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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1937/48 Robes sets on thick & thin papers fresh MLH plus 5/- white & cream thin papers, an extra shade of 10/- thick also MLH & a 5/- thick paper A…
Sold $250
1937/48 10/- & £1 Robes ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fresh MLH. £1 appears genuine & came from a contemporary collection but no certificate obtained & sold …
Sold $300
1938 (12th Mar) Centenary of Ballarat Cobb's Mail Coach souvenir illustrated souvenir registered (Ballarat) cover with 3d Cable & KGV 5d on 4½d (l…
1938 1/- Postage Due fine used block of 30 (5x6) with right & lower selvedge with part Ash imprint. Brisbane 27 July 1945 cds's. Possibly useful fo…
Sold $60
1938 Sesquicentenary sheet of 50 cinderellas. MUH with tone spot on one stamp. Much fresher than usually seen & attractive in the sheet format.
Sold $210
1938/41 2d scarlet KGVI coil pair with join. MUH. Vendor paid $340 for this pair. Scarce with join. SG 184a Cat. £350
1940 6d spitfire War Savings Stamp in MLH Authority imprint pair. Perf. 14 with no wmk. Some light bends from storage in an old wallet. Fresh.
Sold $80
1940 6d spitfire War Savings Stamps x 17 on original "Commonwealth of Australia War Savings Stamps" PO folder. "Don't be an Onlooker-Be in the Figh…
Sold $130
WWII 1d "Duchess of Gloucester Red Cross Appeal to Aid the Sick, Wounded & Prisoners of War" perfd & gummed cinderellas in six different colours al…
Sold $190
1940 (31st May) 1/6d Hermes on Censored cover to England with Opened by Censor seal on Greenhalgh's Surgical Dressings, Clinical Thermometers, Surg…
Sold $25
1941 (10th Nov) POW censored cover Perth to Geneva addressed in French to "Comite International de la Croix Rouge" & handwritten at left "Writing i…
1941 & 1945 £1 War Savings certificates. The first certificate was issued by the Eng. Scot. & Aust Bank, Woonona & payable 12 Dec 1948, the second…
Sold $120
1941/46 1½d green KGVI pre-printed embossed postcard for the Shire of Eltham. Good mint cond. ACSC PS20 Cat. $200
1942/50 2½d scarlet KGVI left marginal imperforate pair MUH. Stolen from the Commonwealth Note Printing Branch in the 1940's. ACSC 230b Cat. $450
Sold $300
1946 2½d Peace on no watermark paper. ACSC notes that this emanates from material stolen from The Note Printing Branch during the 1940's & that pe…
Sold $95
1946 5/10d KGVI embossed deep blue food parcel label. MLH & fresh.
Sold $25
1946 BCOF ovpt on 1d QM marginal block of 4 with blue-black ovpt. Fresh MUH. SG J2a Cat. £240.
Sold $90
1946 BCOF proof ovpt in black on 3d brown KGVI tied to piece by AUST ARMY P.O. 241 cds. ACSC J3PP(2)A Cat $750
Sold $230
1946 BCOF proof ovpt in red on 3d brown KGVI tied to piece by AUST ARMY P.O. 241 cds. ACSC J3PP(2)A Cat $750
Sold $220
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper (centered left). All vals fine MUH. SG J1/7a Cat. £190
Sold $85
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper with Ceremuga certificate. Fresh MUH. SG J1/7 Cat. £190
Sold $120
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thick paper. Fresh MUH. SG J1/7 Cat. £190
Sold $120
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thin paper with 6d & 2/- marginal. All vals fresh MUH with above average centering. SG J1/7a Cat. £190
Sold $90
1946 BCOF set of 8 to 5/- thin paper incls 1d with blue-black ovpt. MUH & with good centering. SG J1-7a & J2a Cat. £250 (8)
Sold $140
1947 (8th Jan) 1½d green on 2½d red window env with Sydney slogan cancel. "B. Addison Pty Ltd Oil & General Merchants 80 Bridge Rd, The Glebe, Sy…
Sold $2000
1948 (17th Feb) 1/6d Hermes tied by Melbourne cancel to Kiwi illustrated "The Kiwi Polish Co. Pty Ltd, Richmond, Melbourne, Aust." advertising env …
Sold $35
1949 (27th April) 1½d QM tied by Adelaide "Join the RAAF" slogan on attractive "Newton, McLaren Ltd Leigh St, Adelaide - HOOVER The World's Best C…
Sold $20
1949 1/6d Hermes Plate 1 block of 4. Fresh MUH with plate number at left centre, one row below pip. ACSC 261Az Cat. $500
Sold $180
1949/50 5/- & 10/- Arms in Authority imprint blocks of 4. 5/- without left selvedge. MUH/MLH. ACSC 268/69za Cat.$150
Sold $50
1949/50 £1 Arms in Authority imprint block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH. ACSC 270za Cat. $100
Sold $50
1949/50 £2 Arms in Authority imprint block of 4. Fresh with 3 MUH, one MLH. ACSC 271za Cat. $1000
Sold $300
1949/50 Arms set of 3 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH plus extra £2 (MLH) & 10/- & £1 normal MLH. Also 1959/60 flowers MLH & another Hagner with KGVI 3½d …
Sold $80
1949/50 Arms set of 3 ovptd "SPECIMEN". 10/- & £1 MLH with £2 fine MUH. SG 224bs/ds
Sold $80
1949/50 Arms set of 3 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MLH. SG 224bs/ds
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 all MUH. 10/- centered right & one pulled perf at base of £1. SG 224a/d
Sold $60
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 all MUH. Shortish perf at top of £2. SG 224a/d
Sold $60
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 plus 5/- on thin paper all MVLH. SG 224a/d Retails $220+
Sold $90
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 in MUH Authority imprint pairs. SG 224a/d, ACSC cat. is $1775 for MUH imprint blocks of 4.
Sold $220
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2 in marginal blocks of 4. All fine MUH bar one 10/- which is MVLH. Well-centred, fresh & attractive. SG 224a/d Retail i…
Sold $450
1951 Arms 5/- on thin paper. Fresh MUH & an increasingly difficult stamp. ACSC 268a Cat. $225
Sold $80
1951 Arms 5/- on thin paper in lower left corner block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH with the latter being MVLH. ACSC 268a Cat. $700
Sold $200
1952 3/6d KGVI booklets x 2 plus 3/6d QEII with wax interleaving, Exc cond. SG SB 30 & SB31a Cat.£65 (3)
Sold $30
1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind) variety in fine used strip of three. Ace S…
Sold $1400
1954/57 early "Maxicards" for 3½d swan on Nucolorvue "Black swan" postcard, 5½d emu on period colour card, 6d kookaburra & 1/- lyrebird on a Litt…
Sold $50
1956 Melbourne Olympiad Rajko illustrated postcards showing Native throwing spear x 6 each with ½d kangaroo tied by a diff pictorial Olympic cds i…
Sold $30
1957/59 4/- booklet with 4d claret QEII. Wax interleaving. Exc cond. ACSC B60v Retails $100+
Sold $40
1959 5d QEII Letter Card ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fine cond. ACSC LC 84w Cat. $125
1959 5d QEII PO wrapper ovptd "SPECIMEN". Fine cond with exc gum. ACSC W29w Cat. $100
1960 5/- QEII booklet. Edition 2/1960. Exc cond. Pfeffer B62B Cat. $100
Sold $25
1960/62 5/- booklet with 5d blue QEII. Wax interleaving. Edition 1/1960. Exc cond. ACSC B62Aev Retails $100+
Sold $40


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