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Lot No Description Est.
Coins and Banknotes: World
New Zealand 1989-1997 & 1999 Proof sets in original Reserve Bank of NZ cases & outer boxes all in exc cond. Retail $1000+ (10)
Sold $300
Singapore 1970's & 1980's Year sets Unc incl 1975 Proof set plus silver $1 & $10 coins all in Singapore Mint wallets/cases. Also noted 2 Sir Thomas…
Sold $180
USA 1984 Proof set in pres case plus Canada 1982 $1 silver in case. (2 items)
Sold $25
USA Mixed periods & vals incl some silver plus 1976 medallion/stamp FDC & tubes of Unc 1c coins. (100s)
Sold $80
World Arranged in coins sleeves individually lotted from Taylors in the 1980's. Pages of NZ, Malaysia, USA, India plus variety of European countrie…
Sold $85
World 1981-1988 selection incl. UK 1981 Royal Wedding Crown, UK 1982 Unc coin folder, XII C/wealth Games Brisbane, NZ $1 for C/wealth Games, 1991 D…
Sold $40
World coins on 12 presentation cards with some silver. (14 coins)
Sold $20
World range incl Singapore incl stamp & coin "tourist" pack, Israel & a GB "First Decimal Coins" pack plus copy of "Interpreting the Past Coins by …
Sold $50
World Large album packed weighing over 4kgs! All coins annotated but with no obvious gems. Value in sheer quantity with viewing recommended to appr…
Sold $90
World coinage in tin noting small bags of Japan incl one tagged "Emperor Hirohito Showa Era" with others of Europe & mixed world. (weighs 2kg) Also…
World with mainly silver ex Taylors auctions in the 1980's incls South Africa, China, Hong Kong, New Guinea, etc. Usual mixed cond with viewing rec…
Sold $330
World in album with some GB & US silver noted but mixed cond & common. 1.5kgs
Sold $55
World Massive accumulation in coins sleeves individually lotted from Taylors in the 1980's. Mixed cond with viewing suggested. Weighs just under 10…
Sold $460
World selection arranged sparsely in 2 albums noting Iranian large silver & Maria Theresa Thaler. Mixed condition with viewing recommended. Weighs …
Sold $130
Various incl Indonesia x 4 Unc bundles plus Hong Kong, Argentina plus some early HK & Chinese notes. (100s)
Sold $95
Mixed countries with mainly "holiday" money. Noted Singapore to $10 & a GB £20 plus Europe pre-Euro. Overall cond above average (60+)
Sold $80
3 photo albums with majority stuck down. Better notes incl run off 9 GB 1960's 10/- in plastic sleeves fortunately. Also $20 Coombs Wilson & $1 not…
Sold $180
Miscellaneous: Medals
1939/45 Defence Medal, Service Medal of the Order of St John inscribed AM Jones with 2 bars plus miniature & Order of St John also with miniature, …
1939/45 Star, France & German Star, 1939/45 War Medal plus patches & spare ribbons along with accompanying paperwork for Robert Frank Noel Ramsden …
Miscellaneous: Autographs
1988 Great Britain & Australia Joint Stamp Issue (British cover) signed by the entire 1989 Australian Cricket touring team of 17 incl Mark Taylor, …
Sold $160
Roosevelt, Eleanor 1949 (2nd Aug) typed letter from Val-Kill Cottage signed at base plus the envelope/cover signed also just above the "FREE" hands…
Schumacher, Michael 2001 signed Ferrari photo of him in car at Spa. Exc cond.
Sold $100
Miscellaneous: Cinderellas
1917 (12 Nov) Opening of Trans-Australian Railway - WA State School Empire Fund MUH strip of 3. 2 units slightly creased but centre stamp perfect.
Sold $300
c.1920c Admiral R. E. Coontz "PAWS" label in red mint with large part o.g. increasingly scarce.
