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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Postcards
Immigration, Tourist & General information dept. of W.A."Rottnest (General View of Settlement)" green monocolour with message on back describing a…
Sold $85
VSM Postage stamps of WA shown bordering central section for message all in colour. Unused & in good cond.
Weston "The Teamster" in colour with "Greetings from Westralia" across the front in glitter. Message on reverse but no postal markings. Worn & a sm…
Sold $65
Unknown Publisher "After the Blow" in m/s at base of b&w photographic card. Some silver fish damage along bottom. Posted from Broome to Murrin Murr…
Sold $85
"Albany (W.A.) from Mt. Clarence", "Kalgan River, Albany, WA", "Parade American Bluejackets, Albany, WA", "The Dog Rock, Albany, WA", "Breaksea Lig…
Sold $85
"Church of England, Albany" b&w card printed in Germany. Message on reverse but no postal markings. Very good cond.
"Corner of the Baths, Busselton" in b&w photographic with message on undivided back. Very good cond.
Sold $50
"Floods at Albany" in m/s above message on reverse. This b&w photographic card shows a heavily flooded & fast flowing torrent in York Street taken …
Sold $160
"Govenor's House, Perth" in colour with back printed in green with "One Penny Stamp Here. Printed in Germany" in stamp top right corner. Fine unuse…
"Governors House, Perth" ditto but used with Kalgoorlie cds dated 30 DE 07 & addressed locally. Fine cond.
"Hay Str. Looking West, Perth". Colour card showing advertising on buildings for Singer Sewing Machines, Ezy Walkin Boots & Wallanson Contractors. …
Sold $35
"HMS Gibraltar at Broome" in m/s on front under battleship on this b&w photographic postcard. Postally used from Broome to East Fremantle with 1d s…
Sold $140
"I've a Home in West Australia" poem/song by Sergent Major WM Duns. No printing on reverse. Minor staining on the back but otherwise in good cond &…
Sold $25
"Jarradale Mill" b&w Kodak photographic card. Unused with slight frontal wear but a scarce card.
Sold $65
"King's Park, Perth" in colour with divided back in green ink. Fine unused cond.
Sold $25
"Messrs Streeter & Co Jetty" in m/s at base of b&w photographic card showing pearl lugger B235 on foreground. Sent from Broome to East Fremantle wi…
Sold $180
"Mt Morgans WA" b&w photographic card with 1d swan tied by crisp & complete Morgan 13 SEP 10 cds. Addressed to East Fremantle. Good cond apart from…
Sold $130
"Post Office and Town Hall, Perth". Colour card sent Perth to Kalgoorlie in 1908. Fine cond.
Sold $15
"Princess Royal Harbour, Albany, WA" showing four warships & jetty. Addressed to Maylands but no postal markings. Good.
Sold $25
"Prop. Extended Mine, Murrin W.C. Hill. (owner)". Somewhat faded b&w photographic card with this title typed on front. Postally used from Murrin Mu…
Sold $100
"Public Buildings, York, W.A." b&w photographic card with divided back. No electricity or telegraph poles suggesting pre-1920. Message on back. Fin…
Sold $65
"St George's Terrace Looking East, Perth", "Twin Screw S.S. "Zephyr" 14 knots, running on Swan River between Fremantle and Perth (Western Australia…
Sold $130
"St George's Terrace, Looking East". Colour sent from Kalgoorlie to Bunbury with 4 MR 08 cds on 1d swan. Good cond.
