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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World | |||
Great Britain QV to 1953 untidy range in springback. However much of value noting 1840 1d black (4 margins, black M/C), another with red M/C (3 mar… $200 Sold $210 | |||
Great Britain QV to 2002 MUH/MLH range from 3 low val QV to early 2000's. Some duplication especially in the late 1960's & pre-QEII with some tonin… $40 Sold $80 | |||
Great Britain QV used selection. Mainly 1880/85 issues in better than average cond incl 1870 ½d (4), 1880/81 5d indigo (2), 1873/80 2½d blue (4) … $30 Sold $40 | |||
Great Britain QV-QEII patchy used lot on black leaves in binder. Noted 1887 to 1/-, KEVII to 5/- & KGVI 10/- dark blue. Mixed cond. (100s) $30 Sold $30 | |||
Great Britain KEVII/VIII & KGV bundleware with ½d to 2½d vals. Bundled years ago with 150 bundles of 100. One for the real stampaholic with plent… $180 Sold $250 | |||
Great Britain KGV postal stationery collection on leaves comprising 3 unused official GPO items (1d pre-stamped P/C, 1925 1½d B.E.E. letter card, … $40 Sold $20 | |||
Great Britain KGVI-QEII accumulation of commercially used covers & aerogrammes with majority addressed to Germany & Australia. Incls one QV 1d red … $20 Sold $20 | |||
Great Britain QEII accumulation in gutter blocks & sheets incl IOM MUH & covers. More general used in approval books. The value is in GB MUH. (100s) $30 Sold $100 | |||
Great Britain QEII decimal used accumulation sorted in two "as new" 64 page Prinz stockbooks. One volume of Machins to £5, the other with commems … $90 Archived | |||
Great Britain Machin booklets sorted by face value into glassines in tin. Appear all different with face vals from 10p to £2.55 (Christmas) & incl… $150 Sold $180 | |||
Great Britain Officials. MUH/MLH group of ovpts comprising "ARMY OFFICIAL" on both QV ½d, 1d lilac (2), 2½d, 6d & KEVII 6d. "ADMIRALTY OFFICIAL" … $250 Sold $200 | |||
Great Britain Revenue. Starting with 1769 "GR" cypher embossed with lead strip & Royal Coat of Arms & "GR" cypher paper label in blue on reverse, a… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Great Britain-Alderney 1983-2001 (Apr) fine used or CTO complete on album leaves & 4 Hagners. Comprises 208 stamps & 9 M/S's. Total SG cat. £320 $120 Sold $95 | |||
Great Britain-Alderney 1983-2001 (Oct) MUH complete on album leaves with mounts plus Hagners in springback binder. SG Cat. £330 (238 + 9 M/S's) $150 Sold $100 | |||
Great Britain-Alderney 2000-2003 Pres packs complete incl M/S's. All in exc cond with attractive thematics. Cat. £115 $70 Sold $55 | |||
Great Britain-Guernsey 1941-1990 MUH, MLH & used incl M/S's & booklet panes with most issues in both MLH & used or CTO. 1969/70 set incls 10/-, £1… $50 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Guernsey 1969-1985 (Feb) complete fine used or CTO incl all postage dues housed in SG multi-ring album. SG Cat. £580 (702 stamps, 25… $200 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Guernsey 1969-2005 (Feb) complete MUH in SG hingeless album. Incls 761 stamps, 27 M/S's, 2 booklets, 13 strips ex booklets plus 41 bo… $260 Sold $260 | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1970-1991 MLH & CTO with most issues present both MLH & CTO incl vals to £5, M/S's, booklet panes & some PD's. Overall c… $50 Sold $50 | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1973-1997 (Nov) complete fine used or CTO in SG Isle of Man album. Incls all Postage Dues. SG cat. £840 (922 stamps, 33 … $200 Sold $160 | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1973-1997 (Nov) complete MUH in SG multi-ring album. Incl all Postage dues. Cat. £1130 (906 stamps, 35 M/S, 39 booklet p… $300 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1997 (Nov)-2000 (Nov) fine used or CTO near complete. SG cat. £200 (156 + 10 M/S's) $70 Sold $55 | |||
Great Britain-Isle of Man 1998 (Feb) -2000 (Nov) complete MUH on 11 Hagners. SG Cat. £240 (165 stamps, 13 M/S's) $90 Sold $70 | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1958-1987 MLH, CTO & used on leaves. Close to complete & majority with both MLH & used incl M/S's, booklet panes & defins to Â… $50 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1958-2000 (Dec) complete fine used or CTO incl PD's. SG cat. £1000+ (1080 stamps, 28 M/S's & £10 stamp on FDC) $300 Sold $300 | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1969-1996 (Dec) complete MUH in SG hingeless album. Incls booklet panes & sheetlets. Comprises 884 stamps, 14 M/S's, 70 bookle… $350 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Jersey 1997-2000 (Dec) complete MUH on 13 Hagners. Incls S/A's & the USA World Stamp Expo & HK ovptd M/S's. Totals 213 stamps, 14 M/S… $100 Sold $80 | |||
