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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Box Lots | |||
Heavy suitcase lot of World & Australia colls in a variety of albums & loose in packets, envs & tins. Noting a 1929 Zeppelin cover to USA with red … $100 Sold $350 | |||
Australia & World in plastic crate with main value in Hagner binders with Aust pre-decimal used incl KGV low vals heavily duplicated, kangaroos to … $200 Sold $450 | |||
World in 10 vols of largely common issues but a great variety with useful Austria, USA & Venezuela plus ranges of British Africa & British Commonwe… $100 Sold $120 | |||
Mainly Australia with 1950-2013 lightly dupl range of FDC's incl PSE's plus odd pres pack. All in a variety of FDC albums & ring binders with cover… $150 Sold $150 | |||
Large plastic storage tub with old Michel German & Eastern Europe catalogues, unused stockcards, magnifiers, small stockbooks & long boxes of Germa… $120 Sold $340 | |||
World range containing several plastic containers of various countries used, sorted into glassines. Mainly 1980's from Canada, Great Britain, Austr… $40 Sold $50 | |||
USA duplicated used range in catalogue order in 4 large Lindner stockbooks & two smaller volumes. Nothing scarce noted but huge quantity & worth th… $90 Sold $110 | |||
Suitcase lot from deceased estate. Unsorted but noted from quick examination Aust pre-decimal FDC's, an old Butterscotch tin of early Aust & States… $75 Sold $250 | |||
Mixed lot with Australia 1980's dupl used in stockbooks with two Lighthouse empty in good cond, bags incl KGV 1½d reds appearing unchecked, old ju… $75 Sold $75 | |||
World in 14 albums & stockbooks plus an old "schoolboy" album. The 2 large stockbooks are untidy but have useful early 1970's British Commonwealth … $120 Sold $250 | |||
Ireland (370), Italy (600), South Africa (450), Rwanda (320), KUT/Tanzania (220) & Equatorial Guinea (440 + 5 M/S's) all arranged in chronological … $30 Sold $85 | |||
Starts with shoebox with hundreds of low value Australia sorted into catalogue order in envs (1000s) plus 6 small & one medium stockbooks with rang… $100 Sold $110 | |||
Accumulation of packs, cards, aerogrammes, NZ duplicated on leaves with 1997 Year pack plus other philatelic items in large box. Noted 1950's-1990'… $100 Sold $100 | |||
World & Aust on/off paper plus odd covers noting a 1922 Glasgow postcard & 1970's GB & IOM FDC's. Also Seven Seas MUH sets in packets totalling $70… $30 Sold $85 | |||
France in 4 vols & Czechoslovakia in 6 vols both with overwhelmingly common used duplicates all arranged in catalogue order. All vols are quality L… $80 Sold $145 | |||
Lighthouse medium stockbooks x 4, one smaller stockbook & pad with mounted common Aust decimals plus 3 ring files with heavily dupl mounted used fr… $70 Sold $105 | |||
Australia 1945-1990 massively duplicated used accumulation in catalogue order in 11 large Chinese stockbooks with varying degrees of warping, so pl… $50 Sold $130 | |||
World on paper appearing to be largely 1970's-1990's plus bags of Hungary, Romania, Poland & others. 2.7kgs. (1000s) $20 Sold $30 | |||
Australia duplicated used decimals to 1988 in this tub of binders, stockbooks incl a quality large empty one. Also a Renniks Aust catalogue to 2014… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Great Britain 1960's-1970's commercial registered covers, Aust 1980's unaddressed PSE/FDC oddments, old approval books, album of world, envs with o… $70 Sold $110 | |||
World lot with 9 vols from vendor's different auction purchases & Hagners of useful 1939-1960 Turkey MLH & used. Mainly middle period with nice sel… $150 Sold $210 | |||
Diverse range of covers, postcards, booklets & stamps noting a very interesting volume of Virgin Blue Airline covers (14) with most signed by pilot… $100 Sold $200 | |||
Australia accumulation of covers, aerogrammes & PSE's commercially used with a few FDI cancelled & FDC's. Noted 1970 5¢ Grasslands sheet of 50, 19… $40 Sold $85 | |||
USA PO Year Packs for 1975-1983 & 1987-1991 (14 in all) with a substantial face value, Australia 1927-1954 MUH, MLH & used in mixed cond on leaves … $120 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain "remnants" of consignment with basic QV to QEII mint & used. Patchy QV with only low value surface printed however an 1840 1d black w… $30 Sold $220 | |||
