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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Commonwealth & Foreign | |||
New Zealand 1960/66 ½d to £1 Pictorials set of 23 MUH. SG 781/802 Retails $150 $40 Sold $40 | |||
New Zealand 1967 3₵ Puarangi (flower) imperforate booklet sheet plate proof in issued colours on gummed wmkd paper. One pane of 6 with 60mm w… $700 Archived | |||
New Zealand 1985 25¢ QEII normal & marginal example MUH with Royal Sash emblems omitted. SG suggests this was from a batch sent for destruction in… $120 Archived | |||
New Zealand 1990 Heritage collection celebrating 150 years of stamps. Incls. stamps & FDC's. Numbered 4271 of Limited Edition 10,000 $80 Archived | |||
New Zealand-Ross Dependency 1957 3d to 1/6d set of 4 in left hand bottom marginal corner blocks of 4 each with Plate No. 1. Fresh MUH. SG 1/4 $40 Sold $70 | |||
New Zealand-Ross Dependency 1994-2000 FDC's in immaculate cond. Most attractive. Cat. for fine used stamps is £65. (7) $30 Sold $30 | |||
New Zealand-Military Egypt 5m Sphinx on piece tied by violet boxed "N.Z. MILITARY POST OFFICE MAR 12 (year unclear) EXPEDITIONARY FORCE" strike com… $30 Archived | |||
Nigeria 1932 5/- green & red on pale yellow KGV, Die I. MLH. Sg 28a Cat. £70 $50 Archived | |||
Nigeria 1948 5/- RSW in F/U block of 4 with oval Lagos 24 JA 49 registered cancels plus 1d mint block. SG 63 Cat. £90+ $40 Archived | |||
Niue 1918 2/- deep blue QV top right hand marginal corner block of 4.Two light hinge stains on top selvedge at front however stamps remain fine MUH… $70 Sold $70 | |||
Niue 1928 2/- light blue Admiral MUH block of 4 on "Cowan" paper. SG 49 Cat. £80+ $70 Sold $70 | |||
North Borneo 1939 Postage Dues. MLH, the 8¢ with a short perf at top otherwise all fine & fresh. SG D85/89 Cat. £140 as MUH $50 Archived | |||
North Borneo 1950 KGVI Defins complete set of 16 to $10 MLH incl both 50¢. SG 356/70 Cat. £120 as MUH. $40 Archived | |||
North Borneo & Sarawak 1945 "BMA" ovpt sets to $1 on long FDC's with Victoria 17 12 1945 Labuan s/l cancels & typed "First British Civil Post Off… $80 Sold $120 | |||
Nyasaland 1954 2/6d & 5/- booklets (2 ea) plus 1955 Rhodesia & Nyasaland 5/- booklet. Total Cat. £160+ (5) $60 Sold $70 | |||
Peru 1948 Olympic Games perf. 12½ plus set from M/S perf. 13 all overprinted "MELBOURNE 1956". These were only valid for postage on one day. Fresh… $30 Archived | |||
Poland 1928 50g & 1z sepia Exhibition MUH from M/S. Both slightly off centre taken into account with estimate. Mi. €340 $70 Archived | |||
Poland General Government 1942 600th Anniv set of 4 in MUH top right blocks of 8 with full selvedge showing Third Reich Eagle & swastika. Not often… $40 Archived | |||
Portugal 1853 50r yellow green Queen Maria with clear margins all round. Good used with smudgy cancel but useful at this reserve. SG 6 Cat. £1500 $150 Archived | |||
Portugal 1853 5r red brown Queen Maria with worn die. Used example with margins touching all round. SG 2 Cat. £1500 $100 Archived | |||
Portugal 1855 5r red brown King Pedro with straight hair. Good to F/U cut square touching design at two points. Mi. 5 Cat. €1200 $75 Archived | |||
Portugal 1855/56 50r yellow green King Pedro. Corners shaped & stain evident with hinge remainder but large part original gum. … $40 Archived | |||
Portugal 1855/56 100r lilac King Pedro. MLH with light stain top right, but clear margins all round. SG 15 Cat. £1200 $80 Archived | |||
Portugal 1952 NATO Anniv. Pair. Fine MLH. SG 1065/66 Cat. £500+ as MUH $180 Archived | |||