Sold $20
"The Grand Central Coffee Palace, Wellington Street W.A. Perth." in colour with "J.H. Robinson, Proprietor" down side suggesting it may have been a…
Sold $85
"There's Gladness in Remembrance - Perth" showing The Arms of WA with black swan on gold shield. B.B. London Series G 1240. 1d swan (damaged) tied …
Sold $65
Australian Map card in colour with Great Britain map shown to scale in corner. Printed message on reverse dated May 1919 commencing "Goodbye dear A…
Broome Pearl Lugger B 198 b&w photographic card sent from Broome to Fremantle with cds's for both dated MR 5 06 & MR 19 06 respectively. Message on…
Sold $60
Broome Pearl lugger B 58 & crew photographic card in b&w with divided back. Broome cds on 1d swan dated AP 4 08 & addressed to East Fremantle. Not …
Sold $170
Waterfall in bush night scene colour divided card. Addressed to Post Office Murrin Murrin with 1d swan having both Fremantle & Murrin Murrin cds's …
Sold $20
Western Australia: Revenues
1881 £10 IR lilac ovptd pair on piece. The top stamp (2 closed tears) shows "no stop after I in IR" variety. Fiscally cancelled in m/s. Cat. $500
Sold $70
1881 £10 IR lilac with IR ovpt R16 with ten overlapping singles on small document piece together with 1892 £1/10/- R29. Some stamps a little tone…
Sold $200
1890 "£500 Promissory Note" with 5/- lilac IR attached & fiscally cancelled in m/s. Fine cond.
Sold $65
1896 1/- lilac IR pair with inverted wmk. Fine fiscally used. Cat. $100
Sold $50
1904 £5 R68ex with fine upper registration mark & £10 R68A (lower right corner missing) used on piece. Cat. $220
Sold $50
1904 £10 R68 vertical strip of five with top unit R68d (P14.5), R68d JL (Jubilee Line), R68d (P14.5), R68e (P15) & R68ey with lower registration m…
Sold $400
1904 £25 R69 with "T" puncture on piece. Fine. Elsmore Cat. $170
Sold $95
1906/09 5/- deep green R78ac imperforate at right with rough uneven separation. Dzemle Cat. $600
Sold $150
1922/23 Western Australian Insurance Company Ltd "Fire Policy" to the value of £600 with an annual premium of £1/4/- complete with duty stamps 2/…
Sold $60
1922/30 £1 R138A & R152B with "spot after last "A" in Australia" variety (V2c) on piece fine used. Lower stamp with vertical perf damage. Cat. $100
Sold $25
1922/30 £1 R138A & R138B punctured "T" used on piece. Fine cond. Cat. $90
Sold $40
1922/30 £1 R138A vertical strip of 3 with "surround broken above TA" & "thick second "N" varieties (V3c & V7c) on piece with 10/- R136 all punctur…
Sold $80
1922/30 £1 R138B block of 6 with "scratch in water" (V5f) & "spot above P & retouched M" varieties (V3i),on piece with £1 R138B pair & 5/- R135C …
Sold $100
1923/25 £1 R152 with "spur on first N" (V7e) & R152 with "different right ornament above £1" varieties (V3a) fine used on piece. Short corner on …
Sold $30
1923/25 £1 R152A x 2 with different shades, £1 R138A & 10/- R150a all fine used on with 22 May 1925 dated fiscal cancel. Most attractive. Cat. $210
Sold $60
1923/25 £1 R152B & R152A on piece fine used with neat May 1926 boxed fiscal cancel. Cat. $90
Sold $30
1940 Egg Stabilisation Board full set of 7. Well centered & rouletted with 2d being marginal. Fine MUH.
Sold $330
Australia: Pre-decimal
1911 2/- booklet with WA swans. Incomplete with 2 of the 18 1d vals but all 12 of the ½d green swans with interleaving. Remains scarce even though…
1913 4d orange kangaroo Registered Envelope. Light stain spots on reverse but frontally fine mint. ACSC RE3 Cat $200
Sold $60
1913 (17th Jan) 2/- kangaroo booklet complete with 1d x 18 & ½d x 12 1st wmk with 1d red being Die II. Inside covers with red on blue-green with t…
1913 (10th Nov) 4d orange kangaroo Registered Env uprated by ½d & 1d kangaroos & addressed to Germany. Perth red regd label & stamps tied by oval …
Sold $250

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