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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
British Commonwealth 1970's-1980's new issues in glassines as received from a UK dealer. Odd earlier incl NZ 1969 Cook M/S & Ascension Naval Crests…
Sold $100
British Commonwealth 1980's standing order account MUH in glassines extracted from UK New Issue envs for ease of viewing but still loose in box. In…
Sold $180
British Commonwealth 1986-1992 FDC's for Ascension, Tristan Da Cunha & St. Helena. Appears complete with defin sets to £2 in Cumberland album. Use…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth Australia, Great Britain, NZ & British Africa MLH & used in "Devon" album noting Aust 1936 SA Cent & 1937/48 Robes used plus a…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth KGVI to QEII issues of Australia, Great Britain, NZ & East African Fed MUH, MLH & used all neatly laid out on pages in binder.…
Sold $60
British Commonwealth KGVI to QEII modest MLH & used clean range in Prangnell "Cardinal" album. Odd better incl North Borneo 1961 to $5, Singapore 1…
Sold $30
British Commonwealth MLH in 2 quality stockbooks with mostly defins to 1/- or equivalent. Did note though KGVI Gold Coast to 5/- (2 diff), Jamaica …
Sold $120
British Commonwealth KGVI MLH & used collection in original SG 1956 illustrated album. 1937 Coronation sets used but RSW & defins generally MLH. Mi…
Sold $10150
British Commonwealth Omnibus issues from 1958 BWI to 1967 UNESCO all MUH in Hawid strips untidily put into Chinese stockbook with typical warping, …
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Basic selection in 2 old vols, one with mainly GB used incl KGVI to £1 & the other mint with useful incl Fiji KGVI (13) to 5/…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth MUH, MLH & used on Hagners plus basic range of Indian States noting large FDC with KUT 1954 defin set of 12 to £1 & a few ear…
Sold $40
British Commonwealth Sparse range in SG "New Imperial" album to end of 1936. Best country represented is Australia with a few kangaroos to 1/- & KG…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth Range on leaves in "Admor" peg album. Mixed MLH & used with many useful incl Great Britain 1d black with red M/C & 2½ margins…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth Mixed range to c1949 plus sparse foreign sparse noting Nyassa PD triangulars MLH in a second volume. Very mixed cond throughou…
Sold $120
British Commonwealth Postmark range on leaves incl Aden on QV India, Army Post Office Bloemfontein on GB 1d lilac QV, Paquebot on Egypt King Farouk…
Sold $140
British Commonwealth MLH & used duplicated range in Kek stockbook. Pickings in S.W.Africa noting 1943/44 War Effort "bantam" units to 1/- MLH, 1945…
Sold $150
British Commonwealth Sierra Leone 1964 freeforms MLH & used & on 3 covers to England, GB on 4 Hagners with mainly 1957-1970 MUH with nothing highly…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth MLH & used range on stockcards noting early Canada QV to 15¢ in mixed cond, Cyprus 1928 pictorials to 45pi used (excl 9pi & 1…
Sold $160
British Commonwealth Used in "Movaleaf" album with strength in 1935-1950 S.E.Asia with good pickings incl Singapore $5 KGVI pl.4, 40¢ & $2 perf. 1…
Sold $150
British East Africa "East Africa & Uganda" KEVII odds incl 3R, 4r (pair) & 5R fiscally used & KGV 3R, 5R, £1 x 2 & £2 fiscally used through to "K…
Sold $520
British East Africa 1895-1977 MLH & used pickings & odds in SG "Simplex" binder. Noted Br. East Africa QV 1895 ovpts on India with 5 vals used to 1…
Sold $90
British East Africa A nicely written up collection in SG binder to show the postal progress of The East African Territories. Noted 1890 BEA "light …
Sold $2800
British Southern Africa Useful range incl CGH with 4d Triangular x2 (faults) & perfd range to 5/- used plus mint simplified sets to 1/- noting Mili…
Sold $320
British Southern Africa 1937-1969 cover collection incl a Southern Rhodesia regd cover with 1931 KGV to 1/- (9 diff vals) plus 2d & 3d Falls, 1940 …
Sold $170
