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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia | |||
1993-1995 FDC's, packs, PSE's & other postal stationery mint & FDI. Totals are 63 FDC's, 39 packs, 32 PSE's plus c15 "postage Paid" envelopes diff … $60 Sold $60 | |||
1994-2002 blocks, commem gutters, strips, S/A's, booklets, M/S's & sheetlets in thick Lighthouse stockbook with many sheetlets in APO packaging loo… $1200 Sold $1550 | |||
1995-1998 MUH & used or CTO with duplication in 2 stockbooks. Noted booklets, sheetlets, M/S's, gutters & S/A's with total MUH face value $800+ $400 Sold $410 | |||
1996-1998 selection of FDC's, packs incl sheetlets of 10 & AFL Stamp Booklet packs x2 (FV $144), PSE's & other postal stationery mint & FDI. Totals… $150 Sold $80 | |||
1996-1999 FDC's, packs incl the sheetlets of 10 & mint PSE's. Comprehensive range incl $10 Kakadu pack & FDC of M/S, "Postage Paid" envs in PO pack… $250 Sold $120 | |||
1996-1999 selection of FDC's, packs incl sheetlets of 10 & postal stationery with mint & FDI for each. Incls AFL booklets pack (face value $72) & a… $150 Sold $80 | |||
1996-2002 used range in Senator album plus a few PD's to 1/-, "BCOF" to 2/- (ex 1d, 6d), AAT 1957-2002 near complete (no M/S's). Aust does incl M/S… $60 Sold $50 | |||
1997-1999 MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album with slipcase. Appears complete with Framas, S/A's, sheetlets, M/S's, booklets & S/A "collector packs".… $160 Sold $210 | |||
1997-2007 MUH comprehensive collection complete in Seven Seas Hingeless albums with slipcases in 7 volumes incl S/A's plus the "Collectors" packs w… $2000 Sold $2650 | |||
1999-2001 group of FDC's, packs, PSE's & other postal stationery items both mint & FDI. Also a few commercial & stamp club envs addressed. Totals a… $180 Sold $90 | |||
1999-2004 MUH & CTO incl S/A collector packs, commem gutters, S/A's, strips, booklets, imperfs & sheetlets with much in original APO packaging. Som… $300 Sold $300 | |||
1999-2007 MUH & used/CTO noting commem gutters, S/A's incl the collectors packs, strips, booklets & sheetlets, some in original APO packaging. Only… $300 Sold $350 | |||
2000 Olympic Gold Medallists set of 16 sheetlets of 10 in AP albums x 4. All MUH. FV $288 (4 collections) $120 Sold $140 | |||
2000-2001 range of FDCs, packs incl sheetlets of 10, PSE's, Aerogrammes & Postage Paid envs both mint & FDI (APO price $35+ in these alone). Appear… $200 Sold $100 | |||
2000-2001 range of FDC's, packs, PSE's & other postal stationery MUH & FDI. Appears complete incl International Post to $20 in FDC's & packs. Total… $100 Sold $50 | |||
2000-2002 blocks, booklets, gutters, strips, S/A's, M/S's, booklets & sheetlets in large stockbook. Incls 2000 Gold Medallists sheetlet from yearbo… $600 Sold $330 | |||
2000-2010 CTO near complete in springback binder. Mostly marginal examples with clear FDI date stamps, sheetlets, S/A's & M/S's incl Exhib examples… $200 Sold $220 | |||
2002-2005 blocks, gutters, strips, S/A's, M/S's & sheetlets in German black-leaved stockbook with some APO-packaged material loose between pages. N… $600 Sold $740 | |||
2002-2006 collection of FDC's, packs incl sheetlets of 10, PSE's & other postal stationery items both mint & CTO in burgeoning file. Incls Red Back… $250 Sold $250 | |||
2005-2008 MUH period with all issues present from "Creatures of the Shore" to "Queen's Birthday" in black leaved Lighthouse stockbook. Noted unissu… $1500 Sold $1500 | |||
2007-2008 FDCs & packs incl the sheetlets of 10. Another period difficult to source as complete as this. Totals 95 FDC's, 54 packs & a few comm… $250 Sold $250 | |||
2008 Beijing Olympic Games AP Collection with full set of Gold Medallists sheetlets, digitally printed pairs with Chinese imprints & the general co… $50 Sold $60 | |||
2008-2012 MUH in overfilled large Lighthouse stockbook. Probably complete with blocks, sheetlets, booklets, gutter strips, S/A's plus the Collector… $2000 Sold $2200 | |||
2009-2010 collection of FDC's, packs incl sheetlets of 10. Appears complete with 90 FDC's incl "Premium" covers & 55 packs incl imperf M/S's etc. F… $240 Sold $120 | |||
2009-2014 complete MUH incl M/S's, sheetlets, gutter strips, S/A's, booklets & blocks. A superb lot from the "difficult" period. Total face value o… $450 Sold $480 | |||
