Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937/48 3d blue Die Ia horiz pair. MUH but both with traces of toning reflected in low reserve. SG 168b Cat. £300
Sold $30
1937 1/- dull green lyrebird in John Ash imprint (38mm) block of 6. MUH & well centred but selvedge at left poorly separated thus the low reserve. …
1937/48 £1 Robes on thick paper. MUH & well centred. SG 178 Retails $150
Sold $60
1937/48 £1 Robes in John Ash imprint block of 4 on thick paper. MUH with very, very light diagonal bends for accuracy. Well centred & free of toni…
Sold $350
1937/48 Robes set of 3 on thick paper in Ash imprint corner blocks of 4. All blocks well-centred fresh MUH/MLH with hingeing affecting only one sta…
Sold $230
1937/48 Robes set of 3 on thick paper. MUH & reasonably centred but toned perfs on £1 visible only from the reverse. 5/- with bottom part imprint …
Sold $50
1937 2d NSW Sesqui with "Man with tail" variety. Good to fine used by light slogan cancel clear of variety. SG 193a Cat. £140
Sold $40
1937 9d NSW Sesqui in right pane block of 27. 2 units MLH otherwise fresh MUH. SG 195 Cat. £28 x 27 = £750+
Sold $250
1937 NSW Sesqui set of 3 in John Ash imprint pairs. Well centred & fresh MLH SG 193/95
Sold $45
1937 1/6d Hermes on thick paper in McCracken imprint (38mm) corner blocks of 4 x 10. All well centred & MUH. ACSC 162ze Cat. $175ea (10)
Sold $270
1938/41 1d green QM coil pair with join showing uniformly large holes. MLH on top stamp. ACSC 182 bh Cat. $150
1938 2d scarlet KGVI Plate 4 block of 8 with clear "4" top centre. Fresh MUH. ACSC 188zc Cat. $2500 for MLH block of 4 so premium for MUH block of 8.
Sold $700
1938 2d scarlet KGVI with "medallion flaw". F/U. ACSC 188e Cat. $250
Sold $60
1938 1/4d KGVI pale magenta complete sheet of 80 with John Ash imprint with extra hole perf. A couple of light bends otherwise fresh MUH. ACSC 211A…
Sold $90
1938 (Dec) 2/- KGVI booklet with "Wherever there is a Money Order Post Office" front cover & Parcel rates on interleaves with watermarked inverted …
Sold $250
1938 150th Anniversary of Australia complete sheet of 49 cinderellas showing iconic scenes & animals. Folded once. Selvedge indicates "Printed in A…
Sold $120
1939 (14th Dec) Regd Airmail cover with 2/- kangaroo tied by neat full Mourilyn cds with matching R6 label & "PASSED BY CENSOR" boxed cachet in vio…
Sold $75
1940 1d AIF with "broken wings on airman" variety F/U plus 2 separate FDC's with Melbourne & Stanthorpes cds's. ACSC218j & 221y Cat. $95 (3 items)
1940 AIF set of 4 in McCracken imprint blocks of 4. All neatly CTO (without gum) with Footscray 16 AP 41 cds's. Rarely seen so fine. ACSC 218/21
Sold $110
1940 AIF set of 4 in McCracken imprint blocks of 4. All neatly CTO on 15 Jy 40, the FDI with Pitcon, NSW cds's. 6d bottom selvedge trimmed down sli…
Sold $150
1940 AIF set of 4 in McCracken imprint blocks of 4. All fresh MUH. ACSC 218/21 Cat. $175
Sold $110
1940 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamp. Fresh MUH.