British Southern Africa Collection noting South Africa 1927/30 5/- pair MLH (SG 38, cat. £300), Gold Coast 1938/43 2/-, 5/- & 10/- MLH, KUT 1904/0…
Sold $310
British Southern Africa MUH, MLH & used range incl Basutoland 1935-1953, Bechuanaland 1888-1965 & Nyasaland 1891-1953. Noted 1935 Silver Jubilee MU…
Sold $270
British West Indies 1912-1952 "S-V" countries MLH & neatly presented on leaves. All contain Silver Jubilee, Coronation, UPU & RSW omnibus sets plus…
Sold $330
Europe 1959-1994 collection of MUH in quality stockbook featuring issues of various countries with themes incl "Nature Conservation Year" & "Europe…
Sold $80
Europe 1980's-1990's booklets incl Greece Europa 1984-1996 (excl 1989, 1993 & 1994 but extras of 1984, 1986 & 1995 x 2) Total cat. is £300 plus 19…
Sold $120
Europe Ex-dealer's stock on Hagners with MUH, MLH & used sets & singles with majority from Luxembourg, Netherlands & Germany. Retail "flags" total …
Sold $100
Europe Postcards cWWI range with a mixture of greeting types & traditional incl numerous Bamforth issues featuring the words to songs plus others w…
Sold $90
Europe Postcards WWI embroidered selection of 3 cards. One "GOOD NEWS FROM FRANCE" featuring butterflies & flowers, another with "---ovenir d 'Ypre…
Sold $35
Middle East QV to QEII range of stamps & covers incl Bahrain, Muscat, Aden, Egypt, GB etc. Noted Bahrain airmail cover to Switzerland with 8a KGV &…
Sold $440
Middle East Selections in glassines & loose in Pascall sweets tin. Noted Bahrain "Concorde" M/S MUH, Muscat & Oman defins to 10R, Aden Dhows to 8a …
Sold $70
Middle East Range incl Aden States Shihr & Mukalla 1942 set used, RSW MLH, 1½ anna block of 6 with "Aden Camp" cds & 1949 UPU & 1951 surcharges to…
Sold $110
Pacific Islands MUH & CTO range in Lighthouse stockbook with Solomons 1968 commem blocks, a few Fiji KGVI & blocks of QEII low vals, single sets in…
Sold $40
Persian Gulf & Morocco Agencies QEII ovptd sets MLH range incl Bahrain, Muscat, Qatar & Tangier with sets to 10/- from each plus all Coronation & S…
Sold $65
South Africa-Provinces A neat collection written up on leaves noting CGH 1d woodblock (faults), 4d (3, cut into), 6d pale mauve (2 large margins), …
Sold $210
South Africa-Provinces group of covers & cards, incl OFS covers (3) with 2 registered (pencil numbers, no etiquettes) & all with "VRI" surcharged s…
Sold $140
South Africa-Provinces Lightly duplicated & mainly used with page of common CGH, a page of Natal with QV 5/- & KEVII £5 fiscally used & OFS ½d, 1…
Sold $120
South Africa & Homelands, SWA & Namibia 1982-1995 comprehensive MUH corner blocks & strips with majority in imprint multiples in 2 large & 2 small …
Sold $350
South Africa & Homelands, SWA & Namibia 1982-1995 FDC's & FD sheets with RSA/SWA x 93, Transkei x 49, Venda x 51, Bophuthatswana x 52, Ciskei x 48 …
Sold $50
South West Africa Commencing with page of German S.W.A. odds incl 2mk used (Cat. £49) & a range of ovpts on South Africa KGV in MLH/used singles, …
Sold $150
World "Aspects of Philately" lovingly written up noting GB 1840 1d black (3 margins with light red M/C), Mauritius 1896 CTO Inland Postcard, Tonga …
Sold $270
World 1840-1936 collection in 3 "New Ideal" printed albums with tissue interleaving. An impressive coverage of many countries with Denmark, France …
World 1840-1956 MLH & used in small album. Excellent pickings incl Argentina 1864 5¢, 10¢ used (latter on piece, Cat. £1300), Austria 1867 25k &…
Sold $1000
World 1907 illustrated Schaubek peg album. Some stamps added to 1920's but sparse overall with evidence of stamps removed. Heavy so definitely not …
Sold $30
World 1920-1950 Airmail issues mixed MLH & used in Lighthouse stockbook noting Panama 1938 Games MLH (tone spots) with other Latin America dominant…
Sold $40
World 1940's-1980's range of covers & stamps incl M/S's with pickings incl Croatia 1943 Legion M/S perf & imperf MLH, NZ 2006 Kiwipex ovpt on $1.50…
Sold $30
World 1960's-1990's covers & packs in shoebox with Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & USA noted plus some Australian incl Christmas I…
Sold $50

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