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Lot No Description Est.
Western Australia: Stamps & Postal History
1897 (17th Sept) promissory note for £9/10/- with violet rubber handstamp of "THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN BANK NORTHAM", "payable at WA Bank Northam" i…
Sold $50
1897 (7th Oct) Coolgardie duplex Dx Po-G in NIL (1) clear strike tying 2½d swan to Hartlepool addressed cover. Ship Mail Room Perth 3b in NIL (1) …
Sold $95
1898 (2nd Apr) Land Titles Office Frank Stamps on 2 covers with various other cachets incl DLO, "UNCLAIMED", "NOT KNOWN BY LETTER CARRIER" plus Fre…
1899 2d yellow swan with "Medical" ovpt & Crown Registered cancel. A couple of small perf faults. Unusual combination.
Sold $30
1899 (14th Oct) Northam duplex DxPO in NIL (1) cancels tying pair of 2d swans to Sussex addressed cover. Two partial b/s's, one for Bognor. Scarce …
Sold $30
1900 (24th Feb) Ship Mail Room Perth GPO duplex cancelled 1d swans x 2 & ½d green swans on env addressed to Albert Gregory, Mineralogist, Kelso Pl…
Sold $25
1901 (4th Aug) Port Hedland 3b in 1 (2) on 1d pair of swans on Cossack addressed cover with Cossack 3b in NIL (1-2) receiver. Apart from torn flap,…
Sold $50
1902 (13th March) incoming registered Boer War parcel card bearing GB QV 6d & 1/- bicolour tried by "FIELD POST OFFICE BRITISH ARMY S.AFRICA" cds p…
Sold $750
1902 £1 orange-brown QV. F/U with crisp light 1905 Coolgardie cancel. Pulled corner perf fault lower right. SG 128 Cat. £180
Sold $85
1902 1½d blue on green stock Reply Postcard (RPC2) with Specimen UPU concentric ring cancel. Photo corner marks otherwise fine.
1902 1½d blue postcard (RPC2) with return part still intact. Sent from Perth to England with Perth roller cancel dated 22 OCT 12 5PM. Staining on …
Sold $90
1902 2/- bright red on yellow QV, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. F/U with part Perth 1904 cds. Odd short perf. SG 134 Cat. £180
Sold $60
1902 2/- bright red on yellow QV, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. MLH & fresh. SG 134 Cat. £275
Sold $120
1902/12 2/6d deep blue on rose & 5/- emerald-green. Both MLH with lovely fresh appearance. SG 125/26 Cat. £135
Sold $50
1903 1d carmine perf. 11 & perf 12½ examples plus 1903 2d yellow line perf. 11 x 2 & 1905/06 1d rose red perf. 11 x 2. All used. ACSC Cat. $260 (6)
Sold $40
1903 2d yellow swan, perf. 11, with upright wmk. Superb used with Mt Leonora FE 15 05 cds. A few nibbled perfs upper right. ACS states "A very scar…
1903 4d chestnut swan, perf. 11 with V crown wmk sideways. Attractively fine used with neat Coolgardie 1906 cds. A couple short perfs top right. AC…
Sold $150
1903 9d yellow-orange swan, perf. 11 with V crown wmk. MLH with fresh colour & good centering.SG 133 Cat. £170
Sold $90
1903 (14th Nov) Whim Creek cancelled 2d orange-yellow QV PSE plus a 1907 (25th May) Northampton cds on same but in orange. Both addressed to Perth …
Sold $100
1904 (11th Feb) 2d yellow tied by dumb obliterator on commercial cover with full Karridale cds addressed to Hobart. Perth transit mark of 12 Feb pl…
Sold $30
1904 (17th May) Karridale 3b (2) cds with neighbouring stamp cancelled by dumb obliterator DO-13 (1). Cover addressed to Hobart with SMR Perth cds …
1904 (17th Sept) Mornington 3b (2) crisp cds tying 2d swan to Hobart addressed cover. Additional strike beside. Hobart b/s. Torn back flap.