1950's Great Britain 6d green & 1/- red "National Thanksgiving Fund" cinderellas, the former with corner selvedge. Each reads "The Lord Mayor of Lo…
Sold $15
1956 "Bedre Benzin Shell Ignition Control Additive" coloured imperf advertising cinderella on Denmark cover addressed to Glen Iris, Victoria. Attra…
Sold $20
1967 Ethiopian Airlines Expo '67 Montreal Canada colour promotional cinderella.
Sold $10
1972 Anpex sheetlets containing 5/- Sydney Harbour Bridge & £1 & £2 kangaroo reproductions but unusually in all three coloured letterings of red,…
Sold $20
1990 "Independence for the Baltic States" rouletted bi-lingual pair showing the "2 million people joined hands in a human chain on 23.8.89" maps. F…
Sold $12
1992 SPRINTPAK Ayres Rock block of 10 cinderellas with left & right selvedges. Distributed at the Kuala Lumpur philatelic exhibition with majority …
Sold $30
Hutt River Province 1973-1978 range of 9 FDC's plus 10 MUH sets all diff. to 1982. Exc cond.
Sold $16
Miscellaneous: Literature and Publications
"Australia Post Stamp printing Technical Details" set of 4 booklets for Jan 1988 to June 2003. Interesting illustrations showing uncut sheets & boo…
Sold $20
"Australasian Crash Mail & Other Incidents 1917-1930" by Brian Pearce (2015) Profusely illustrated with 300 pages of colour. Incl a census of survi…
Sold $130
Australian Commonwealth Specialists Catalogue King George V. Brusden White 3rd Ed. (2007) Very lightly used verging on "as new".
Sold $30
"The Postage Stamps of New Zealand" Volumes 1-8 complete with dust jackets & "the Penny Universal" by G.Lee all researched by the members of The Ro…
Sold $600
David Gentleman Artwork (Stamp Designer) produced by the Royal mail (2002). 200 page hard cover coffee table book beautifully illustrated. Brand ne…
Sold $20
Great Britain Stamp History books for 1935 Silver Jubilee, 1936 Proposed KGV Memorial Issue & 1929 PUC by Simon Bated, Giles Allen & Alan Griffiths…
Sold $20
Postal Reform & The Penny Black - A New Appreciation by Douglas Muir (1990). 240 pages with colour illustrations. Most interesting. Brand new.
Sold $20
Queen Elizabeth II - A Jubilee Portrait in Stamps by The British Library & Royal mail complete with limited Edition stamp sheetlet pmkd Jubilee Wee…
Sold $20
Stanley Gibbons 2012 Stamps of the World in 6 volumes in full colour. Very slightly used verging on brand new. Save on this years at $550!
Sold $260
United Kingdom Revenues 5th Ed. By John Barefoot. (2010) Now in full colour with additional illustrations. U useful guide. Brand new. Retails $110.
Western Australia An Outline of Philatelic and Postal History During the Period From 1853-1913 by WHC Bromfield. Original stapled publication. Usef…
Sold $50
Western Australia The Stamps & Postal History by WASG. 470 pages. Some light foxing on opening pages. A wealth of info to the "local" collector.
Sold $55
Yugoslavia Revenues by John Barefoot 1sr Edition (2003) Usual high standard of research & information. Brand new.
Miscellaneous: Miscellaneous
"Historical Postmarks" for Great Britain. Beautifully framed range of 11 types with written details under each. A Royal mail Limited Ed No. 338 of …
Sold $16
1970 World Expo Japan set of 6 silver teaspoons in original box.
2001 50th Anniv of Festival of Britain 10/- KGVI St George & the Dragon stamp design on official Wedgwood blue plate. Exc cond in original box. Not…
Sold $50
Robilt Train set in tin plate with boxes for the locomotive & carriages. Standard gauge & made in Australia, it remains in good condition despite o…
Australian Endangered Species commemorative medallions set of 6 in Westpac wallet. Good cond.
Sold $10
World Matchbox & Matchbook collection in small box. Noted the original Criterion "Damp Proof", WA Match Co Redheads with original Canberra Parliame…
Sold $40

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