Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1967/70 1/6d QEII Machin with "Greenish-blue omitted" variety. Normal for comparison. MUH SG743a Cat £160 $100 Archived |
 1977 (2), 1981, 1984 & 1987 TV Licence revenues, the latter 2 still on the licence document showing attractive usage. (5) $20 Archived |
1997 Princess Diana Presentation Pack in Welsh. Light gum lines on reverse from photos album hence low estimate. Frontally fine & increasingly scar… $20 Sold $20 |
1997 Royal Mail Year pack complete with all MUH issues. Exc cond. Cat. £65 $20 Sold $20 |
2012 Olympics set of 29 S/A cards of 6 & Paralympics set of 34 cards of 2. All 1st class (60p) denominations, so total face value of Olympics is Â… $280 Sold $280 |
Decimal used accumulation in 32pp stockbook starting with several pages of closely overlapped Machins in ascending face value order to £5, then Ca… $40 Sold $40 |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Great Britain-Jersey 1950's States/Etats of Jersey SPECIMEN ovpts on 4 values, 3 with selvedges. MUH. Unusual (4) $10 Sold $10 |
 Andorra-French 1955/57 Airs MUH. Hint of a tone spot on 100f otherwise fine. SG F163/F165 Cat. £100 $20 Sold $20 |
 Ascension 1938/53 KGVI Pictorials short set to 1/- with mixed perf 13, 13½ incl. 1d ''Green Mountain'' & 3d black & blue. All fresh MLH Cat. £150… $50 Sold $50 |
 Austria 1858 Newspaper Stamp, pale lilac, with 3 close margins cut into at top. Lightly used. Vert crease but useful "space-filler". SG N29. Cat. Â… $10 Sold $10 |
 Austria 1950 Airs/Birds set of 7. F/used. SG 1215/21 Cat. £400 $100 Sold $80 |
 Bahamas 1942 Landfall of Columbus ovpt set of 14 to £1. with additional 2/-, 3/- & 5/- shades. Fresh MLH SG 162/75a Cat. £180 (17) $80 Sold $85 |
 Bahamas 1954/63 Pictorials set of 15 to £1. Fresh MUH. SG 201/16 Cat. £90 $60 Archived |
 Baltic States 1948 50pf & 1 mk plus 50pf Express BALTIC DISPLACED PERSONS CAMP Augsburg-Hochfeld Postage Dues. All marginal unused (issued without … $60 Sold $60 |
 Barbados 1922 (10th Aug) Regd cover to USA bearing 1d, 2½d & 3d small "badge" defins tied by BARBADOS R.L.O. cds. S/l REGISTERED & number plus blu… $20 Archived |
 Basutoland 1933 KGV complete set to 10/- MLH (Cat. £250) plus Ireland 2/6d seahorse with "narrow date" used (SG 83 Cat. £100), Mauritius KGV 1R D… $120 Sold $220 |
 Basutoland 1961/63 QEII set of 11 to R1 the latter MUH but off-centre. Lower vals MLH with 12½¢ block wmk (SG 90). SG 69/79 (ex 76), Cat. £85 $30 Sold $30 |
 BAT 1963 ½d to £1 black & light blue set of 15 F/U on large cover pmkd Adelaid Island 8 DE 66. All vals bar 2½ & 10/- with 1 or 1a plate number … $50 Sold $60 |
 BAT 1963 ½d to £1 black & light blue set of 15 F/U on large cover pmkd Signy Island 27 DE 66. 1½, 6d, 2/- & 5/- with 1a plate number selvedges … $50 Sold $55 |
 BAT 1966 Churchill, 1971 Treaty & 1974 Whales sets. Fresh MUH (12). Cat. £120 $50 Archived |
 BAT 1971 QEII Surcharge set of 14 to 50p. Fresh MUH. SG 24/37 Cat. £95 $50 Archived |
 BAT 1971 Treaty set 1½p-10p in marginal blocks of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 38/41 Cat. £190+ $90 Archived |
 Bechuanaland 1961 Birds & Animals set of 14 to 2R. Fresh MUH. SG 168/81 Cat. £80 $50 Sold $40 |
 Bermuda 1924 10/- green & red on pale emerald KGV. Fresh MLH. SG 92 Cat. £140+ $100 Archived |
 British PO's in Siam-Bangkok 1882/85 12¢ purple, wmk CA, with clear AU 28 84 cds. Centred to left but remains an attractive example. SG 22 Cat. £170 $60 Sold $60 |
