Lot No |
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Est. |
Australia: First Day Cover |
 1927 (9th May) 1½d Parliament House top marginal example on plain FDC pmkd Stones Corner, Qld. Hand addressed to Brisbane. Good cond. $30 Sold $45 |
 1929 (20th May) 3d green Airmail on SE Whellams "BY AIR MAIL ONLY" FDC with 1½d KGV tied by Glenhuntly cds & b/s Echuca. Good cond. Purchased Lesk… $180 Sold $180 |
 1929 (29th Oct) 3d kookaburra x 2 with one from M/S tied by red Melbourne Exhibition cancels at each top side of Orlo-Smith & Co Melbourne cover (p… $100 Sold $75 |
 1931 (19th Mar) Kingsford Smith set of 3 on plain Perth registered cover with typed address to Hobart. "By Air Mail only" in m/s at top. Attractive… $60 Sold $65 |
 1931 (19th Mar) Kingsford Smith set of 3 on plain registered cover Perth to Cottesloe Beach. Roughly opened & light toning around couple of stamps. $25 Sold $55 |
 1931 (19th Mar) Kingsford Smith set of 3 plus 6d Airmail in combo with 2d red KGV (9th Nov) plain covers both registered Darwin. Both stained/toned… $120 Sold $85 |
 1932 (15th Feb) 1/- lyrebird top left marginal example with partly stained perfs on plain cover tied by clear Boulder, WA cds. Realised $190 at 198… $200 Sold $200 |
 1932 (19th Mar) 2d & 3d Sydney harbour Bridge pair on Mitchell Illust cover with "Sydney Harbour Bridge N.E. PYLON" Reg label with matching cds's. … $75 Sold $130 |
 1932 (1st June) 6d kookaburra on plain cover with "First Day" in pencil top left. Pmkd South Fremantle WA. Fair cond. Purchased in May 1998 for $… $100 Sold $70 |
 1934 (1st Nov) Macarthur set of 3 on registered GPO Perth plain cover with typed address to Scotland & "First Day Cover" at top. Very fine. Purchas… $200 Sold $200 |
 1935 (18th March) Anzac pair on plain "Collins Street C.1 Victoria" Reg cover with matching cds's. Unfortunately lightly toned with stamp perfs aff… $25 Sold $50 |
 1935 (18th Mar) Anzac pair on Regd GPO Perth plain cover with typed address to Scotland & "First Day Cover" at top. Fresh & fine. Realised $220 in … $200 Sold $140 |
 1935 (18th Mar) Anzac pair on Regd Brisbane plain cover with typed NSW address to Burwood with matching b/s. Bold "REGISTERED BRISBANE" cds neatly … $250 Archived |
 1935 (2nd May) Silver Jubilee set of 3 on Katoomba Regd plain cover with hand written local address. Fine. Purchased from Rex & Fair in 1998 for $300. $250 Sold $170 |
 1936 (1st Apr) Cable pair on Gowers Stamp Den illust cover with provisional "Centennial Exhibition Adelaide" in m/s Reg label with Exhib pmk. Goo… $150 Sold $150 |
 1936 (3rd Aug) 2d SA Cent on Northern Stamp Co "Captain Hindmarsh First Governor of South Australia 1836-38" & the Proclamation Tyree, Glenelg illu… $50 Sold $50 |
 1936 (3rd Aug) SA Cent set of 3 on Glenelg Regd illust cover with typed address. Good cond. Purchased from Rex & Fair in 1995 for $140. $100 Sold $75 |
 1936 (3rd Aug) SA Cent set of 3 in imprint blocks of 4 on 3 different South Australian Stamp Co. covers. Neat hand written addresses all with crisp… $400 Archived |
 1937 (10th/12th May) 1d green QM & 2d red KGVI pair on South Australian Stamp Co. illust cover cancelled "Victor Harbor" SA 2 days early. Neat ha… $30 Sold $30 |
 1937 (2nd Aug) 3d KGVI, 6d kookaburra & 1/- lyre on "Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, C.1, Vic." Regd plain cover with typed address & "First Day Co… $180 Sold $100 |
 1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui set of 3 on illust cover sent by airmail to Bermuda with "MISENT TO MIAMI FLORIDA" h/s. Variety of b/'s'. Vert fold not a… $40 Archived |
 1937 (1st Oct) NSW Sesqui set of 3 on Northern Stamp Co. Sydney Registered cover with GPO Sydney RS cds's. Could do with a clean up & some TLC as … $70 Archived |
 1938 (1st Feb) 4d Koala on Kufner Lyrebird generic cover. Hand addressed with Albury NSW "Check Address….." slogan cancel. Fine cond & increasing… $40 Sold $50 |
 1938 (1st Feb) 4d koala on Northern Stamp Co. Kiama NSW Registered cover with part Kiama NSW cds. Brownish scuff mark on front but a rarely seen co… $80 Sold $80 |
