. Closed tear at left reflected in conservative reserve. SG 44 C…
Sold $35
1852 3d dull yellow green on greyish blue paper. Close but clear margins, good to fine used with crisp obliterator. SG 67 Cat. £110
Sold $30
1860/72 1d dull red Diadem, perf. 13. Couple of shortish blunt perfs otherwise fine MLH with rich colour. SG 155 Cat. £150
Sold $45
1890 5/- Maps in perfs. 10 & 12 plus mauve shade in perf. 11. Odd minor fault. Good to fine used trio. SG 263, 263b & 263da. Cat. £135 (3)
Sold $50
1890 20/- ultramarine, perf. 11. Fine used with West Maitland MY 11 1903 cds's. SG 264c Cat. £90
Sold $65
1891 7½d on 6d & 12½d on 1/- Officials. MLH pair. SG O56/57 Cat. £120
Sold $60
1894/1904 10/- violet & claret "POSTAGE" ovpt, perf. 11. A couple of minor gum blemishes otherwise fine with fresh colour. SG 275a Cat. £500
1905/10 2/6d Lyrebird, perf. 11½ x 11. Well centered & fine MLH. SG 349a Cat. £75
Sold $35
States and Territories: Queensland
1860 6d green Chalon. Lightly used with 2 generous margins & 2 close but clear. SG 3 Cat. £800
Sold $180
1882/95 £1 Chalon. Centered low. F/U with lovely colour. SG 165 Cat. £100
1895 (6d) "Registered" perf. 12 reprint of 1864/65. Mint, no gum & F/U examples. (2)
1907/11 ½d to 2/- QV perf. 12½ set with some shades incl 5d sepia. All F/U. SG 286/300 Cat. £110+ (16)
States and Territories: South Australia
1856/58 6d slate-blue with four clear margins, close top right. F/U with rich colour. SG 10 Cat. £200
Sold $75
1895/1903 1d green QV perf. 13. Two used examples with gross over-inking leaving white spot on QV cheek the only part of portrait un-inked. Identic…
1908 1d Postal Card, Adelaide printing, showing "HINDLEY STREET" in dark blue. Fine mint.
Sold $60
1908 1d Postal Card, Adelaide printing, titled "DAIRY FARM NEAR ADELAIDE" in red. Fine cond.
Sold $120
1908 1d Postal Card, Melbourne printing with "CLARDEON" view in red to brown. Very fine mint.
Sold $75
1908 1d Postal Card, Melbourne printing, titled "CARTING – FAR NORTH", showing oxen, in dark blue. Fine mint.
Sold $120
1931 (28th Feb) "OUTER HARBOUR" Sth Australia cds tying 2d KGV to attractive "P&O S.S. Cathay, 15,000 Tons Gross Australia Mail and Passenger Servi…
States and Territories: Tasmania
1867 (2nd Jan) COLONIAL TREASURY TASMANIA cds on 1d red Chalon. 85% crisp & clear strike.
1876, 1878, 1895 & 1899 complete indenture documents of all neatly folded & well cared for. The earliest in printed format with handwritten entries…
Sold $210
1903 9d blue, perf 11, watermark V over crown inverted in marginal block of 4 MUH/MLH from top of sheet. Central tone spot affecting the perfs on M…
Sold $25
States and Territories: Victoria
1857 incoming GB cover bearing 6d SG 70 with smudged BN cancel with Edinburgh AU 11 1857 b/s & addressed to Melbourne plus local 1867 Rutherglen to…
Sold $30
1937 (30th Sept) "FIELD POST OFFICE No 1 VIC AUST" crisp cds's tying 1½d KGV to a "10th Annual Victorian A.I.F. Golf Cup S30th September 1937 Serv…
Postage Dues accumulation with mainly Victorian plus a few NSW with values to 1/- in mostly good to fine used cond. Odd MLH also noted. Useful for …
Sold $80
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
1948 (7th Mar) "Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition 1947" cachet on plain cover addressed cover to NZ with Macquarie Island cds & sig…
Sold $30
1948 (7th Mar) James Stapleton (NZ) cover for "Navy Survey Expedition Antarctic 1947-48" cancelled at Macquarie Is. Numbered 11 of 36 on back with …
Sold $40
1948 (7th Mar) Macquarie Island Regd cover with provisional mauve cacheted reg label & Macquarie cds on mixed Aust franking. "Australian National A…
1949 (5th Feb) "Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition Heard Island 1949" illust cover cancelled A.N.A.R.E. Heard Island. Good cond.
Sold $25
1954 (15th Feb) Expedition postcard with Mawson Aust Antarctic Terr cds & addressed to Wellington Stamp Centre, NZ. Fine.
Sold $20
1954 (15th Feb) Expedition postcards addressed to Cowra with 3½d franking tied by Mawson cds. One card also has 4 different Expedition vignettes a…
Sold $30
1955 (16th Feb) 3½d ANARE tied by Mawson cds on Wesley Cover Service commem postcard with cachet in mauve for FDI. The reverse of the card is the …
1957 (11th Dec), 1958 (6th Feb) & 1958 (18th Feb) 2/- Map on Wesley FDC's each with cds & pictorial first day of issue cachets for Macquarie Island…
Sold $40
1958 (6th & 18th Feb) 2/- Map on four separate illust Regd covers, two being Royal & two WCS cancelled Macquarie Is (provisional label), Mawson & D…
Sold $70

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