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Western Australia: Postcards |
 Immigration, Tourist & General information dept. of W.A."Rottnest (General View of Settlement)" green monocolour with message on back describing a… $50 Sold $85 |
 VSM Postage stamps of WA shown bordering central section for message all in colour. Unused & in good cond. $30 Archived |
 Weston "The Teamster" in colour with "Greetings from Westralia" across the front in glitter. Message on reverse but no postal markings. Worn & a sm… $30 Sold $65 |
 Unknown Publisher "After the Blow" in m/s at base of b&w photographic card. Some silver fish damage along bottom. Posted from Broome to Murrin Murr… $40 Sold $85 |
 "Albany (W.A.) from Mt. Clarence", "Kalgan River, Albany, WA", "Parade American Bluejackets, Albany, WA", "The Dog Rock, Albany, WA", "Breaksea Lig… $60 Sold $85 |
 "Church of England, Albany" b&w card printed in Germany. Message on reverse but no postal markings. Very good cond. $20 Archived |
 "Corner of the Baths, Busselton" in b&w photographic with message on undivided back. Very good cond. $50 Sold $50 |
 "Floods at Albany" in m/s above message on reverse. This b&w photographic card shows a heavily flooded & fast flowing torrent in York Street taken … $80 Sold $160 |
 "Govenor's House, Perth" in colour with back printed in green with "One Penny Stamp Here. Printed in Germany" in stamp top right corner. Fine unuse… $20 Archived |
 "Governors House, Perth" ditto but used with Kalgoorlie cds dated 30 DE 07 & addressed locally. Fine cond. $30 Archived |
 "Hay Str. Looking West, Perth". Colour card showing advertising on buildings for Singer Sewing Machines, Ezy Walkin Boots & Wallanson Contractors. … $25 Sold $35 |
 "HMS Gibraltar at Broome" in m/s on front under battleship on this b&w photographic postcard. Postally used from Broome to East Fremantle with 1d s… $60 Sold $140 |
 "I've a Home in West Australia" poem/song by Sergent Major WM Duns. No printing on reverse. Minor staining on the back but otherwise in good cond &… $30 Sold $25 |
 "Jarradale Mill" b&w Kodak photographic card. Unused with slight frontal wear but a scarce card. $30 Sold $65 |
 "King's Park, Perth" in colour with divided back in green ink. Fine unused cond. $30 Sold $25 |
 "Messrs Streeter & Co Jetty" in m/s at base of b&w photographic card showing pearl lugger B235 on foreground. Sent from Broome to East Fremantle wi… $150 Sold $180 |
 "Mt Morgans WA" b&w photographic card with 1d swan tied by crisp & complete Morgan 13 SEP 10 cds. Addressed to East Fremantle. Good cond apart from… $100 Sold $130 |
 "Post Office and Town Hall, Perth". Colour card sent Perth to Kalgoorlie in 1908. Fine cond. $20 Sold $15 |
 "Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, WA" showing four warships & jetty. Addressed to Maylands but no postal markings. Good. $30 Sold $25 |
 "Prop. Extended Mine, Murrin W.C. Hill. (owner)". Somewhat faded b&w photographic card with this title typed on front. Postally used from Murrin Mu… $70 Sold $100 |
"Public Buildings, York, W.A." b&w photographic card with divided back. No electricity or telegraph poles suggesting pre-1920. Message on back. Fin… $30 Sold $65 |
 "St George's Terrace Looking East, Perth", "Twin Screw S.S. "Zephyr" 14 knots, running on Swan River between Fremantle and Perth (Western Australia… $60 Sold $130 |
 "St George's Terrace, Looking East". Colour sent from Kalgoorlie to Bunbury with 4 MR 08 cds on 1d swan. Good cond. $25 Sold $20 |
 "The Grand Central Coffee Palace, Wellington Street W.A. Perth." in colour with "J.H. Robinson, Proprietor" down side suggesting it may have been a… $40 Sold $85 |
 "There's Gladness in Remembrance - Perth" showing The Arms of WA with black swan on gold shield. B.B. London Series G 1240. 1d swan (damaged) tied … $30 Sold $65 |
