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Miscellaneous: Officials |
 1913 ½d to 1/- kangaroos (excl. 2½d & 5d) perfined small "OS" & all F/U with cds's & well-centred, bar 1/- centred low left. ACSC Cat… $90 Archived |
 1913 ½d, 1d, 2d, 4d, 6d & 9d kangaroos all perfined large "OS". Good to F/U. 4d centred right otherwise mostly good to fine. ACSC cat. $30… $75 Archived |
 1913 4d orange kangaroo, 1st wmk, perfined "OS/NSW". Used with good perfs. SG 6var. $30 Sold $25 |
 1913 4d kangaroos in yellow-orange & orange shades perfined large "OS", both catalogued shades. The yellow-orange has neat 1915 Pt. Augusta cds but… $50 Sold $50 |
 1913 9d violet Kangaroo perfined OS. Fine used. SG O9 $50 Archived |
 1913 5/- grey & yellow, 1st wmk, perfined large "OS". MVLH & well-centred. Outstanding example. SG 012 Cat. £1200 $500 Sold $1050 |
 1915 5/- kangaroos, 2nd wmk, in both catalogued shades of yellow & chrome perfined "OS". Used cds examples with fluffy perfs on the yellow, the ot… $150 Sold $150 |
 1915 6d ultramarine Die II, 3rd wmk, perfined OS. Centred left with light gum crease. MUH. SG 046 Cat. £75+ $90 Archived |
 1915 9d violet kangaroo, Die IIB, perfined small OS left marginal block of 4. 3 units MUH, 1 MLH, centred left with missing corner bottom right. S… $80 Sold $80 |
 1916/18 10/- grey & intense aniline pink, 3rd wmk, perfined "OS". MVLH with 95% original gum. Centred up but good perfs & true colour. ACSC 48Dba C… $700 Archived |
 1915/28 £1 chestnut & dull blue kangaroo, 3rd wmk, perfined small "OS". F/U by two partial, light cds's. Well centred with good perfs but li… $500 Sold $580 |
 1924 4d olive-yellow KGV perfined "OS". MLH, centred low. Fine. SG O83 Cat. £60 $30 Sold $30 |
 1926 ½d orange KGV bottom left corner block of 10 perfined OS. Fresh MUH. SG O97 $60 Sold $60 |
 1926 2d golden scarlet, Die III KGV perfined small OS. Fresh fine MUH inter-pane block of 8. SG O104a $120 Archived |
 1926 2d golden scarlet, Die III KGV perfined small OS. Fresh MUH block of 4. SG O104a $60 Archived |
 1926 3d ultramarine & 4½d violet KGV perfined small "OS" F/U (4½d small tear at top) plus 3d ultramarine Die II (SG 100b) & 1/- Lyrebird (SG… $20 Sold $20 |
 1927-1930 perfined "OS" commems for Canberra, Sturt pair, WA Cent, 3d Kookaburra &3d Airmail. All fine MUH bar kookaburra which is MVLH. SG 0112/13… $90 Sold $90 |
 1928 3d Kookaburra perfined "OS" block of 8 MUH. Perfs separating & lower left unit thinned with all units off centre & touching design at right… $50 Sold $50 |
 1929 3d Air marginal block perfined "OS". Fresh MUH & not often seen in blocks. SG 0119 $100 Archived |
 1931 2d & 3d Kingsford Smith ovptd "OS". Fresh MLH & reasonably well centred with good perfs. They appear to be genuine ovpts displaying the correc… $150 Sold $120 |
 1932/33 5d orange brown KGV ovptd "OS" in horizontal pair with barely perceptible hinge mark at top. Well-centred. SG 0132 $50 Archived |
 1932 6d chestnut kangaroo overprinted "OS" in complete sheet of 120. A little gum toning top left & right selvedges affecting only one stamp & 9 ot… $5000 Archived |
 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge pair with "OS" ovpt & 1931 6d brown Kingsford Smith "OS". All MUH & fresh. SG 139a & 0134/35 $40 Sold $40 |
 1929 3d green Airmail, type B, perfined "OS" strip of 3. Fresh MLH hinged on outer units. ACSC 135b Cat. $200 $90 Sold $90 |
 1930 3d Sturt perfined small "OS" CTO block of 4. Most attractive. ACSC 140wa $40 Archived |
 1932 OHMS Geological Survey of Victoria card addressed to Java with KGV 1d green perf "OS" pair tied by Melbourne 3 FEB 1932 machine cancel, "PREVE… $50 Archived |