Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1884 £1 brown lilac QV with 3 crowns wmk. Good to fine used with two indistinct hooded cds central strikes. Two ironed out vertical creases but fr… $250 Sold $290 |
 1884 1½d dull lilac with wmk inverted. MLH with large part o.g. Corner crease but a scarce stamp. Well centred with fine perfs & colour. SG 188wi … $350 Archived |
 1884 2½d & 3d lilac. Both MLH & fresh. SG 189/90 Cat. £365 $100 Sold $100 |
 1887/92 QV "Jubilee" set incl both ½d & 1/- colours MUH/MLH. ½d green, 2d & 4½d MUH with both 1/- MUH but possibly regummed. The hingeing on oth… $120 Sold $150 |
 1891 £1 green QV. Fine used with central Dublin Sorting Office MR 30 93 cds. Lettered DB. Well centred with good perfs & colour. SG 212 Cat. £800 $350 Archived |
 1902 5/- deep bright carmine KEVII. Superb used with complete London MR 10 02 cds. Well centered. SG 264 Cat. £220+ $80 Archived |
 1902 10/- ultramarine good to fine used with hooded London date stamp for JA 25 06. Centred slightly right. SG265 Cat £500 $120 Archived |
 1902/13 KEVII simplified set to 1/- MLH. 2d & 5d with toned perfs, 3d & 6d creased & ½d & 1d no gum. Min cat. of 1½d, 2½d, 4d (2) & 7d to 1/- is… $75 Sold $90 |
 1912/14 1½d chestnut KGV with "PENCF" variety, mint without gum & 2½d used & 3d MLH (creased) both with reversed wmks. SG 364a, 372Wj & 375Wj Cat… $90 Archived |
 1913 £1 green Seahorse fine used. Trivial top left corner crease for accuracy. Good centering & perfs & lovely colour. SG 403 Cat. £1250 $350 Sold $510 |
 1914/19 WWI "The Evening News" British Prisoners of War Fund pictorial cinderella on "Prisoners of War" postcard with footnote printed: "Proceeds f… $100 Archived |
 1929 £1 PUC. Fresh MLH. SG 438 Cat. £750 $400 Sold $400 |
 1934 Seahorses re-engraved marginal MUH (MLH on selvedge of 2/6d) set of 3. Heavily toned gum reflected in low estimate. SG 450/52 Cat. £575+ $90 Archived |
 1936 (11th Nov) 2/6d Re-engraved Seahorse & 1937 (24th Dec) 5/- Re-engraved seahorse both tied by machine cancels for London FS Air Mail section & … $60 Sold $60 |
 1939/48 KGVI high vals set of 6 to £1. MLH with 10/- ultramarine & £1 MUH. SG 476/86 Cat. £425 as MUH $120 Sold $150 |
 1941 (25th July) Liverpool registered Airmail cover addressed to "The Eagle & Globe Steel" Perth bearing 2/6d brown, pair of 1/- & 3d deep violet. … $50 Sold $50 |
 1951 5/- & £1 Festival high vals MUH plus 1924 BEE 1d & 1½d MLH. Cat. £100+ (4) $40 Sold $45 |
 1955/58 Castles set of 4. Waterlow printing. Fine MUH SG 536/39 Cat. £225 $100 Sold $120 |
 1959/65 2d red brown QEII with wmk inverted. MUH SG 573wi Cat. £140 $75 Sold $40 |
 1959/65 3d deep lilac QEII horizontal strip of 5 with vertical perfs double with the second strike of perfs being 4mm to right of initial correctly… $120 Sold $120 |
 1959/65 9d bronze green QEII horiz pair with right hand unit showing pre-printing paper crease. Stunning. MUH SG 582var $75 Sold $120 |
 1959/68 Castles set of 4. DLR printing. Fresh MUH SG 595/98 Cat. £195 $90 Sold $90 |
 1963/64 1/3d FFH & 1/6d Lifeboat Conference pair, Cable x 2 & 6d x 2 & 1/3d all phosphors on 3 separate registered covers finely cancelled. All cov… $30 Sold $30 |
 1972 £1 Wedgewood booklet together with 8 standard size addressed FDC's (one damaged) showing panes from the booklet plus large cover with similar… $100 Archived |
 1973 4½p grey-blue Machin imperforate pair. Fine MUH SG X865a Cat. £525 $250 Sold $250 |
