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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
Balance of vendors lot in huge suitcase crammed with world in stockbooks, bags, loose in usual mixed cond but quick flick revealed China 1960 Chrys…
Sold $320
10 old albums & stockbooks plus box. Contents of high cat. value but mixed cond & a little "musty". Noted two albums each with suggested vendor res…
Sold $310
Australia & Israel modern MUH, packs, postal stationery & commercially used machine-cancelled covers. Noted much with Automobile theme incl covers,…
Sold $140
Carton of late Australian 1960's opened out mail addressed to Registrar General, Sydney, from range of NSW sources, some from Govt depts using "G N…
Sold $10
World incl Australia & GB in packets, on album pages & in stockbooks etc. Odd MUH/MLH but mainly used. Also some commem & FDC's. Conservative est. …
Sold $170
Great Britain accumulation with stockbook of GB QEII pre-decimal duplicated mainly used (1000s), Isle of Man on Hagners in binder with slipcase, pa…
Sold $100
A very mixed lot with post-war postcards from a variety of countries, 1980's Kiribati packs, NZ covers incl odd Registered, world covers, Chinese s…
Sold $50
Interesting lot of loose stamps on & off paper in boxes & bags noting Australia, Yugoslavia, DDR, phonecards, USA FDC's & Westport mint 1980 Olympi…
Sold $95
Small 1960's suitcase with world accumulation from deceased estate with friends & family's collections over the years so all periods mint & used. I…
Sold $120
Large accumulation of 1960's-1970's Aust commercial mail plus loose stamps. Noted States with WA Stamp Duty, odd Victoria & Tasmania Chalons plus s…
Sold $65
Australian (mostly) covers in large box with 1970's-1980's FDCs incl AAT & booklet panes, 1970's PSEs commercially used, low value 1960's/70's WCS …
Sold $85
Untidy accumulation of mainly used from Spain, GB & British Commonwealth countries. Noted Norfolk Is MUH duplicated to 1980's & another volume of t…
Sold $55
Bags, stockbooks & pages containing a variety of material incl Indo China, Europe, WA 1d swan bundles plus a bag of 2d yellows, PNG packs, 1949 Goe…
Sold $320
World & Australia pre-decimal & decimal on & off paper in tins & packets plus on album pages of all periods in large box. Noted odd Aust States plu…
Sold $250
Suitcase lot with all world in 13 albums incl Aust & States, GB & various British Commonwealth mint & used. 1000s more in small boxes, tins & packe…
Sold $160
South Africa 1926-1960's used off paper sorted into envs. Massive duplication so ideal for the "specialist". A quick peruse didn't reveal too many …
Sold $40
Globe album with better MLH & used to 1950 incl KGVI MLH short sets plus more British Commonwealth in small boxes, packets & envs incl Australia & …
Sold $75
Balance of Consignment of large estate lot. Largely Australia with 2009-2013 covers, PNC's, MUH packs & sets with duplication noting 2013 "Map" cen…
Sold $250
Australia commercial mail from mostly 1980's to 1990's but with a good variety of issues plus postmark potential. (100s)
Sold $75
Suitcase jammed packed with stockbooks & albums, stamps on/off paper, old catalogues & GB 1970's/1980's FDC's. Majority appears to be Great Britain…
Sold $140
Large "philatelic" commercial used envs with a variety of issues used between 1993 & 2013 incl M/S's, reprints & gutters. Noted $5 Archives in b…
Sold $50
Birds of the World cover collection, 1981 Royal Wedding album with stamps plus range of Australian 1946-1954 imprint blocks MUH/MLH. Also NZ 1874-1…
Sold $30
Modern commercial covers from Falkland Is (20+), GB, Germany, NZ, Bahamas plus odd QV postcard incl Tasmania Walch & Co unused, used stamps on leav…
Sold $140
Red suitcase crammed with stamp donations to the RSPCA. Incls Aust FDC's & commem covers in quality Cumberland albums, on/off paper incl pre-decima…
Sold $230
Stockbooks with duplicated NZ, USA & Greece plus a 1985 NZ Yearbook. Also 2 small boxes with loose on/off paper mint & used. (1000s)