 1938 (20th Apr) 1½d maroon KGVI on Sydney Registered plain cover hand addressed to Griffiths with corner block of 4. Very good cond. Scarce & cost… $50 Sold $50 |
 1938 (1st Nov) £1 Robes on thick paper on Brisbane Registered FDC. Plain env with neat typed address & in very good cond. A scarce FDC which sold … $1800 Sold $1100 |
 1938 (1st Sept) 9d Platypus on Haslem illustrated cover. Hand written addressed with neat bold Woolwich NSW cds. Good cond. $20 Sold $110 |
 1938 (1st Dec) 5d ram on illust cover showing kangaroo, emu & lyrebird in blue. Tied by Melbourne slogan "CONVERSION LOAN NOW OPEN" & hand addresse… $30 Sold $50 |
 1941 (10th Dec) 3d purple-brown KGVI on plain hand addressed cover to Balgowlah with bold Sydney cds. Fine cond & purchased from Ace Stamp Auction… $180 Sold $100 |
 1941 (10th Dec) Surcharges set of 3 on plain typed addressed cover but with Censor tape & cachet. Addressee name & street address in Demerara, Brit… $60 Sold $60 |
 1942 (1st Dec) 1½d green QM right marginal pair with Fordon NSW cds on plain cover. Good cond with hand written address. These wartime FDC's were … $300 Sold $150 |
 1944 (4th Dec) 2d bright purple KGVI tied to plain cover by Albert Park, Vic cds with neat typed address plus pair on unaddressed cover pmkd Melbou… $80 Sold $55 |
 1945 (19th Feb) Gloucester set of 3 on plain cover with crisp "AUST ARMY P.O. 204." cds's. Fine cond. $30 Sold $30 |
 1946 (14th Oct) Mitchell set of 3 on Wide World cover with typed address & Rundle St. SA cds's. Note date printed on cover is "19th SEPTEMBER 1946"… $40 Archived |
 1946 (14th Oct) Mitchell set of 3 on Set Maker Series "Registration Branch G.P.O., Perth, W.A." labelled cover. Hand addressed to USA thus nice ar… $40 Sold $40 |
 1946 (14th Oct) Mitchell set of 3 on Mitchell cover with "Registration Branch, GPO, Perth, WA" Reg. label & Reg Perth cds's. Light foxing on one s… $30 Sold $25 |
 1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on "Queen Victoria Bldgs." NSW Registered Alf camped cover. Some hinging on reverse but frontally good. $30 Sold $30 |
 1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on Baker & Maloney (forerunner to Royal) cover with neat typed address. Glede, NSW cds's. Good cond. $30 Sold $30 |
 1946 (18th Feb) Peace set of 3 on Baker & Maloney (forerunner to Royal) Registered cover with printed address & Reg red crossed lines. GPO Sydney, … $30 Archived |
 1947 (8th Sep) Newcastle Sesqui set of 3 South Perth Registered Mitchell cover with crisp South Perth cds's & neat typed address. $20 Sold $20 |
 1948 (16th Feb) 1/3d bull & 2/- Aboriginal Art tied by bold Gympie cds with neighbouring cancel on Reg cover with neat typed address to Brisbane. S… $50 Sold $50 |
 1948 (12th July) 2½d Farrer on Woodger unaddressed cover with incorrect spelling of "FARRAR". Neat Launceston, Tas cds. Fine cond. $30 Sold $30 |
 1948 (12th July) 2½d Farrer ingeniously pasted onto larger Registered envelope for airmail to England. Original cover has pair with larger one hav… $40 Sold $40 |
 1949 (17th June) 2½d Henry Lawson on Miller Bros. illust cover with typed address & Moorabbin, Vic cds. Slight staining around stamp. Cost vendor … $70 Archived |
 1949 (3rd Oct) 10/- Arms tied to plain FDC cover by Wallerawang (NSW) FDI CDS with red Express Delivery label & Lithgow backstamp. Most attractive. $150 Sold $150 |
 1949 (3rd Oct) 10/- Arms on Challis printed FDC Regd GPO Perth. Very good cond. Purchased in 1996 from Rodney Perry Auctions for $165. $150 Sold $290 |
 1949 (10th Oct) 3½d blue UPU on unaddressed Wide World cover with crisp "G.P.O. Sydney 130" cds. Fine cond. $20 Sold $20 |
 1949 (28th Nov) £1 Arms FDC with Norseman WA cds & typed address on plain env. Fresh. Purchased at Ace Stamp Auctions Sale 9 for $350 + BP. $400 Sold $240 |
 1951 (25th Nov) 3½d maroon KGVI on Smythe unaddressed map of Australia generic cover. GPO Sydney cds cancelling horiz pair. Good cond. $40 Archived |
 1952 (20th Feb) 4½d red KGVI on Smythe unaddressed map of Australia generic cover with crisp Queen Victoria Buildings NSW cds. A couple of small t… $40 Archived |