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Miscellaneous: Kangaroos
3d olive, Die IIB in top margin block of 4 MUH but aged gum & nibbled perfs at base of left unit. ACSC14A Cat. $600 if fine
Sold $100
3d olive shades x 3 all Die I. MLH (one with missing perf at base & thinned) plus a used pair. ACSC 13 (5 stamps)
3d olive, Die I single with CA monogram (lower). Well centred with excellent perfs & MVLH. ACSC 13Eza Cat. $2250
Sold $800
6d blue, Die IIA with substituted cliché. Good used with slightly smudged cds but clear of the characteristic break in left frame. ACSC 19(1)ha Ca…
6d blue, Die IIA with substituted cliché. MLH with some ageing & centered right. Small inclusion & odd short perf reflected in conservative reserv…
Sold $1750
6d chestnut, Die IIB vertical pair with lower stamp having "white flaw over Arnhem Land" variety. F/U with Sydney cds's. A few shortish perfs. ACSC…
Sold $35
6d chestnut, Die IIB example plus a perf "OS" (vertical crease). Both well centred & MUH. ACSC 21 & 21ba. Cat.$175
6d chestnut, Die IIB in F/U 2 x 5 vertical block 10. Exc cond for such a large used block & attractive. ACSC 21A Cat. $150+
Sold $100
6d pale ultramarine, Die II. Centred high with irregular perfs & light gum bends. MLH. ACSC 19 Cat. $200
Sold $20
6d pale ultramarine, plate 3, top right corner to gutter block of 4 showing "broken leg" variety. Centred low & with light bends. Hinged in top sel…
Sold $900
6d ultramarine, Die II with inverted wmk. Fine used. Couple of flat perfs but well centred. SG 38cw Cat. £100
9d violet, Die IIB part Mullett imprint single. Horiz crease & "dry" gum but frontally attractive. ACSC 27 (3) Cat. $250++
Sold $30
1/- emerald Die IIB MUH Ash imprint block ("N" over "N"). Light toning with 3 stamps affected & selvedge. Fine frontal appearance. ACSC 33(3) 2d Ca…
Sold $120
1/- blue green, Die IIB Mullett imprint pair. Pulled perf at right otherwise fine MLH. ACSC 33 (3)zc Cat. $450.
Sold $90
1/- blue green, Die IIB with wmk sideways in MUH marginal block of 4. Unfortunately 3 units creased & hinge mark on front selvedge however remains …
Sold $130
2/- brown with "colour spot off WA Coast". Lightly used with some short perfs. ACSC 37(1)g Cat. $300
Sold $40
2/- brown. MLH but light even toning however superbly centred. ACSC 37A Cat. $400
Sold $120
5/- grey & pale yellow with "break in Coast of Gulf of Carpentaria" variety. Good to fine used with 1918 NSW cds. Centered high. ACSC 44(D)va Cat. …
Sold $60
5/- grey & pale yellow with "white flaw on kangaroos leg". F/U with neat rubber Adelaide h/s in mauve ACSC 44(V)k Cat $425
Sold $80
5/- grey & yellow. F/U but toned corner & centred left. Also SM & CofA wmkd examples good used but all "budget" copies. (3)
5/- grey & pale yellow. Centred high but excellent perfs & fine MUH. ACSC 44D Cat. $2000
Sold $650
10/- grey & bright aniline pink with flaw above middle of left frame. Unlisted variety. MLH with light crease & centred to left. SG 43a Cat. £500 …
Sold $260
10/- grey & deep aniline pink. Good used with heavyish Roebourne cds. Centred low right. ACSC 48B Cat. $375
10/- grey & pink MH with 60% o.g & centred slightly right. Strong colour. ACSC 48A Cat. $950
Sold $200
10/- grey & pink well centred block of 6. Telegraph punctured & cancelled Newport for DE 9 1918. Missing corner of top right stamp & other odd faul…
Sold $920
£1 chocolate & dull blue good to F/U with registered cds. Rounded corner but well centred & a low reserve SG 44 Cat. £1600