Sold $30
1904 (5th Nov) 1d swan pair on cover tied by Wyndham 6 in 1 cds's in green ink with worn inner frame. (1) Addressed to Berlin with Bestelit b/s. Sm…
1904 (28th Dec) Two full strikes of Worsley 3b in 1 (1-2) on cover, one tying 2d yellow swan to Hobart addressed cover. Launceston & Hobart b/s's. …
Sold $50
1904 (29th Dec) "Cataract Gorge, Launceston" b&w postcard from Adelaide to Northam with bold & complete Northam duplex PxPO in 6 (1-2) arrival stri…
Sold $25
1905 (13th Feb) Leo Quick unsigned illustrated envelope with navel cruiser in pen & ink addressed to his mother, "AC Quick, Guernsey, Channel Islan…
Sold $120
1905 (10th Mar) 1d swan with "Medical" overprint used to uprate 1d Post Card with complete Wyndham 3b in 1 cds. This is the first entire to be reco…
Sold $850
1905 (14th Aug) Two Woodanilling 3b strikes (1-2) on cover with 2d yellow swan addressed to NZ with Perth & Invercargill & Lawrence (NZ) b/s's. Rep…
Sold $40
1905 (26th Dec) "Fire Brigade Station, Melbourne" Victorian colour postcard with 1d red swan tied by two Brisbane Street Perth 3b in 2 (2) cds's. A…
1905 (28th Dec) Leo Quick unsigned illustrated envelope in pen & ink depicting 2 sailors & addressed to his mother in Guernsey. Cover franked by pa…
1905/10 Leo Quick unsigned pen & ink illustrated envelopes x 4. 2 cover fronts & 2 fire damage envelopes with various postmarks from Subiaco, Perth…
Sold $60
1905/12 1d rose pink swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11 marginal block of 6. Reinforced with hinges leaving one MUH, others MLH. SG 151 Cat £280+
1905/12 4d brown swan, Crown over A wmk, perf. 11 & perfined "OS". Fine used by neat Perth 25 OC 06 cds. A few shortish perfs but perhaps only 20-3…
Sold $140
1906 1d rose swan, line perf. 11, 1908/09 with wmk sideways to left, 1909 Cr/A sideways & upright, line perf 11 & 1906 2d yellow wmk Cr/A sideways …
Sold $40
1906 (8th Aug) "A Sussex Lane" b&w English postcard with Yarloop 3b in 2 (1-2) cds plus neighbouring strike on 2d yellow swan addressed to Leedervi…
Sold $20
1906 Leo Quick coloured illustrated cover prepared to be posted to "Toombs, SS Moira, A.U.S.N. Coy, Fremantle, WA". Shows ships captain at table to…
1907 1/- green swan, wmk WcrownA inverted. Lightly used with indistinct oval cancel. SG 116w Cat. £160
Sold $40
1907 5/- pale emerald green Die I & emerald green Die II. Both Mint hinged with fresh appearance. Small mark on first at bottom right but barely no…
Sold $120
1907 (9th July) PMG Dept. of WA Telegram transmission form E.T. No.1 with "Surveyor General's Office Perth WA" dated 3 ring rubber stamp for transm…
Sold $120
1907 (28th Dec) Williams 3b (2) strikes tying 1d red swan to Greetings (basket of roses) colour postcard addressed to Brown Hill. Very good cond.
Sold $30
1908 (23rd April) Colour postcard with Southern Cross DxPO in NIL (1-2) cancelling 1d swan. Addressed to Norwood, South Aust. Good cond.
Sold $25
1908 (8th July) "For Auld Lang Syne" colour postcard with complete Mundijong 2c (1) cds tying 1d swan to Newcastle WA addressed card. Good cond.
Sold $30
1909 & 1916 Telegraph forms. First is an Albany to Perth with Perth ETO circular date stamp for 22 May 09 (not recorded in either PMI or PHL). The …
Sold $90
1909 (13th Jan) Newcastle 3b (2) cds on 1d swan on "Coming Home from Market" colour postcard. Picture side damaged but a clear strike.
1909 (7th June) 1d swan tied by Fremantle cds on front with handwritten "bookpost" & addressed to Constantinople. Very few such usages have survived.
1909 (1st July) incoming (to Perth) KEVII GB "Inland Registration" registered envelope (Leyton) uprated with 4d bicolour to 7d total (2d reg, 1d po…
1909 (6th July) "Western Beach, Westcliffe-On-Sea" (UK) colour postcard with ½s KEVII pair tied by Southend on Sea cds's. Stunning Maylands 3b in …
1909 (24th Dec) Walebing 3b (1-2) cds's tying 1d swan to West Guildford addressed colour postcard showing "Town Hall, Melbourne". Good cond.
Sold $25
1910 "H.S. Co" private perfin for Howard Smith Co, Shipping. A rarely seen perfin.
Sold $40
1910 9d red-orange swan, perf. 11 with crown A wmk sideways. Fine used but some shortish perfs & light tone spots. Remains presentable. SG 157a Cat…
Sold $65

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