Lot No |
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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1840 1d intense black F/U by crisp black Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered JE. Evidence of double entry to "J". SG 1 Cat. £525 $150 Sold $150 |
 1840 1d intense black F/U by neat red Maltese Cross. 4 close to large margins & lettered RK. Attractive. SG 1 Cat. £525 $150 Sold $150 |
 1840 1d intense black, plate 3, on part entire with neighbouring "Glasgow JUL 21 1840" octagonal cancel in magenta. 4 close margins & lettered IG. … $250 Sold $340 |
 1840 1d black fine used by crisp black Maltese Crose pmk. Touching at base otherwise clear margins. Lettered KG. SG 2 $70 Sold $70 |
 1840 1d black used by red Maltese Cross. Close to touching margins lettered TJ. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Archived |
 1840 1d black fine used with light red Maltese Cross cancel. Close but clear even margins & lettered "CJ". SG 2 Cat. £375 $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 1d black on entire addressed to Durham with Darlington 18 JY 1840 b/s. Close to touching margined example tied by neat red Maltese Cross cance… $200 Sold $200 |
 1840 1d black Plate 5. Neat partial red Maltese Cross cancel. Large to close margins. Lettered LB. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Sold $75 |
 1840 1d black superb used by almost complete upright black Maltese Cross. Close to large margins just touching at bottom right. Lettered "GJ". SG 2… $120 Sold $120 |
 1840 1d black with 4 huge to touching margins tied by red Maltese Cross to an Exeter to Plymouth entire with "Alphington Penny Post" struck in blac… $280 Sold $280 |
 1840 1d black with indistinct cancel in black. Close to touching margins. Lettered KF. Ironed out crease. SG 2 Cat. £375 $50 Sold $50 |
 1840 1d black with light Maltese Cross cancel in red. 4 generous margins but stained. Lettered RD. SG 2 Cat. £375 $75 Sold $75 |
 1840 1d black with red Maltese Cross pmk. Lettered TD with 4 close to large margins. SG 2 Cat. £375 $80 Sold $80 |
 1840 2d deep full blue fine used with light red Maltese Cross. Huge to close margins just touching top right. Lettered "MF". SG 4 Cat. £1150 $250 Sold $250 |
 1840 2d blue good to fine used with black Maltese Cross. 3 clear margins just touching at left. Lettered "CC". SG 5 Cat. £900 $180 Sold $180 |
 1841 (Dec) & 1846 (Apr) entires to Bideford, the former with 1841 1d red brown HA-HD strip of 4 tied by black Maltese Cross, the latter with TA-TB … $50 Sold $50 |
 1841 1d red imperf used range all with black M/C strikes. Mixed margins but all appear sound. (42) $30 Sold $40 |
 1841 2d blue imperf horizontal strip of 3 lettered JB-JD & with neat barred numeral "12" obliterator on each. Cut into at base & top right corner o… $75 Sold $60 |
 1845 (9th & 17th May) 2 covers (one mourning) bearing 1841 2d blue in light & dark shades (close to touching margins) tied by BN cancels plus 1835 … $80 Archived |
 1845 (17th Nov) entire with 1841 2d blue (cut into at left & touching at top) tied indistinct BN with complete Macclesfield cds & Congleton receiva… $50 Archived |
 1845 (21st Nov) 1d orange-brown tied to entire by BN "378" with neighbouring "Horncastle". "Hull" in blue & "Beverley No 22 1845" in blue b/s's. Ad… $120 Archived |
 1856c. two cover fronts with the "E.L." logo autograph of Sir Edwin Landseer. He was an English painter well known for his paintings of animals par… $30 Sold $100 |
 1858 (22nd Mar) 1d rose red, perf 16, wmk large crown on cover tied by Brighton duplex. Some spotting. SG 36 Cat. £160 $40 Archived |
1858/79 1d red partial plate reconstruction with 128 examples from the 240. Mixed plate numbers arranged by letter position on folded lined page. S… $30 Sold $60 |
 1847/54 6d mauve embossed with huge margins. Good to F/U with Altringham undated parcel cancel. SG 58 Cat. £1000 $120 Archived |