Sold $450
£1 grey F/U with part Kalgoorlie cds. Centered left with good perfs. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
Sold $200
£1 grey good to fine used with part of 2 Registered Perth cds's. Centered slightly right with good perfs. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
£1 grey. Lightly used by Perth Regd cds. 2 short perfs top right & centred left but useful at this reserve. ACSC 53A Cat. $500
£2 purple black & rose ovptd "SPECIMEN" type C. Centred slightly right, with fluffy perfs but MUH. Strong colour. ACSC 56Cxb Cat. $750
Sold $150
10/-, £1 & £2 overprinted "SPECIMEN" plus £1 grey type C also ovptd. 10/- has fluffy perfs, the £1 bicolour is pale, £1 grey has perf faults &…
Sold $300
1923/24 New colours 6d chestnut x 2 & 2/- maroon. MLH with one 6d having light gum crease & 2/- centred high but both 6d's better than average cent…
£1 grey used with registered cancel. A little heavy/smudged with short perfs at right but nice genuine usage. SG 75 Cat. £325
Sold $80
1929/30 Sm Mult wmk 6d chestnut Die IIB. MLH, CTO & an "OS" ovptd singles. Latter with pulled perfs at top. ACSC 22, 22w & 22 (OS) Cat. $260 (3)
Sold $30
6d MLH & used, 9d MLH, 1/- MLH & used, 2/- MLH & 5/- with light parcel cancel. The MLH 6d, 1/- & 2/- are well centred. SG 107/111 Cat. £300+ (7)
Sold $120
9d pale violet MLH & 9d bright purple (CofA wmk) CTO. Small thin on MLH. Both with good centering & perfs. ACSC 28A & 29D Cat. $150
Sold $20
9d violet & dull violet shades, Die IIB. Violet centered slightly right & dull violet has aged gum. ACSC 28A & 28C Cat. $250
Sold $40
9d violet, Die II substitution with "shading break west of tip of Cape York" & "breaks to inner frame under "N" & "E" of nine & under 2nd "E" of pe…
Sold $40
1/- blue-green top selvedge MUH/MLH block of 4. Trimmed perfs at base of right bottom stamp but well centered. ACSC 34B Cat. $550
Sold $100
1/- emerald Die IIB with "colour flaw on top right of "U" in "AUSTRALIA" variety. Unlisted for SM wmk in ACSC but listed for the 3rd wmk as ACSC 33…
Sold $100
2/- maroon. MLH, centred left. ACSC 39 Cat. $200
Sold $40
2/- maroon. MLH, centred right. ACSC 39 Cat. $200
2/- maroon horiz pair with "nick left frame opposite top of WA" variety. Lightly used with parcel cancel. ACSC 39(2)e Cat. $125 plus premium for pair
Sold $25
2/- maroon with "colour spot off WA Coast" variety. Good used with a couple of short perfs at top. ACSC 39(1)g Cat. $125
Sold $25
2/- maroon with "white dog leg flaw retouch - state1" variety. Good used & a few short perfs. ACSC 39(2)fb Cat. $200
Sold $20
5/- grey & yellow-orange with "white line adjacent to Coast in Bight" variety. Good used with small mark at bottom. Would benefit from a "wash". AC…
Sold $70
5/- greyish-black & yellow-orange with "white flaw at top of kangaroos left forearm" variety. Good to fine used with heavy Young Street cds. ACSC 4…
Sold $60
10/- grey & pale pink. F/U vertical pair with neat Meekatharra WA cds's. Good centering & fine perfs. ACSC 49 Cat. $1400
Sold $600
10/- & £2 & 1931/47 £1 & £2 CofA all overprinted "SPECIMEN" with 10/- type C & others type D. All MLH with odd flat perf on Small Mult 10/- & £…
Sold $400
£2 black & rose with doubly struck Telegraphs Townsville cds's. Centred to right. Good perfs & colour. Sold for $320+BP in Ace Auctions sale no. 1…
Sold $250

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