Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Framas
1984 (22nd Feb) Barred Edge set of 7 First Day Covers postmarked each Capital City. Excellent unaddressed cond. Retail at $30
Sold $10
1985 (22nd Oct) Kangaroo set of 9 First Day Covers postmarked each Capital City. Excellent unaddressed condition.
Sold $14
1988 (28th Sept) Possum set of 9 First Day Covers postmarked each Capital City. Excellent unaddressed condition.
Sold $9
1990 (10th Nov) & 1991 (3rd Nov) 43c Koala with WA swan perfin on commem covers postmarked Swanpex '90 & '91, South Perth & Fremantle respectively.…
Sold $24
1991 (31st Dec) Koala Button set (A18) postmarked Fremantle on last day of issue. On Koala Frama AP envelope.
Sold $9
1992 (2nd Jan) Emu set of 9 First Day Covers postmarked each Capital City. Excellent unaddressed condition.
Sold $14
2003 Farewell paper. 5 button sets MUH in presentation pack & on 5 Capital City postmarked FDC's. Retails at $100+
Frama self adhesive "Miniature Sheets" issued for Philatas '89 (green & blue), Adelaide Stampex '91, Brisbane National Stamp Show '90 & '92 (Koala …
Sold $75
Stockbook containing a early designs including Cuppex overprints, some minor varieties, button sets etc. All MUH or CTO bullseye. Approx. 250
Sold $50



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