Sold $20
1940 6d Spitfire War Savings Stamps x 22 on original "Commonwealth of Australia War Savings Stamps" PO folder. "Make Your Money Fight - Buy War Sav…
Sold $75
1941 2d KGVI bright purple top selvedge block of 6 with "medal flaw". Well centred & fresh MUH (MLH in selvedge). SG 185b Cat. £80+
Sold $30
1941 2½ on 2d scarlet KGVI surcharge with "medallion flaw". Good used with light machine cancel. ACSC 222d Cat. $325
Sold $60
1941 3d brown KGVI Ash & "Authority" imprint blocks of 4 from left pane plus "Authority" imprint from right pane in gutter block of 8. Also spectac…
Sold $20
1941 Parcels Post labels on piece x 7 all with 2/- kangaroos with additional 5/- robes & 3d brown KGV on 6 sent from Melbourne or Leichardt NSW. (7)
Sold $160
1942 (8th June) Salvation Army Red Shield Huts for Australian Troops cover addressed to San Diego with "free Soldiers Mail" in hand & cancelled "US…
1942 2/6d KGVI booklet containing 12 x 2½d scarlet with wmk upright (ACSC B53A) plus 1938/41 2/- booklet ACSC B51Ca with wmk inverted. Both in VG …
Sold $480
1943 (3rd Feb) Australia to USA Censored Cover addressed to Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco with "Supposed to Contain Matter Subject t…
1943 Airgraph from Cornwall with addressee details cut out in GPO "Airgraph Letter" envelope with logo "Post Office Communications Australia" surro…
1944 (29th June) 2½d KGVI embossed envelope with blue security lining. F/U with neat Queensland cds & addressed to Brisbane. ACSC EP44(1) Cat. $100
1945 (Nov) Maiden Voyage of SS "Rapid" of the American Pioneer Line. Illust cover with 3½d KGVI tied by Sydney 39 cds with "We certify this cover …
1946 3½d Peace issue x 3 sheets of 60 with one of each type of perf pips at top, bottom & without. MLH in gutters only. ACSC 237b & ba (3 sheets)
Sold $20
1946 BCOF 5/- Robes on both thick (MUH) & thin (MLH) papers. SG J7/a Cat. £250
Sold $110
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper used with light, illegible cancels plus small piece with 1d strip of 3 tied by No.8 Aust Base P.O. C…
Sold $90
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. All vals fresh MVLH with good centering. SG J1/7 Cat. £190
Sold $160
1946/47 1½d green surcharged 2½d red defaced KGVI oval embossed, type I, window env neatly slogan cancelled with Sydney 12 MCH 1947 "Prevent Bush…
Sold $2550
1946/48 ½d to 5/- on thin paper "BCOF Ovptd set of 7 all with selvedge. Fresh MUH. Retail $275
Sold $160
1946/47 Airmail cover to England returned unclaimed to sender via Dead Letter Office. A plethora of instructional markings & backstamps on this muc…
1947 5½d Newcastle marginal imprint part sheet of 30 with upper selvedge handstamped "25 Sheets No.12" on reverse in violet. PO Accounting detail …
1948 1/6d Hermes on thin paper in McCracken imprint corner blocks of 4 x 10. All well centred & MUH ACSC 163z Cat. $600
Sold $160
1948 1/6d Hermes marginal block of 4 & single with misperforations in lower left corner of margin from pre-perf paper fold. MUH/MLH Similar to ACSC…
1949 ½d orange kangaroo on unwatermarked paper in MUH selvedge block of 4 with "coloured flaw from ear to "o" of postage" variety ACSC 180g & anot…
Sold $25
1938 5/- Robes x 1200. Good to fine used still in original bags of 100. Shade potential. SG 176/76a Min. cat. £2400 (1200)
Sold $40
1951 5/- Arms on thin paper in lower left Authority corner block of 4. Fresh MUH with normal for comparison. ACSC 268a Cat. $700
1949/50 5/-, 10/- & £1 Arms in no imprint corner blocks of 4. First 2 blocks MVLH in selvedges only with £1 fresh MUH. A lovely trio. ACSC 268zb …
Sold $310
1950 £2 Arms Authority imprint pair fine used on piece by Registered Elizabeth St Melbourne cds. SG 224d
Sold $55
1948/50 £2 Arms block of 4 used by heavy Melbourne cds's. Nice genuine usage. ACSC 271 Cat. $100
Sold $30
1949/50 £2 Arms no imprint corner block of 4 with both left hand stamps showing the roller flaw. Superb MUH. ACSC 271ze Cat. $1500 (see plate 7)
Sold $740

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