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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1888 4d chestnut swan, perf. 14, wmk Crown with SPECIMEN h/s in black. MLH SG 105s
Sold $150
1889 3d brown QV registered envelope with imprint on flap tied by concentric ring (Specimen) cancel. Exc cond.
Sold $30
1893 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express pair. Mint without gum.
Sold $65
1893 6d, 2/- & 5/- Coolgardie Cycle Express bicolours. 6d creased lower right corner & no gum, 2/- vertical mark towards top left also without gum …
Sold $95
1895 1/- & 2/6d blue Coolgardie Cycle Express, perf 12. Mint with full gum but some toning & creasing. Remain presentable. (2)
Sold $50
1895 3d cinnamon ovptd "Halfpenny" in irregular marginal block of 16. One stamp with short perfs but 11 fresh MUH. SG 110a Cat. £160 + premium for…
Sold $70
1895 3d cinnamon & 3d red brown with "Halfpenny" surcharge in red & green. MLH but with large hinge remainders. SG 111a/b
Sold $60
1895-1921 OHMS long covers returned unclaimed to (1895) "Land Titles Office" (registered, unfranked), (1901) "Land Titles Department" bearing viole…
Sold $60
1896 (23rd March) cover to Rotterdam bearing ½d green (damaged) & 2d grey tied by "COOLGARDIE MR 23 1896" duplex & backstamped ROTTERDAM 26 APR 96…
Sold $36
1896 (23rd Dec) Electric Telegraph receival form completed at Guildford & transmitted from Fremantle. Light Telegraph Office Guildford (ORS 2- rari…
Sold $320
1897 (17th Sept) promissory note for £9/10/- with violet rubber handstamp of "THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN BANK NORTHAM", "payable at WA Bank Northam" i…
Sold $50
1897 (7th Oct) Coolgardie duplex Dx Po-G in NIL (1) clear strike tying 2½d swan to Hartlepool addressed cover. Ship Mail Room Perth 3b in NIL (1) …
Sold $95
1898 (2nd Apr) Land Titles Office Frank Stamps on 2 covers with various other cachets incl DLO, "UNCLAIMED", "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER" plus Fre…
1899 2d yellow swan with "Medical" ovpt & Crown Registered cancel. A couple of small perf faults. Unusual combination.
Sold $30
1899 (14th Oct) Northam duplex DxPO in NIL (1) cancels tying pair of 2d swans to Sussex addressed cover. Two partial b/s's, one for Bognor. Scarce …
Sold $30
1900 (24th Feb) Ship Mail Room Perth GPO duplex cancelled 1d swans x 2 & ½d green swans on env addressed to Albert Gregory, Mineralogist, Kelso Pl…
Sold $25
1901 (4th Aug) Port Hedland 3b in 1 (2) on 1d pair of swans on Cossack addressed cover with Cossack 3b in NIL (1-2) receiver. Apart from torn flap,…
Sold $50
1902 (13th March) incoming registered Boer War parcel card bearing GB QV 6d & 1/- bicolour tried by "FIELD POST OFFICE BRITISH ARMY S.AFRICA" cds p…
Sold $750
1902 £1 orange-brown QV. F/U with crisp light 1905 Coolgardie cancel. Pulled corner perf fault lower right. SG 128 Cat. £180
Sold $85
1902 1½d blue on green stock Reply Postcard (RPC2) with Specimen UPU concentric ring cancel. Photo corner marks otherwise fine.
