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Auction No. 19   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1918-20 Large Mult Perf 14 ½d green complete sheet of 120 folded through gutter. Staining in selvedge & one stamp (tone spot). CA monograms of ele…
1918-20 Large Mult Perf 14 1½d black brown Harrison imprint block of 8. MLH from reinforcing at base. ACSC 84z Cat.$300
Sold $170
1918-23 Single wmk ½d (2 colours), 1d (3), 1½d (3), 2d (3), 3d, 4d (3), 4½d, 1/4d. All MLH but majority with minor faults such as light gum toni…
Sold $40
1918-23 Single wmk 1d red, 1d purple, 1½d carmine, 1½d black brown, 2d orange, 2d red brown, 4d ultramarine, violet & orange & 4½d dull violet M…
Sold $50
1918-23 Single wmk 1½d red-brown left pane of 60 with selvedge missing from 4 of top row stamps. From electro 12 showing "white flaw on base of ne…
Sold $800
1918-23 Single wmk 1d green with pre-printing paper crease resulting in vertical line through back of head. F/U.
Sold $30
1918-23 Single wmk 1½d scarlet block of 4 showing "halepence" & thin "RA" varieties. MUH. SG 77b/c, ACSC 89A (22) i & j Cat. $150
Sold $20
1924 No wmk 1d green right pane block of 12. Small mark on perfs at lower left selvedge & slight creasing top right unit with a couple of diagonal …
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1d green in top marginal pair with "secret mark" variety. Perf separation in selvedge but fresh MUH/MLH. ACSC 81(4)d …
Sold $60
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1d green block of 6 with "thin ONE PENNY retouched" & "NY joined" varieties. Also an unlisted flaw on back of Kings h…
Sold $30
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1d green Die II block of 4. Excellent centring & fresh MUH. ACSC 81(1)i Cat. $400
Sold $150
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1d green Die I/II bottom marginal pair. Fresh MUH. ACSC 81(1)ia Cat. $150
Sold $50
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1½d scarlet Ash imprint (N over N) block of 8 MUH/MLH. ACSC 92 (2)zc Cat. $100
Sold $75
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1½d scarlet Ash imprint (N over N) MUH/MLH block of 12. ACSC 92(3)zc Cat. $80+
Sold $75
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 1½d scarlet Mullett imprint "N over N" & "N over A" MLH strips of 4. ACSC 92 (1)za/zb Cat. $55
Sold $20
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 2d scarlet booklet pane of 6 with inverted wmk. MUH & superbly centred. ACSC 102a Cat.$120+
Sold $80
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d dull ultramarine Die 1A/1B se-tenant pair. Good to fine used with 2 part cds's. ACSC 106c Cat. $110
Sold $30
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 3d ultramarine Die II Ash imprint block folded down gutter & one unit with small thin. 2 stamps MUH. ACSC 108cz Cat. …
Sold $30
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 4d olive Ash imprint pair (N over A). Good centering & MVLH. ACSC 116(3)z MVLH. Cat. $200 for block
1926-30 SM wmk Perf 13½x12½ 4d olive marginal vert pair showing "kangaroo's tongue out" variety in pair with normal. Well centred MUH ACSC 116A C…
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1d green Ash imprint (N over N) block of 8 with "ferns", "RA joined retouched" & "kangaroo's tongue out" varieties. Those i…
Sold $90
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1d green Mullett two line imprint strip of 4 with "RA joined retouched" variety. Light fold down gutter. Fine MLH. ACSC 80 …
Sold $50
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1d green with inverted wmk bottom marginal MUH/MLH block of 4. Tone spots affects bottom 2 stamps. ACSC 80a Also a corner b…
Sold $50