2011-2013 range from the "difficult" period with FDC's & packs appearing very close to complete. Totals are 96 FDC's plus a few commercially used/s… $300 Sold $150 | |||
2011-2014 Fine used in Senator binder. Most issues have FDI cancels (S/A's generally don't) & incls M/S's, se-tenant blocks & strips. Very close to… $100 Sold $100 | |||
2012 Capital City Transport complete through KGV Stamp Cent issues each in blocks of 4 plus sheetlets, S/A strips incl collector packs, M/S's & boo… $1200 Sold $600 | |||
2012 Olympic Gold Medallists Official Collection with book & MUH sheetlets. Cost $49.95 with a FV of $48. Excellent unopened cond. $35 Sold $35 | |||
Aerogrammes 1981-2003 range incl many of the difficult "Postage Paid" issues of the 1990's. Majority in sets with approx. 50/50 split of mint & FDI… $40 Sold $40 | |||
Booklets 1966-2007 incls 1960's/70's booklet panes incl 4c slogan pane set of 6 MUH (Retails $150), S/A's, Int Post, perf varieties incl perf into … $1000 Sold $1050 | |||
Booklets 1989-2012 range of different defins & commems all with Koala & Kangaroo reprint logos. Many with high retail prices & becoming increasingl… $200 Sold $100 | |||
Booklets 2008-2014 booklets incl 4 x Prestige with the $11.95 &$16.95 Int Post Waterfall booklets. Others a mix of the latest $6, $7 & $12 S/A comm… $300 Sold $150 | |||
Booklets Range of 1990's & 2000's overprinted booklets incl Norpex '91 on $2 Heidelberg (3), 1992 Chicago Stamp Expo on $2 Wetlands, 7th NPCC '92 C… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Coils 1941-1962 range of strips MUH incl ½d no wmk pair, 1d maroon QM pair, 1951 2d QM & 3d KGVI grey green pair plus 3d scarlet strip of 3 & anot… $40 Sold $30 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-1958 group with 1937 & 1940 commems x 2 each, 1946 Mitchell with Royal Geographical Society of Australasia cachet, 1951 Gold … $100 Sold $170 | |||
First Day Covers 1937-1958 range mostly addressed to Singapore noting 1937 bearing 2d NSW Sesqui & 4d KGV with 1938 Philatelic Exhibition publicity… $300 Sold $300 | |||
First Day Covers 1949-1961 range of Challis covers for 1949 2½d Forrest, 1953 3d QEII pair, 1954 3½d Antarctic block of 4, 1954 2/- blue Olympics… $75 Sold $40 | |||
First Day Covers 1951-1955 range of Challis covers for 1951 7½d KGVI, 1951 3d KGVI, 1951 3½d KGVI, 1952 1/0½d KGVI (Reg), 1952 6½d green KGVI, … $250 Sold $250 | |||
First Day Covers 1967-1978 all on APO covers with majority having neat typed addresses up to late 1970's then unaddressed. Incls 1970 Expo, Grassla… $70 Sold $70 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1976 with early addressed but Oct 1970 onwards unaddressed. Mixed WCS & APO origins with some sets (RSPCA & others) in block… $50 Sold $60 | |||
First Day Covers 1970-1977 complete incl 1970 "small" Cook (retails $550) with all except 2 being unaddressed & official APO covers in APW album. S… $150 Sold $120 | |||
First Day Covers 1978-2014 complete collection as per APW FDC hingeless pages (albums cover 1970-2013). Superb condition & beautifully presented in… $2000 Sold $1800 | |||
First Day Covers 1982-1999 range incl some PSE's. Also noted odd AAT & Christmas Is. plus 1989 Lizard, 1990 Koala, 1992 Emu, 1994 Waratah, 1996 Fes… $40 Sold $35 | |||
Framas 1984-1994 Postcode sets of 9 incl 1984 30c BE, 1985 33c BE, 1985 33c Kangaroo, 1986 36c & 37c Platypus, 1987 37c Echidna, 1988 39c Possum, 1… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Framas Collectors in-depth study incl printing missing, double prints, miscuts plus usual range of MUH sets in stockbook & on FDC's plus various co… $100 Sold $110 | |||
Military Mail comprising unusual Active Service envelope (AFW 3078 adapted), QEII 5¢ indigo Defence Forces Envelope, envelope with indigo printed … $30 Sold $70 | |||
1928-1932 incl 1932 2d Sydney Harbour Bridge engraved marginal block of 8 MUH with plate dot at left plus 3d Plate 1 block hinged in selvedge only.… $300 Sold $220 | |||
Officials Kangaroos used range punctured large & small "OS" & "OS/NSW" with 1st wmk to 1/-, 2nd wmk 2d & 6d, 3rd wmk vals to 2/- & Sm Mult 6d, 9d &… $50 Sold $50 | |||
PNC's 1994-2008 selection incl 1994 Family, 1995 Dunlop/POW, 1997 Bradman, 1998 Bass/Flinders, 1999 IYOP, 2003 QEII Coronation, 2004 Eureka, 2005 A… $160 Sold $170 | |||
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