Australian Map card in colour with Great Britain map shown to scale in corner. Printed message on reverse dated May 1919 commencing "Goodbye dear A… $20 Archived |
 Broome Pearl Lugger B 198 b&w photographic card sent from Broome to Fremantle with cds's for both dated MR 5 06 & MR 19 06 respectively. Message on… $60 Sold $60 |
 Broome Pearl lugger B 58 & crew photographic card in b&w with divided back. Broome cds on 1d swan dated AP 4 08 & addressed to East Fremantle. Not … $100 Sold $170 |
 Waterfall in bush night scene colour divided card. Addressed to Post Office Murrin Murrin with 1d swan having both Fremantle & Murrin Murrin cds's … $20 Sold $20 |
Western Australia: Revenues |
 1881 £10 IR lilac ovptd pair on piece. The top stamp (2 closed tears) shows "no stop after I in IR" variety. Fiscally cancelled in m/s. Cat. $500 $50 Sold $70 |
 1881 £10 IR lilac with IR ovpt R16 with ten overlapping singles on small document piece together with 1892 £1/10/- R29. Some stamps a little tone… $200 Sold $200 |
 1890 "£500 Promissory Note" with 5/- lilac IR attached & fiscally cancelled in m/s. Fine cond. $40 Sold $65 |
 1896 1/- lilac IR pair with inverted wmk. Fine fiscally used. Cat. $100 $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 £5 R68ex with fine upper registration mark & £10 R68A (lower right corner missing) used on piece. Cat. $220 $50 Sold $50 |
 1904 £10 R68 vertical strip of five with top unit R68d (P14.5), R68d JL (Jubilee Line), R68d (P14.5), R68e (P15) & R68ey with lower registration m… $400 Sold $400 |
 1904 £25 R69 with "T" puncture on piece. Fine. Elsmore Cat. $170 $90 Sold $95 |
 1906/09 5/- deep green R78ac imperforate at right with rough uneven separation. Dzemle Cat. $600 $150 Sold $150 |
1922/23 Western Australian Insurance Company Ltd "Fire Policy" to the value of £600 with an annual premium of £1/4/- complete with duty stamps 2/… $60 Sold $60 |
 1922/30 £1 R138A & R152B with "spot after last "A" in Australia" variety (V2c) on piece fine used. Lower stamp with vertical perf damage. Cat. $100 $25 Sold $25 |
 1922/30 £1 R138A & R138B punctured "T" used on piece. Fine cond. Cat. $90 $40 Sold $40 |
1922/30 £1 R138A vertical strip of 3 with "surround broken above TA" & "thick second "N" varieties (V3c & V7c) on piece with 10/- R136 all punctur… $80 Sold $80 |
 1922/30 £1 R138B block of 6 with "scratch in water" (V5f) & "spot above P & retouched M" varieties (V3i),on piece with £1 R138B pair & 5/- R135C … $100 Sold $100 |
1923/25 £1 R152 with "spur on first N" (V7e) & R152 with "different right ornament above £1" varieties (V3a) fine used on piece. Short corner on … $30 Sold $30 |
1923/25 £1 R152A x 2 with different shades, £1 R138A & 10/- R150a all fine used on with 22 May 1925 dated fiscal cancel. Most attractive. Cat. $210 $60 Sold $60 |
 1923/25 £1 R152B & R152A on piece fine used with neat May 1926 boxed fiscal cancel. Cat. $90 $30 Sold $30 |
 1940 Egg Stabilisation Board full set of 7. Well centered & rouletted with 2d being marginal. Fine MUH. $300 Sold $330 |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
 1911 2/- booklet with WA swans. Incomplete with 2 of the 18 1d vals but all 12 of the ½d green swans with interleaving. Remains scarce even though… $3000 Archived |
 1913 4d orange kangaroo Registered Envelope. Light stain spots on reverse but frontally fine mint. ACSC RE3 Cat $200 $75 Sold $60 |
 1913 (17th Jan) 2/- kangaroo booklet complete with 1d x 18 & ½d x 12 1st wmk with 1d red being Die II. Inside covers with red on blue-green with t… $2800 Archived |
 1913 (10th Nov) 4d orange kangaroo Registered Env uprated by ½d & 1d kangaroos & addressed to Germany. Perth red regd label & stamps tied by oval … $250 Sold $250 |