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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1860/64 6d sage green swan with close to touching margins. Fine used with light BN "12". SG 28 Cat. £400
Sold $70
1860/64 6d deep sage-green good to fine used with crisp BN "8" cancel. 3½ margin example touching at lower right & small tear at top but an attrac…
1860/64 6d sage-green F/U with light 15 bar 8 cancel. Large to close margins with the bottom just touching. Remains an attractive stamp. SG 28 Cat.…
1860/64 6d sage-green F/U with light numeral cancel. All margins touching & very slightly cut into reflected in reserve. SG 28 Cat. £400
1860/64 6d sage-green fine used with close to touching margins & small thin near left frame. Frontally attractive makes this a good "budget" exampl…
Sold $70
1860/64 4d blue. Fresh MLH with o.g. 4 clear even margins with rich colour. SG 26 Cat. £325
Sold $170
1861 6d purple-brown. Mint with approx. 20% o.g. Fine & fresh colour with excellent centering. SG 36 Cat. £1100
Sold $400
1861 1d rose-carmine swan with very rough perf. 14-16. Fine mint. SG 44 Cat. £350
Sold $120
1861 2d blue used (SG 34), 2d blue very good used (SG 41), 6d purple-brown F/U (SG 42) & 1d carmine rose x 2 (SG 44) F/U but one with faults. Total…
1864/79 2d imperforate swan proof in chrome-yellow on Crown CC wmkd paper. Fine unused.
Sold $100
1870's Telegram Form unused with embossed QV "One Shilling" in pink plus a similar form with the embossed franking & title removed. Purchased by ve…
Sold $80
1871/73 3d brown swan in proof corner block of 10 with plate number "1" at right. No gum or wmk & overprinted "CANCELLED". A little scuffed with bl…
Sold $800
1872 (9th Dec) 6d violet swan on cover to England cancelled by 15 bar 6 obliterator with Albany Col 1 cds also on front & London b/sp. Poor cond bu…
Sold $60
1879 1d bistre Perf. 14 & Perf. 12½ Telegraph pair F/U plus 6d lilac also F/U. Minor tone spot on each 1d reflected in low reserve. SG T1,T1a & T2…
Sold $90
1879 1d bistre Perf. 14 & Perf. 12½ Telegraph pair plus 6d lilac all good to F/U. SG T1,T1a & T2 Cat. £260 (3)
Sold $130
1879 6d lilac Telegraph stamp postally used. Fine used with very light toning at top not apparent from front. SG T2 Cat. £225
Sold $90
1883 1d yellow-ochre swan, perf. 12x14, fine used with 15 bar 18 numeral cancel. Toning at right not visible from front. SG 81 Cat. £170
Sold $45
1885 "1d" surcharge in green on 3d brown. Fine used with light duplex cancel. "Thin 1 with slanting top" variety with light doubling of the surchar…
1885 "1d." surcharge in green on 3d cinnamon block of 20 (4 x 5) from the bottom of the sheet. The top 3 rows of 12 stamps are MUH bar 2 MLH for mo…
1885 ½d green swan, Crown CA wmk, MUH block of 18 with perf separation between upper & lower blocks of 9. Surface disturbed on 4 units in lower bl…
Sold $25
1890's ½d brown, 1d blue & 1½d green overstamped "1½d" in violet Swan unused postcards. The 1d has pre-printed "Natural History and Science of W…
Sold $40
1890 (26th July) Electric Telegraph, WA Telegraph form used with oval "Telegraph Office Albany K.G.S." in red oval. Complete with commercial messag…
Sold $50
1893 "One Penny" surcharge in green on 3d brown in MUH/MLH block of 6 with minor gum creasing. SG 107 Cat. £90
Sold $45
1893 (29th July) "Electric Telegraph Western Australia" Telegram & envelope with oval cancel in red of Post Office, Guildford with crown. Received …
Sold $220
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express pair. Mint without gum & slight toning reflected in conservative reserve.
Sold $50
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express pair. MLH, 1/- with horiz crease otherwise fresh. (2)
Sold $75
1893 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express bicolours. Set of 3 mint hinged with 50% original typical sugary gum. 2/- has small thin otherwise soun…
Sold $300
1895 cover to England bearing GB 2½d QV tied by Albany duplex, 1903 to France b&w postcard of King William St Adelaide bearing ½d & 1d swans, lat…
Sold $45
1897 (24th Apr) 1d blue swan Postcard (PC 2) with Esperance duplex DxPO (1-2) addressed to Melbourne. Very good cond.