 Canada 1858/59 6d brownish grey, perf. 11¾, used with damage at lower right corner but of good appearance. SG 27 Cat. £3750 (see front cover) $200 Sold $290 |
 Canada 1928/29 10¢, 12¢ with cds, 20¢ smudged used & 50¢ with violet cds. Cat. £80+ (4) $20 Archived |
 Canada 1932 13¢ bright violet, plate 1, block of 4. Hinged on selvedge only. SG 325 Cat. £260 + premium for MUH $100 Archived |
 Canada 1937/38 Defins to $1, latter with possible hinge mark, others all fresh MUH. SG 357/67 Cat. £170 $50 Sold $50 |
 Canada 1946 $1 Ferry in top right imprint block of 4. Hinged in selvedge only. SG 406 Cat. £100+ $40 Sold $40 |
 Canada 1951 $1 Fishing marginal block of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 433 Cat. £180 $90 Sold $90 |
 Chile 1853 Columbus imperfs with 1¢ heavily cancelled, 5¢ (shades, one pen-cancelled), 10¢ & 20¢ nice used examples with close margins. Cat. £110 $30 Archived |
China 1982 & 1995 Year albums, the former with 49 stamps & 2 M/S's, the latter with 90 stamps & 1 M/S. Excellent cond. (2) $30 Sold $45 |
 China 1999 80f International Year of the Elderly in right marginal block of 4 with a massive shift of perfs. A rare modern China error & spectacula… $90 Archived |
 Cook Island-Aitutaki 1920 Pictorials to 1/-, no wmk. F/U group. SG 24/29 Cat. £90 $40 Archived |
 Curacao 1923 Silver Jubilee set with 7½¢ used, the others MLH. The 1g has streaky gum. SG 98/104 Cat. £300 $70 Archived |
 Curacao 1942 Airs complete set of 15. Fresh MLH. SG 201/15 Cat. £225 $50 Sold $55 |
 Egypt-British Forces 1932 1p deep blue & red inscribed POSTAL SEAL imperforate pair. Fresh MUH. SG A1var. Cat £190 as normal. $150 Archived |
 Falkland Is. 1964 Air Service, 1965 ITU, 1965 ICY & 1968 ½d to £1 Flowers. All fine MUH. Cat £80+ (22) $40 Sold $85 |
 Falkland Is. 1974 Tourism set of 4 in matching corner blocks of 4. Fresh MUH. SG 296/299 Cat. £80 (16) $40 Archived |
Faroe Islands 1982-2003 (bar 1984) Christmas Seal Sheetlets issued by the PO. Fine MUH & most attractive. Retail $200+ (21) $20 Sold $20 |
 Fiji 1922 (8th Jun) Registered cover to England franked with KGV 5d & 6d tied by P.O. TAVUA cds's plus alongside. Manuscript registration details &… $75 Archived |
 Fiji 1922 (16th Jun) Registered cover to England with 3d & 4d KGV tied by P.O. NADRARIVATU cds's with at left. Manuscript registration details plus… $75 Archived |
 Fiji 1922 (27th Jun) Registered cover to England with 3d & 4d KGV pmkd P.O. SAVU SAVU EAST. An additional cds to left with Reg number in manuscript… $75 Archived |
 Fiji 1922 (11th Sep) Registered cover to England with 3d & 4d KGV cancelled by P.O. SOMO SOMO cds's with another alongside. Manuscript registration… $75 Archived |
 Fiji 1922 (28th Oct) Registered cover to England with an attractive range of KGV ¼d, ½d, 1d, 2d & 2½d tied by P.O. LOMA LOMA cds's plus another … $75 Archived |
 Fiji 1929 (9th Aug) Registered cover to England with 2/- KGV cancelled P.O. WAIYEVO. Printed registration label attached with an additional cds. Su… $75 Sold $75 |
 Fiji 1929 (16th Aug) Registered cover to England with 1/- KGV pmkd P.O. ROTUMA. Manuscript registration details with Suva & Liverpool backstamps. G… $75 Archived |
 Finland 1889 7R yellow & black, Russian type. MLH. SG 145 Cat. £225 $80 Archived |
 Finland 1930 10m "Zeppelin" ovpt. Fine MLH. SG 281 Cat. £150 $60 Sold $60 |