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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain
1858 2d blue QV, plate 9, with a massive shift of perfs resulting in the corner letter from the stamp at left appearing in the "new" stamp. Fine us…
Sold $40
1864 1d rose-red QV, pl. 111, MLH. Centred right but string colour. SG 43 Cat. £65
Sold $20
1854 1d red-brown QV with grossly mis-placed perfs resulting in the FJ corner lettering & "ONE PENNY" appearing at the top of the stamp. Used. SG 1…
Sold $50
1841 2d blue horiz pair with good margins & F/U by clear BN "5" obliterator. Small nick in right hand stamp. Lettered II-IJ. SG 14 £150 + premium …
1841 1d red brown imperf set of 12 numbered Maltese Crosses. All clear examples & with variable margins, but many with four margins. SG 8m Cat. £2…
Sold $290
1841 1d red imperfs in a range of shades. Most good to F/U with mixed margins. 6 cancelled by black Maltese Cross cancels. Useful for research. (20)
Sold $40
1840 2d pale blue with light, crisp Maltese Cross in black. Margins close to touching all round. Remains an attractive stamp. SG 6 Cat. £1000
1840 2d pale blue Plate 1. Cancelled by a neat red upright Maltese Cross cancel. Lettered NL with close to huge margins. A beautiful example of t…
Sold $410
1840 2d blue attractively used by almost complete black Maltese Cross cancel. Clear margins just touching bottom right but not detracting. Lettered…
Sold $120
1840 2d deep full blue with crisp black Maltese Crose. Neat 4 margins & lettered SD. A lovely stamp. SG 4 Cat. £1125
Sold $240
1840 2d deep full blue cancelled with indistinct back Maltese Cross. Touching to large margins. Lettered PD. Deep true colour. SG 4 Cat. £1000
1840 1d black with bold upright black Maltese Cross tying to cover. Large to touching margins & lettered KB. Red 13 AP 1841 cds on reverse & a blac…
Sold $120
1840 1d black tied to cover by smudged red Maltese Cross. Touching to large margins & lettered QJ. Jan 1841 usage evident from b/s. Fine except for…
1840 1d black on cover tied by bold black Maltese Cross cancel with neighbouring "PP Holburn Hill" s/line handstamp. 3 margin example lettered HK w…
1840 1d black neatly tied to recycled outer by a bold, clear Maltese Cross cancel. Close margins do not detract from this MC lettered stamp. Red JA…
1840 1d black & grey black in plates 1a plus an additional 1d in plate 1b making a stunning trio. All fine used with reasonable margins. SG 2 & 3. …
Sold $480
1840 1d intense black with red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered LA. Attractive. SG 1 Cat. £525
Sold $210
1840 1d intense black attractively fine used by bold brown-red Maltese Cross cancel. 4 clear margins & lettered RD. A lovely example. SG 1 Cat. £5…
Sold $220
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
2012 Year of the Snake set of 4 in complete MUH sheets of 20. MUH SG1588/91 Retail at $18 per set. (20 sets)
Sold $75
1989 20t on 17t Anemonefish marginal strip of 3, variety on each Grossly misplaced surcharge, fresh MUH, normal for comparison. Spectacular.