 1847/54 6d mauve embossed. F/U by light obliterator. Cut square & touching at top & right. Fine appearance. SG 58 $120 Sold $120 |
 1847/54 6d dull lilac embossed with touching margins all sides. Mint with no gum example & minor surface blemish near chin & mark to right of "six"… $350 Sold $350 |
 1847/54 6d dull lilac embossed. Good to fine used with indistinct barred numeral obliterator. Clear margins just touching at left. Thin under hinge… $70 Sold $70 |
 1847/54 10d brown embossed with central BN "13" cancel. Cut square with clear margins but light soiling, ironed vertical crease & 2mm cut at lower … $90 Sold $90 |
 1847/54 10d brown embossed with part o.g. Three clear margins touching at top. Light surface soiling reflected in conservative reserve. SG 57 Cat. … $500 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- pale green embossed on piece. Cut square & just touching on all sides. Bold BN "131" (Edinburgh) cancel. Attractive example. SG 54 Cat.… $120 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- green embossed fine used by crisp "498" BN cancel. Large to touching margins. Lovely colour. SG 55 $150 Sold $150 |
 1847/54 1/- green embossed. Fine used by light barred numeral cancel. Tiny nick & thin at top. Two touching & two clear margins. SG 55 Cat. £1000 $90 Archived |
 1847/54 1/- deep green embossed with indistinct BN cancel. Touching at top & with part of adjacent stamp frame present at base. SG 56 Cat. £1200 $120 Sold $120 |
 1855/57 4d carmine, medium garter wmk pair on thick, glazed blued paper. Fine used with neat boxed "Glasgow 7 AU 1856 DH" below BN "159" cancel. Ev… $90 Sold $90 |
 1855/57 6d pale lilac (damaged corner) on 1858 env tied by "46" BN cancel. Addressed to "Hyde, Isle of Wight, England" with London & Hyde b/s's ind… $40 Archived |
 1855/57 1/- pale green & green QV shades. Both fine used with light BN cancels. SG 72/73 Cat. £650 (2) $90 Archived |
 1862/64 3d pale carmine rose with bottom selvedge (selvedge lettering inverted) ovpts "SPECIMEN" (type 2) with "N" inserted by hand. MLH on selvedg… $200 Archived |
 1864 (25th Jan) London to Victoria "via Marseilles" in m/s with 4d bright red (SG 79) & 6d lilac with left wing margin (SG 84) tied b y London N18 … $180 Archived |
 1867 5/- rose QV, Plate 4 on white paper. Fine used with part Gracechurch Street Registered pmk. Well centred with strong colour & excellent perfs.… $2000 Sold $2000 |
 1867/83 5/- pale rose QV, plate 2 with light"C30" BN cancel for Valparaiso, Chile. Centred to lower right. Slight surface smudging but sound perfs … $80 Sold $80 |
 1867/83 5/- pale rose QV, plate 2 with Maltese Cross wmk Fine used with barred obliterator that has neatly surrounded QV profile. An amazing strike… $200 Archived |
 1878 £1 brown-lilac QV, Plate 1, Maltese Cross wmk. Superb used with crisp upright LIVERPOOL E5 JY 14 79 cds. Lettered HF. Centred right but does … $2000 Sold $2000 |
 1868 (15th Dec) cover to Amsterdam with 3d rose Plate 5 pair beautifully cancelled by London EC 74 duplex cancels. "EE Wendt London" company cachet… $100 Archived |
 1873/80 4d grey brown with large garter wmk. Good to F/U by light BN "823". Well centered with short perf at left not detracting & reflected in low… $50 Sold $50 |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. Fine used with neat Glasgow MR 4 82 cds. Centred very slight right. Lettered DJ. Lovely colour & fresh. SG 128 Cat. £3… $1500 Sold $1500 |
 1883 6d dull green with good colour as still partially on piece. Part Leamington Spa cds. Above average. SG 194 Cat. £240+ $50 Archived |
 1883/84 2/6d lilac on blued paper. Mark at top but attractive BO'NESS cds for AU 13 84. SG 175 Cat. £1450 $50 Sold $80 |
 1883/84 2/6d lilac QV perfined "G.&.Co" with squared circle Charing Cross 1897 strike indicating too late to be "blued paper" even though it has an… $50 Archived |
 1883/84 2/6d, 5/- & 10-/ high vals all fine used on white paper. 2/6d with neat hooded London 1896 cancel, 5/- with Regent St B.O. cds of 1898 & 10… $200 Sold $200 |