Auction Lots
Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
States and Territories: South Australia |
 1867 (19th Dec) inwards entire from GB bearing 1867/80 6d QV with hyphen tied by London WC13 duplex & with Adelaide receival mark. Torn flap but ot… $80 Archived |
 1875 1d blue-green QV imperforate left marginal pair. No wmk. MUH with minor gum bends but frontally fresh. $30 Sold $20 |
 1881 entire to London from Adelaide with 2d & 6d QV tied by crisp GPO Adelaide duplex. Endorsed "per Orient Liner via Naples" carried by the "Lusi… $180 Archived |
 1905 5d dull purple Tannenburg Design in Plate 1 corner pair with "SA" perfin. Fresh MLH & striking. ACSC S13z Cat. $200 $80 Archived |
 1911 9d brown-red "thick" Long Tom with inverted wmk, perfined "SA". Fresh MLH. ACSC S50 Cat. $200+ $100 Archived |
 1912 2/6d violet "thick" Long Tom perfined "SA". Fresh MLH. ACSC S63 Cat. $250 $120 Archived |
 1912 2/6d dull violet "thick" Long Tom perfined "SA". Fresh MLH with hinge remainder. ACSC S63a Cat. $250 $75 Archived |
 1909 5/- pale rose pink "thick" Long Tom perfined "SA". Fresh MLH. ACSC S66 Cat. $160+ $80 Archived |
 1904 5/- scarlet "thick" Long Tom with triple perfined "SA". Fresh MLH. ACSC S70 Cat. $160+ $100 Archived |
 1904 £1 blue "thick" Long Tom perfined "SA". Fresh MLH with fluffy perfs. ACSC S72 Cat. $350+ $160 Archived |
 1919-1962 Registered cover group comprising 1919 Adelaide (red label) to London bearing KGV 1½d chocolate x 3, 1930 Renmark (black & blue label, … $40 Sold $65 |
 1950 Bank draft with 5 x £10 Duty stamps attached along with a 10/- & 2/- x 2 fiscally cancelled by The Bank of Australasia Adelaide oval cachet … $30 Sold $95 |
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