Interesting cross section of material incl 1900-1920 postcards (350+) in 2 large albums, FDC's of Australia incl 1953-1960's (14) plus 4 others, GB… $100 Sold $410 | |||
A mixed group with small stockbook of Italy pre-1920 dupl defins used (nothing scarce sighted), a few Czech, Yugoslavia, Croatia & Hungary plus Jap… $80 Sold $130 | |||
Suitcase of mainly Australia & Territories with "strength" in 1966-1980 plus 1981-1990 AP Yearbooks complete. Also Chinese stockbook of MUH Territo… $100 Sold $250 | |||
Australia used decimals in 2 stockbooks with odd WA Revenue plus more stockbooks of duplicated GB & NZ. Also Cocos aerogrammes, Hagners of early 19… $70 Sold $85 | |||
World to 1990's in box containing old Schwaneberger album to 1950's (100s) & pages of South Africa used in mixed cond with additional 2 shoeboxes o… $200 Sold $480 | |||
Main value in two small Lighthouse stockbooks with booklets of Great Britain x 39 & Netherlands x 48 plus pre-1990 GB & USA on/off paper in envelop… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Australia Territories lot with mixed FDC's, maxicards & aerogrammes both mint & FDI from Nauru, Cocos Is, Norfolk, Christmas Is, Samoa & Niue (to $… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Plastic tub of Great Britain & Channel Islands incl MUH, MLH, used & covers. Noted first Jersey set MLH (Cat. £48) & an 1840 1d black used but fau… $40 Sold $90 | |||
Seven Seas Australian Hingeless album to 1974 with used decimals, small photo albums of S.Africa & bag of Aust FDC's & other covers (mainly 1970s) … $30 Sold $60 | |||
Box of material as donated to the RSPCA consisting of albums, bags & envs of mixed mint & used. Aust decimal used duplication, PNG 1980's MUH, Fiji… $50 Sold $150 | |||
Australian "box lot" with 1987-1989 Leather yearbooks, pre-decimals used plus basic States, 1980's/90's FDC's & packs plus some more odd decimals u… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Canada 1851-2005 with mainly duplicated used in 6 stockbooks & Greece in a further 3. All are quality European Lindner & Lighthouse stockbooks whic… $80 Sold $260 | |||
World on paper from 1970's to late 1990's from a wide range of countries incl Singapore, GB, USA, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia & Thailand with many n… $40 Sold $70 | |||
Small suitcase with useful Australian MLH early decimal range incl 1971 Christmas MUH/MLH pane of 50, "Junior Album", 1950's FDCs both plain & illu… $100 Sold $120 | |||
Collectors "spring clean" lot noting approx. 100 FDC's & other covers incl Bahamas 1954 to £1 on two covers, 1953 Pitcairn Regd cover with 9 KGVI … $90 Sold $220 | |||
World off paper used in 2 tubs. Hours of entertainment in sorting with the potential of that "special" find! Weight 3kg. (1000s) $50 Sold $75 | |||
Hawid strips x 60+ unopened packs in various sizes in both clear & black (huge retail), old style manila stockcards, empty small stockbooks (8), IT… $40 Sold $120 | |||
Australian decimals good to F/U with heavy duplication incl one stockbook with strips of 5 & Bicentennial issues, lots of high val defins also F/U … $60 Sold $110 | |||
Late edition deceased lot in suitcase meaning no time to break into small lots but noted World to early QEII in "Improved" album MLH & used with we… $100 Sold $310 | |||
Australian decimal used plus general World cheap odds in bags & stockbooks. Noted Zimbabwe dupl used, Aust 1996 AFL M/S & West Coast S/A booklet, C… $40 Sold $90 | |||
FDC album of Lesotho & South African "Homelands" FDC's, boxed "New Zealand" Seven Seas binder (no pages but retails at $40), large stockbook of Jap… $50 Sold $100 | |||
Plastic tub crammed with stockbooks incl 4 with Italy 1863-1998 used with heavy duplication of cheap defins & oddments from commem sets & basic Hun… $75 Sold $190 | |||
Bulgaria (600), Mongolia (800), Umm al Qiwan (550 + 13 M/S's), Fujeira (350 + 4 M/S's), Ajman (900 + 18 M/S's), Yemen (450 + 10 M/S's) & Sharjah (3… $40 Sold $95 | |||
Collectors Spring clean out with stamps in tins, albums & envs. Usual mixed cond but odd picking incl 1972 Tonga FDC with various cancels, GB & Sou… $40 Sold $90 | |||
700+ on paper recent decimals with full cds's, shoeboxes etc with loose World, GB & Aust on paper plus more Australia off paper & GB duplicated use… $40 Sold $85 | |||
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