Great Britain-Lundy Collection on privately printed leaves incl 1929/30 defins perf. 11¾ with similar designs imperf, 1938 Air stamp ovptd "Lundy … $150 Sold $150 | |||
Great Britain-Channel Islands & Isle of Man Used accumulation plus a few basic MUH in quality black leaved stockbook. Pickings in used incl Alderne… $75 Archived | |||
Great Britain-Channel Is 1940-1979 in SG printed album with Guernsey & Jersey. The occupation issues with shades & two Guernsey 1941 covers ("O" sh… $50 Sold $50 | |||
India 1855-1957 used range on leaves with basic QV incl a few large "Service" ovpts & fiscals. Later KEVII to 2R incl "OHMS" used, KGV to 10R (toni… $120 Sold $120 | |||
India QV to KGVI revenues incl 20R KGV "special adhesive" (6), various "Court Fee" & "Foreign Bill" general revenues showing a range of punctures, … $50 Sold $120 | |||
India QV to 2006 MLH/used accumulation on Hagners & in stockbook. Very mixed quality but does incl Hagner of low val KGV/VI mint, a 1949-1980 MUH/M… $60 Sold $85 | |||
India 1930's early Court documents with a range of "Court Fees" revenues & cachets incl Midnapore Treasury, Treasury, Ghatal & Munsif's 3rd Court".… $50 Sold $50 | |||
India & States on 56 Hagners in quality binder with slipcase. Much is common & in mixed cond but does incl KGVI 1R-10R "SERVICE" MLH, 1948 Jaipur S… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Indian States Range of Revenues on piece fiscally cancelled. Incls Gwalior, Sorohi, Jodhpur, Indor & Mewar Udaipur State Court Fee in diff colours.… $100 Sold $120 | |||
Iran 1881-1979 MLH (mainly) & used on printed leaves. Many MLH pickings in 1948-1967 period incl 1948/49 Tomb Fund, ditto 1954, 1950 Islamic Confer… $75 Sold $75 | |||
Ireland 1922-1997 Retired dealers stock on Hagners identified by SG numbers. Noted Defins to £2 Birds & useful PD's. Majority used but some MUH/ML… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Israel 1948-1973 on Scott leaves. No "Tabs" until 1955 "Tribes" but still useful MLH incl 1952 1000pr (Cat. £28 without tab). Separate "Tab" secti… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Italy 1855/63 Sardinia 10¢ bistre olive (2 used), 1863 10¢ yellow PD, mint with part gum (Cat. £275) & used (Cat. £110) plus brown-orange MLH (… $200 Sold $200 | |||
Italy 1862-1961 MLH & used duplicated on leaves. Items cat. above £10 are flagged & cond is mainly sound. Arrangement is defins, followed by comme… $100 Sold $180 | |||
Italy 1887-1982 used on leaves with general issues plus 1930-1932 Airs & a few Express Dues. Noted 1875 Officials, various parcel singles, Hotel Ta… $60 Sold $65 | |||
Japan 1883-1987 collection in Minkus album mainly MLH to 1974 plus c350 MUH 1974-1987 on Hagners with mainly letter rate commems & a few defins. No… $180 Sold $250 | |||
Japan Remnants of collections on leaves, Hagners, on piece, etc consolidated into 3 ring binder with display book. Nothing scarce but a good range … $40 Sold $40 | |||
Kenya 1974-1990 MUH commem sets on Hagners with some EAF x 2. Over 60 different MUH sets plus 11 M/S's. $60 Sold $60 | |||
Kiribati 1979-1998 MUH with some additional early sheetlets. Highly thematic incl later WWII commems. STC Cat. £600 $120 Sold $150 | |||
KUT 1895-1952 MLH & used on Hagners noting 1895 small QV to 8a plus 2R & 4R used & 5 mint vals to 7½a. Incls 1895 lower case "British East Africa"… $280 Sold $370 | |||
KUT & Kenya 1954-1981 arranged on Hagners noting 1954/59 to 5/- MUH/MLH (odd dupl to 1/30d) & 1960/62 to 20/- MUH plus extras to 1/- & used to 5/-.… $90 Sold $90 | |||
Lebanon 1924-1978 used in Senator album. A neat & clean lot with small range of ovpts on France but more comprehensive from 1926 surcharges incl 19… $60 Sold $120 | |||
Lithuania 1990's FDC's (all unaddressed) plus commercial covers, some illustrated &/or with pictorial cachets. An unusual lot & worth a good look. … $30 Sold $30 | |||
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