 1976 9p deep violet Machin imperforate pair. MUH SG X883a Cat. £325 $120 Sold $120 |
 1977 7p purple-brown Machin imperforate pair. Fresh MUH SG X875a Cat. £140 $70 Sold $35 |
 1977/87 QEII large Machin set to £5 in MUH gutter pairs. £1.30 val with bottom sheet no. selvedge. SG 1026/28 Cat. £140 $75 Sold $40 |
 1980 50p ochre-brown Machin vertical imperforate pair. SG X992a Cat. £850 $300 Sold $300 |
 1986 50p booklet (FB39) with "phosphor omitted". Incls invoice for £50 from a UK dealer at time of issue. Exc cond. Booklet pane is SG X847 lEy Ca… $50 Sold $25 |
 1988 6½p Machin on uncoated paper MUH together with invoice from UK Dealer B. Alan Ltd for £110 with item described. SG X872 Cat. £225 $100 Sold $55 |
 1988 £2 Edinburgh Castle forgery block of 4. A more grey-blue shade than the actual issued indigo blue. MUH SG 1412var. $180 Sold $180 |
 1996 (April) 1p Machin right selvedge blocks of 4 overprinted "REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND 500 SHILLIN", one block with a star obliterating the value. T… $300 Sold $300 |
 1997 Princess Diana Presentation Pack in Welsh. Exc cond & increasingly scarce. Cat. £150 $30 Sold $20 |
 1998 1st & 2nd Class Machin pair with the elusive "dagger" perforations. Issued to cater for Philatelic Bureau mail order customers only & now thou… $700 Sold $740 |
 1999 £5 brown Machin imperforate horiz pair. Fine MUH SG Y1803 Cat. £3000 $1400 Sold $1400 |
2000-2001 complete Millennium set of FDC's x13 each with set of 4 stamps & all addressed in Royal Mail pres box. Fine (13) $25 Sold $20 |
 2002 "Stamps for the Blind". This unissued trial pair in "1" red & "2" blue were produced in booklet form of 12 to aid the physically & visually di… $750 Sold $750 |
2003 "Pillar To Post" Sterling Silver Ingot & Stamp set of 5 FDC's with the ingots encapsulated in each. Retails £100 in UK $30 Sold $25 |
2004 Jordan Grand Prix F1 SES sheet with 1st Class "Cheers" greetings each with tab showing diff car. No. 143 of 950 MUH $40 Archived |
2005 RAF Red Arrows aerobatic team S/A commem sheet with 1st Class Union Jack x 10 with tabs showing aircraft in flight & formation. No. 250 of 100… $50 Sold $50 |
 2006 "Pricing in Proportion" 1st Class gold & 2nd Class blue Machin imperforate horiz trial S/A pairs. Second class is different to the issued exam… $500 Sold $500 |
 2006 1st Class gold & 2nd Class blue "Large" Machin imperforate horiz trial S/A pairs. SG 2654/55 var. $400 Sold $400 |
2006 1st Class Smilers trial booklet of 6. Totally imperforate but in issued design & values. Exc cond. Scarce. SG 2819a var. $600 Sold $600 |
2006 30th Anniv London to Washington by Concorde first flight S/A commem sheet with 1st Class Union Jack with tabs showing aircraft in flight & tak… $50 Sold $50 |
2006 Stanley Gibbons 150th Anniv S/A commem sheet with 1st Class Union Jack x 10 with tabs showing Edward Stanley Gibbons & company logo. No. 131 o… $40 Archived |
 2007 50p "The Sky at Night" imperforate horiz colour trial pair with large margins. Exc cond. SG 2711a var. $200 Sold $200 |
2008 End of WWI Anniv Royal mail commem sheet with 1st Class Poppy x 10 & various tab designs. No. 1745 of 1918. MUH $40 Sold $40 |
2015 1st Class red & 1st Class Gold Machin S/A booklets ovptd "Singapore 2015" with Exhib logo. Exc cond. (2) $40 Sold $30 |
2015 (15th Sept) Battle of Britain 75th Anniv Royal Mint & Royal Mail 50p commem coin & M/S FDC. No. 5378. Exc cond. $40 Sold $40 |