Sold $40
Stockbooks, file of Vario sheets with Netherlands & Colonies, Russia 1865/1960 (on Varios) duplicated, Australian States with dupl low vals of WA, …
Bundle of Hong Kong 1968-2005 commercial covers (40), range of PRC covers, Christmas Is 2002-2004 CNY Zodiac sheets MUH, Bundle of Hong Kong & Maca…
Sold $110
World accumulation mint & used in 7 small stockbooks, numerous tins, smaller boxes & packets. A good variety with much more sorted into country pac…
Sold $90
Australia 1990's-2005 untidy largely used incl Archives $5 both on piece, M/S's, strips on/off paper plus MUH (Face Value c$20) in 3 stockbooks mos…
Sold $65
Loose on/off paper in chocolate box. Noted pre-Federation low vals incl WA "ONE PENNY" on 2d block CTO "BULLFINCH". Commonwealth to KGVI incl a few…
Sold $210
Covers from all World with some pre-1950 sighted. Good array of different countries with odd M/S & unusual cancels noted. (100s)
Sold $30
Mixed lot with Australia 2001 Year Album (FV $60+), GB pre-decimal modest in Windsor album with a few better incl 1948 RSW £1 MUH & defins dupl us…
Sold $300
World "M" to "P" range of cover & PO packs with majority from Netherlands but also noted Philippines, Macau, Pakistan, Malaysia, Nauru, Niue, IOM, …
Sold $65
Great Britain 1966-1976 covers plus others from USA, Denmark, Greenland etc from 1960's. Also large 1894 Imperial album with GB & France prte-1900.…
Sold $60
Mainly Australian early decimal commercial mail plus a few GB covers all from 1970's-1980's. Also odd FDC, pack along with album pages, pre-decimal…
Sold $130
Crate of FDC albums with South Africa & Homelands unaddressed 1980's, GB addressed late 1970's, stockbooks of common world, ditto on c80 Hagners in…
Sold $65
Europe in Chinese stockbooks (7 large, 4 small) with Russia in 2 vols strong in 1960's CTO, Italy noting 1948 1001 Battle, 1952 60l Verdi, Romania …
Sold $30
WA Swans to present day Australia loose on/off paper in shirt box. Lots of common on paper 1960's & 1970's with main value in off paper WA Swans to…
Sold $45
Australian Territories & States accumulation in albums, stockbooks & glassines. One stockbook has scattered MLH pre-decimal, two Seven Seas albums …
Sold $310
France MUH with various new issues from 2000-2005 in stockbook plus other oddments incl Revenues & Railway stamps. Another album of Aust decimal co…
Sold $70
World in 15 albums/stockbooks noting New Imperial 1840-1936 albums in 2 volumes, heavily picked over, stockbook of pre-war Germany with modest 1930…
Sold $390
All world in 11 albums in alphabetical order form "A" to "Z". Majority used with not many sets & in mixed condition but thousands!
Sold $30
1913-1936 range in Sherwood folder incl 5/- kangaroo CTO (pulled perfs), 10/-, £1 grey & £2 ovptd "SPECIMEN" but with faults plus range of KGV to…
Sold $150
Australia & World accumulation in 16 stockbooks plus 2 albums & loose stamps. Quick view suggests a basic used collection but noted kangaroos to 2/…
Sold $50
Suitcase crammed with old "school boy" albums, used world in packets plus covers etc. A mixed lot with pickings. A fun "winter evenings" sort. (1000s)
Sold $140
Australia 1913 to 1999 with 2 albums of pre-decimal incl some kangaroos & KGV plus 5 albums of decimals with odd postcard & postal stationary item…
Sold $140
Wide assortment of world countries plus Australia in 8 large stockbooks with an accompanying box of loose on/off paper with some high vals noted. P…
Sold $55
Large plastic tub with mainly British Commonwealth incl 1972-1992 "British Royalty" omnibus stamps, M/S's & FDC's. Not complete but substantial for…
Sold $350
Usual range of world used & "packet" sets in 6 stockbooks plus "schoolboy" album. Noted KGV to 5d (28) in mixed cond. Other Aust & world on/off pap…
Sold $70
New Zealand cover accumulation in 2 boxes with range of commercial incl Telegram envs, FDC's, etc some with cinderellas & an array of cancels for v…
Sold $50

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