Sold $200
1985 Ceremonial Structures Trial stamps in MUH set of 4 with a normal set for comparison. These unissued stamps are smaller than the actual issue &…
Sold $210
Commonwealth & Foreign: New Guinea
1939 £1 Bulolo Ash imprint block of 4 MUH with usual mottled, brownish gum. Minute gum disturbance on each top unit but frontally striking. SG 225…
1932/24 undated Birds with "AIR MAIL" ovpts to £1 used, latter with smudge. The 10/- has a few split perfs at top but others generally fine. SG 19…
Sold $90
1925/28 Huts complete MLH with usual weak gum. A few poorly centered or with fluffy perfs (9d). Surface thin on 1d & slight hinge thin on £1 which…
Sold $90
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua
1935 (5th Nov) Port Moresby - Oroville Police Camp flown cover. Signed by Stuart Campbell. 1 of 89 flown. Clean & attractive. AAMC. P93 Cat. $300
1932 Pictorials set of 16 to £1. MLH but 5/- has no gum. SG 130/45 Cat. £475
Sold $190
1929/30 3d Lakatoi with AIR MAIL ovpt with DOUBLE OVERPRINT variety, one albino. Ash printing. Fresh MUH left marginal example with RPSL Cert. (201…
1910/11 large "PAPUA" set of 7 to 1/- MLH. 2d is fresh but others have odd perf stain & 1d is without gum. SG 75/81 Cat. £50
Sold $11
1907/10 MLH group with 2/6d large "PAPUA" type A (Cat. £60) small "PAPUA", ½d perf. 12½ & 6d perf. 11 with wmk sideways plus perf 11 1d, 2d, …
Sold $55
1906 large ovpt "Papua" on ½d to 4d, the latter wmk sideways & with hinge remnant otherwise fresh. SG 17 & 21/24 Cat. £290
Sold $85
1901 1½d blue Postal Card used 7 JUL 1908 from Port Moresby to Victoria. Slight ageing & corner crease. Scarce commercial item. ACSC PAP2 Cat. $750
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island
1997 75c Butterfly vertical strip of 5 from upper pane showing all stamps with gold omitted (country name & value). Lower 2 stamps additionally sho…
1966 25c on 2/5d surcharge on Passion flower corner imprint block of 6 with misplaced surcharge ovpt extending over perfs & well off silver box. MU…
1953/56 formular Lettercards with 3½d Tower, 4d Ball Bay, 5d Post Office, 5d Scene & 5d ANZAC affixed plus a blank example. All in mint, unused co…
1947 (10th June) ½d to 2/- Ball Bay set of 12 on FDC with crisp NI cds's. H/S address. Excellent cond. SG 1/12 Retails $45
Sold $20
Commonwealth & Foreign: Nauru
1993 South Pacific Forum M/S's x 25. Fine MUH SG 414 Cat. £175 (25)
1924/48 Ships to 10/-. F/U or CTO with most on shiny paper. 10/- thinned. SG 26/39 (14)
1917 (25th Sept) 2/6d brown Seahorse, 9d & 1/- KGV ovptd "NAURU" tied by "P.O. PLEASANT ISLAND NAURU" cds's on registered censored cover hand addre…
Sold $280
1916/23 "NAURU" ovpts to 1/- MLH (hingeing varies) with 2½d stained. 1½d has centre ovpt (Cat.£27). Also D.L.R. Seahorses MLH, the 2/6d yellow b…
Sold $250
1916/23 "NAURU" ovpts to 10/- used. ½d & 1½d centre ovpts while the 2/6d has forged ovpt. The 5/- bright carmine is well centred & 10/- deep brig…
Sold $80
Outerlying Territories: Lord Howe Island
1999-2001 Courier Post group of covers, booklets & MUH blocks. Covers incl 1999 $1.80 emergency label single & block of 4, similar with 45c Austral…
Sold $210
Outerlying Territories: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
1990/91 Locals & Postage Paid ovpts incl OFFICIAL PAID MAINLAND Coconut ovpt on top right marginal block of 4 CTO as usual. Scarce in blocks. SG 23…
Sold $250
1990 $5 on 65c ovptd Constellation bottom left marginal block of 4. Fresh MUH. Scarce as a block. SG 230. Retails $340+
Sold $90
Outerlying Territories: Christmas Island
2000 Year of the Dragon M/S ovptd "ARMADALE KELMSCOTT PHILATELIC SOCIETY 1980-2000" in black. Rarley seen. MUH
Sold $110
1990 Abbots Booby M/S's ovpts Birdpex '90 & NZ90 Stamp Exhib. Also 1993 Birds M/S's ovptd Taipei & Indopex. Finally 1994 Year of the Dog M/S's ovpt…
Sold $45
1959 30c, 1970 25c & 1972 53c Registered Envelopes. Unused. H&G. C1/3 (3)
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
2013 AAT Antarctic Expedition "Disaster & Isolation" imperforate M/S's in top right corner block of 4 with "Sprintpak Jun, 18, 2013" imprint. Exc M…
Sold $50
2012 Antarctic Expedition M/S ovptd "Mawson's Huts Foundation Celebrating the Centenary of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition 1911-1914. 19 Nove…
Sold $50
2012 Antarctic Expedition M/S ovptd "HENRY FORD'S Mechanised Production Line 1913-2013" in silver. MUH. SG MS223var.
Sold $50
1999 Mawson's Hut $10 Telstra Phonecard & Aust Post stamp Presentation Pack. Excellent cond. & most attractive. Rarely seen & last sold in Ace Auct…
Sold $30


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