1902 1½d blue postcard (RPC2) with return part still intact. Sent from Perth to England with Perth roller cancel dated 22 OCT 12 5PM. Staining on …
Sold $90
1902 2/- bright red on yellow QV, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. F/U with part Perth 1904 cds. Odd short perf. SG 134 Cat. £180
Sold $60
1902 2/- bright red on yellow QV, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. MLH & fresh. SG 134 Cat. £275
Sold $120
1902/12 2/6d deep blue on rose & 5/- emerald-green. Both MLH with lovely fresh appearance. SG 125/26 Cat. £135
Sold $50
1903 1d carmine perf. 11 & perf 12½ examples plus 1903 2d yellow line perf. 11 x 2 & 1905/06 1d rose red perf. 11 x 2. All used. ACSC Cat. $260 (6)
Sold $40
1903 2d yellow swan, perf. 11, with upright wmk. Superb used with Mt Leonora FE 15 05 cds. A few nibbled perfs upper right. ACS states "A very scar…
1903 4d chestnut swan, perf. 11 with V crown wmk sideways. Attractively fine used with neat Coolgardie 1906 cds. A couple short perfs top right. AC…
Sold $150
1903 9d yellow-orange swan, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. MLH with fresh colour & good centering.SG 133 Cat. £170
Sold $90
1903 (14th Nov) Whim Creek cancelled 2d orange-yellow QV PSE plus a 1907 (25th May) Northampton cds on same but in orange. Both addressed to Perth …
Sold $100
1904 (11th Feb) 2d yellow tied by dumb obliterator on commercial cover with full Karridale cds addressed to Hobart. Perth transit mark of 12 Feb pl…
Sold $30
1904 (17th May) Karridale 3b (2) cds with neighbouring stamp cancelled by dumb obliterator DO-13 (1). Cover addressed to Hobart with SMR Perth cds …
1904 (17th Sept) Mornington 3b (2) crisp cds tying 2d swan to Hobart addressed cover. Additional strike beside. Hobart b/s. Torn back flap.
Sold $30
1904 (5th Nov) 1d swan pair on cover tied by Wyndham 6 in 1 cds's in green ink with worn inner frame. (1) Addressed to Berlin with Bestelit b/s. Sm…
1904 (28th Dec) Two full strikes of Worsley 3b in 1 (1-2) on cover, one tying 2d yellow swan to Hobart addressed cover. Launceston & Hobart b/s's. …
Sold $50
1904 (29th Dec) "Cataract Gorge, Launceston" b&w postcard from Adelaide to Northam with bold & complete Northam duplex PxPO in 6 (1-2) arrival stri…
Sold $25
1905 (13th Feb) Leo Quick unsigned illustrated envelope with navel cruiser in pen & ink addressed to his mother, "AC Quick, Guernsey, Channel Islan…
Sold $120
1905 (10th Mar) 1d swan with "Medical" overprint used to uprate 1d Post Card with complete Wyndham 3b in 1 cds. This is the first entire to be reco…
Sold $850
1905 (14th Aug) Two Woodanilling 3b strikes (1-2) on cover with 2d yellow swan addressed to NZ with Perth & Invercargill & Lawrence (NZ) b/s's. Rep…
Sold $40
1905 (26th Dec) "Fire Brigade Station, Melbourne" Victorian colour postcard with 1d red swan tied by two Brisbane Street Perth 3b in 2 (2) cds's. A…
1905 (28th Dec) Leo Quick unsigned illustrated envelope in pen & ink depicting 2 sailors & addressed to his mother in Guernsey. Cover franked by pa…
1905/10 Leo Quick unsigned pen & ink illustrated envelopes x 4. 2 cover fronts & 2 fire damage envelopes with various postmarks from Subiaco, Perth…
Sold $60
1905/12 1d rose pink swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11 marginal block of 6. Reinforced with hinges leaving one MUH, others MLH. SG 151 Cat £280+
1905/12 4d brown swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Fine used by neat Perth 25 OC 06 cds. A few shortish perfs but perhaps only 20-3…
Sold $140
1906 1d rose swan, line perf. 11, 1908/09 with wmk sideways to left, 1909 Cr/A sideways & upright, line perf 11 & 1906 2d yellow wmk Cr/A sideways …
Sold $40
1906 (8th Aug) "A Sussex Lane" b&w English postcard with Yarloop 3b in 2 (1-2) cds plus neighbouring strike on 2d yellow swan addressed to Leedervi…
Sold $20
1906 Leo Quick coloured illustrated cover prepared to be posted to "Toombs, SS Moira, A.U.S.N. Coy, Fremantle, WA". Shows ships captain at table to…
1907 1/- green swan, wmk WcrownA inverted. Lightly used with indistinct oval cancel. SG 116w Cat. £160
Sold $40
1907 5/- pale emerald green Die I & emerald green Die II. Both Mint hinged with fresh appearance. Small mark on first at bottom right but barely no…
Sold $120
1907 (9th July) PMG Dept. of WA Telegram transmission form E.T. No.1 with "Surveyor General's Office Perth WA" dated 3 ring rubber stamp for transm…
Sold $120
1907 (28th Dec) Williams 3b (2) strikes tying 1d red swan to Greetings (basket of roses) colour postcard addressed to Brown Hill. Very good cond.
Sold $30

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