Sold $45
1897 (14th Sept) ½d brown Postcard (PC 1) with Perth Duplex DXF-3 GPO/R index 5 (1) to St Georges Tce address. Good.
Sold $30
1898 (28th Jan) Perth Ship Mail Room duplex DxG-1 index 1 tying ½d & 2d swans to England addressed cover. Folded horizontally not affecting stamps…
1898/07 2d bright yellow & 2½d blue, W Crown A wmkd swans in MLH blocks of 4. SG 113/14 Cat £180+
1898/07 2d yellow swan, Crown A wmk with "ULTRAMAR" handstamped in blue. Trace of vertical crease along right edge but fine mint with fresh appeara…
Sold $80
1899 (19th Jan) small piece with 2d bisect yellow swan stamp tied by Coolgardie duplex DxPO-a index 7 (Index 7 not recorded in PMI or PMC). Note: T…
Sold $310
1899 (15th May) Cue 3b-d (1-2) on regd cover to Perth with 1d swans x 5 tied by oval R handstamp. Perth Registered ORS 3-a receival on reverse for …
Sold $90
1899 (22nd Sept) Eucla void grid (1) cds 1 (1-2) tying 2d grey swan to cover front addressed to Adelaide. Tear at top not effecting stamp or pmk & …
Sold $110
1899 (25th Sept) Southern Cross Duplex DxPO index D (1-2) tying 2d swan on cover to Guildford with receival duplex DXPO index A (1-2). Incls origin…
Sold $70
1899 (22nd Nov) Taxed Mail from England to Fremantle with WA Travelling Post Office b/s TPO GS6 index 1 (1). Some light staining otherwise good cond.
Sold $170
1900 (14th Mar) 3d green swan Postcard (PC5) with Fremantle duplex cancel DxPO 6 index 5 (1-2) addressed to Norway with Kristiania arrival. Vice Co…
1900 (1st Aug) Regd OHMS long env to Lake Austin returned unclaimed. Land Titles Department frank stamp W260.1 with AEB Authorising initials on fro…
Sold $110
1900 (31st Dec) unclaimed local Kalgoorlie cover with original Bank of Australasia correspondence. One Penny Internal Revenue stamp tied by Kalgoor…
Sold $170
1901 (1st Feb) Registered cover with 2½d swan pair tied by circular regd circular obliterator. Vasse duplex DxL 2-9 (1-2) with GPO Perth regd ORS …
Sold $60
1901 (2nd May) Kyle & Stowe, Sharebrokers, Kanowna cover to Fremantle. 1d swan tied by Kanowna duplex DxPO index 2 (1-2). Fremantle 3b-f b/s. (1-2)…
Sold $140
1901 (28th July) 1d swan pair with selvedge tied by Perth duplex DxF-2 GPO/S index 10 (1) & addressed to Fremantle with 3b-f index 5 (1-2) b/s. A l…
Sold $25
1901 (20th Aug) Roebourne to Victoria Regd cover with 1d x 3 plus 2d x 3 swans tied by Dumb Obliterator D0-13 with Roebourne cds 3b (2) alongside t…
Sold $95
1901 (6th Oct) 2½d swan tied by New Norcia 3b index nil cds (1) & addressed to Spain with Perth Ship Mail Room cds 5-c index 11 (1-2). A little wo…
Sold $130
1902 (18th Jan) local cover from Roebourne to Cossack with 2d swan tied by Roebourne 3b (2) & Cossack 3b (1-2) b/s.
Sold $30
1902 (6th Dec) Ravensthorpe to Victoria cover with 2d swan tied by Dumb Obliterator D0-11 (1) with Ravensthorpe 3b cds below. (2-3) B/s's incl SMR …
Sold $80
1902/12 2/- orange/yellow QV with upright wmk. MLH. SG 124b Cat. £50
Sold $30
1902/12 2/6d deep blue on rose, MLH & 1/- sage-green MUH both perfined "OS" & marginal. SG 125 & 169 (2)
Sold $30

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