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1½d scarlet Ash two line imprint (N over N) block of 12. Small gutter thin & lightly folded down gutter. Centred to left. …
Sold $75
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1½d scarlet Ash two line imprint (N over N) block with perf separation at bottom & reinforcing at top. MLH ACSC 91 (2)zh p…
Sold $25
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1½d scarlet John Ash two line imprint (N over N) strip of 4 with "ST of POSTAGE joined" variety. MLH with light fold down …
Sold $20
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1½d scarlet set of Plate blocks Nos 1 to 4 incl the rare 1a. Mint without gum. ACSC 91 (1-4 inc 1a)z Cat. $1270 (5 blocks)
Sold $250
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 2d red-brown right marginal block of 4. Centred to right but MUH plus 1½d red Ash imprint gutter block MLH. ACSC 91B(3)2c …
Sold $90
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 2d red brown Mullett imprint block of 4. Mint without gum. ACSC 98z Cat.$400
Sold $50
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 3d ultramarine Die I. MLH, centered right. ACSC 106A Cat. $50
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 4d olive. MVLH, centred to left. ACSC 115 Cat. $125
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1/4d pale greenish blue. Centred slightly low right. Fresh MLH. SG 93 Cat. £120
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1/4d pale greenish blue. Centred to lower left. MVLH. SG 93 Cat. £120
Sold $40
1926-30 SM wmk Perf. 14 1/4d pale greenish blue. Well-centred MLH. SG 93 Cat. £120
Sold $80
1931-36 CofA 1d green in Ash imprint gutter block of 4 perfined WA. Fresh MUH. Rarely seen.
Sold $80
1931-36 CofA 1½d red brown Ash imprint block of 4 (N over EA) MUH/MLH. Folded down gutter. Fresh. ACSC 94zd Cat. $60
Sold $75
1931-36 CofA 2d, 3d & 4d Ash imprint gutter blocks MLH in gutter only plus 2d block of 6 MUH. ACSC 103/z Cat. $60, 109za Cat. $325 & 117z Cat. $325…
Sold $150
1931-36 CofA 3d blue, Die II. MUH, centred slightly left. ACSC 109 Cat. $75
Sold $25
1931-36 CofA 3d blue bottom left corner pair. MVLH & centred to left. ACSC 109 Cat. $70
1931-36 CofA 5d chestnut Ash imprint (N over N) block of 4. Fresh MUH/MLH with good centering. ACSC 127(2)z Cat. $125
Sold $40
1931-36 CofA 1/4d turquoise. MUH & well centred but light tone spot in left value tablet. SG 131
Sold $40
Miscellaneous: Officials
Officials collection on kangaroos perfined large & small "OS" sorted by wmk. First wmk "large" to 1/- (excl 2½d) used, except 1d & 2d MLH with "sm…
Sold $300
1907/08 Western Australia "OS" perfined swan group comprising 1d Cr/A upright, 3d brown x 2, 4d light brown & 9d orange-yellow wmk sideways, all pe…
Sold $70
1913 2d grey kangaroo, 1st wmk, perfined large "OS". Fresh MUH with good centering. SGO3 Cat. £50 + premium for MUH
Sold $65
1913 4d orange kangaroo, 1st wmk, perfined large "OS". Well-centred, but fluffy perfs & light horiz gum bend. Fresh MUH. SG O6 Cat. £250 + premium…
Sold $100
1913 5d chestnut kangaroo, 1st wmk, perfined large "OS". MLH, centred slightly left. SG O7 Cat. £225
Sold $110
1913 6d ultramarine kangaroo, 1st wmk perf "OS". Light diagonal bend towards base otherwise fresh MVLH. SG O8 Cat. £200
1913 1/- kangaroo, 1st wmk perfined small "OS" marginal single. Light even gum toning but MUH. SG O25 Cat. £275 + premium for MUH
Sold $180
1913 2/- brown kangaroo, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". MLH, centred high & shortish perf at top right corner. Conservative reserve. SG O11 Cat. £550
Sold $100
1915 2/- brown kangaroo, 2nd wmk perfined small "OS". MLH, centred a little to top & one or two nibbled perfs at top. A useful stamp at this reserv…
Sold $240

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