Rhodesia 1970/73 25₵, 50₵, $1 & $2 pictorials in left MUH marginal blocks of 6. SG 449/52 Cat. £90 $60 Archived | |||
Rhodesia-Northern 1938/52 ½d - 20/- KGVI defins set of 21. Fresh MLH. SG 25/45 Cat. £250 $170 Archived | |||
Rhodesia-Southern 1964 2/-, 2/6d, 5/- 10/- & £1 in pictorials in MUH blocks of 4. SG 101/105 Cat. £120 $70 Archived | |||
Russia 1931 (17th July) Regd Moscow Airmail cover with Zeppelin full set of 5 (the 15k, 20k & 1 Ruble show wmk sideways, others upright)tied by Mos… $240 Archived | |||
Russia 1931 (25th July) Zeppelin cover bearing 1931 35k & 2r North Pole "Polar bear & Airship" imperfs tied by PAR AVION ZEPPELIN 25.VII.31 cds's.… $180 Archived | |||
SAAR 1920 "SAARE" ovpts on Bavaria 5pf to 10M set of 14 all CTO on unaddressed cover, each with "ECHT" handstamp above. Light central crease on c… $500 Sold $400 | |||
SAAR 1950 25f & 200f Council of Europe pair MLH. Mi. 297/98 Cat. €220 as MUH $50 Archived | |||
Samoa 1914 "GRI 2½d" surcharge on 20pf Yacht vertical pair with lower unit showing "comma for stop" error after "GRI". Fresh MVLH. Brandon Cert. (… $440 Archived | |||
Samoa blocks, pairs & singles MUH on Hagners in 2 ring binder. Largely 1960s/70s (no Birds or Wildlife defins), with a few earlier at back. (100s) $30 Sold $25 | |||
Sarawak 1918 Charles Brooke simplified set of 12 to $1, no wmk. MLH. SG 50a/61 Cat. £110 $40 Archived | |||
Sarawak 1932 Charles Brooke set of 15 to $1. MUH fresh & with good perfs (except 30¢ - a couple of shortish perfs at top). SG 91/105 Cat. £100 + … $50 Sold $75 | |||
Sarawak 1948 8¢ & $5 Royal Silver Wedding. Superb MUH. SG 165/166 Cat. £50 $40 Sold $55 | |||
Serbia Montengro-German Occupation 1942 (4th Nov) Registered censored cover from local court in Alecsinac franked with Serbia 2d x 4 & 1d Monasteri… $140 Sold $140 | |||
Serbia Montengro-German Occupation 1944 (22nd May) locally addressed cover bearing 50¢, 1, 2 & 5d stamps all with ovpt "Nationaler Verwaltungsauss… $350 Archived | |||
Singapore 1948 KGVI set of 15 to $5, perf. 14. Fresh MVLH. SG 1/15 Cat. £180 as MUH $60 Sold $60 | |||
Singapore 1948 Royal Silver Wedding pair x 4 good used sets with 10¢ in block. SG 31/32 Cat. £200 $80 Sold $80 | |||
Singapore 1955/59 QEII defins to $5 (excl. 4d brown). SG 38/52 excl. 40 Cat. £130 (14) $50 Sold $50 | |||
Singapore 1969 (9th Aug) 150th Anniv of Founding of Singapore FDC's x 3 on Official unaddressed covers in exc cond. SG 121/26 Retail $100+ each (3) $100 Sold $100 | |||
Singapore 1971 (5th Dec) Art FDC's x 2. On large Official unaddressed covers with inserts. Good cond considering their size. SG 165/70 Retail at… $30 Sold $30 | |||
Solomon Islands 1907 "Large Canoes" set of 7 to 1/-. MLH with varied hingeing & 1d has pinhole, but all stamps are free of toning. SG 1/7 Cat. Â… $250 Archived | |||
Solomon Islands 1908 "Small Canoes" set of 11. MLH with good centering. SG 8/17 Cat. £200 $150 Archived | |||
Solomon Islands 1913 "POSTAGE POSTAGE" set of 4 plus 1922/31 KEVII script wmk set of 15 to 10/- & 1935 Silver Jubilee set all MLH with 10/- appeari… $100 Sold $100 | |||
Solomon Islands 1939/51 KGVI Pictorials set of 13 to 10/-. MLH but 2/- & 2/6d with tropic gum, others vary with fresh to light, even toning. SG 60/… $30 Archived | |||
Solomon Islands 1908/11 ½d to 5/- Canoes set of 11. Fresh MLH. SG 8/17 Cat. £200 $80 Archived | |||
Solomon Islands 1959 4/- & 11/- booklets stapled at left. SB 1/2 Cat. £70 $25 Sold $25 | |||
Solomon Islands 1959 4/- & 11/- booklets stapled at right. SB 1/2 Cat. £70 $25 Sold $25 | |||
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