Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1865 3d rose QV, Plate 4 F/U with clear "545" barred numeral cancel. SG 92 Cat. £210 $50 Archived |
 1865 4d dull vermilion QV, Plate 7, well centred with very good perfs & colour. Fine used with superb upright MALTA JY 11 66 cds. SG 93 Cat. £2… $150 Archived |
 1865 4d vermilion QV, Plate 10 with light partial barred numeral pmk. Centred left with slightly trimmed perfs at right reflected in conservative e… $30 Archived |
 1865 (March) used abroad cover with 6d lilac "small letters" showing "A26" duplex with Gibraltar MR 14 65 cds & addressed to Ryde, Isle of Wight wi… $80 Archived |
 1865 1/- green QV F/U by light barred numeral cancel. Wing margin at right deflecting low left centering. Very light stain on wing margin. SG 101 C… $40 Archived |
 1865 1/- green QV, Plate 4. Horiz crease & pulled perfs at right. MLH. A difficult stamp & useful at this reserve even with faults. SG 10… $250 Archived |
 1872 3d deep rose QV block of 4 with left hand wing margins. Plate 8 lettered DE-EF with four crisp Douglas, Isle of Man 23 Au 72 cds's. Superb wit… $300 Sold $300 |
 1867 3d rose/deep rose QV, Spray of Rose wmk selection with Plates 4, 5, 6, 8 & 9, the latter in pair on piece tied by EXCHANGE/LIVERPOOL "466" dup… $100 Sold $80 |
 1867 9d straw QV, Plate 4. Good to fine used with complete Stock Exchange JY 30 72 cds. Left wing margin example, lettered OI. SG 110 Cat. £300+ $200 Archived |
 1867 9d pale straw, plate 4 tied to piece by bold BN 923 duplex of Worthing. Striking. SG 111 Cat. £275 $75 Archived |
 1867 9d pale straw, plate 4 fine used with neat & light Edinburgh duplex. Well centred & lovely colour. SG 111 Cat. £480 with premium $150 Archived |
 1867 9d pale straw, Plate 4. Fine used with partial barred numeral cancel clear of portrait. Lovely rich colour. SG 111 Cat. £250 $100 Archived |
 1872 6d deep chestnut QV, Plate 11 fine used with neat part Crickhowell cds dated SP 23 72. Lettered LE & well centred with fresh colour. SG 122 Ca… $150 Sold $150 |
 1874 5/- pale rose QV, Plate 2. Good to fine used with part octagonal Lombard Street JY 1880 duplex. Centred low right otherwise sound with good pe… $250 Archived |
 1867 10/- grey green QV with anchor wmk on white paper. Good to F/U by indistinct Reg cancel leaving a clear profile. "L/C&S" perfin not detracting… $400 Sold $400 |
 1867/83 10/- greenish grey QV, Plate 1, Anchor wmk. Superb used with central, crisp RICHMOND JU 28 83 SURREY cds. Lettered EA. Well centred with e… $4800 Sold $6100 |
 1876 6d grey QV, Plate 15 imperforate Imprimatur on white glazed card. Lettered AE with close to large margins. MLH & fresh. SG Spec Cat. … $700 Archived |
 1873 1/- deep green QV, Plate 8 attractively fine used by a partial Edinburgh cds for OC 30 73. One toned perf otherwise well centred & lettered FG… $90 Archived |
 1873 1/- green QV in Plates 9 x 2, 12 & 13. All sound used examples with clear cancels & good perfs. Usual mixed centering. SG 150 Tota… $90 Sold $70 |
 1876 1/- green QV, Plate 13 fine used. Centred slightly right. Lettered IC. An attractive stamp. SG 150 Cat. £140+ $100 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. Used with heavy numeral obliterator. Centred to right but with good perfs & free of toning. A sound budget example. … $400 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. Good to fine used with part Gracechurch St 29 NO 82 Registered cancel. Lettered DC. Light horiz ironed out crease but n… $1200 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. F/U with Argyle Station AP 10 82 Glasgow complete part cds. Centred low left but good perfs & fresh colour. RPS London(… $1800 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish grey QV. Fine used with neat Glasgow MR 4 82 cds. Centred slight left. Lettered DJ. Lovely colour & fresh. SG 128 Cat. … $2200 Archived |
 1878 10/- greenish-grey QV. Fine used by crisp Dundee FE 6 1883 cds. Centred very slightly high left. Lettered CC. An attractive stamp. SG 128 Cat.… $2200 Sold $1760 |
 1877 £1 brown-lilac QV Telegraph good to fine used by complete Liverpool Exchange 27 AP 84 cds & light diagonal boxed parcel cancel. Lettered AE w… $480 Archived |
 1878 £1 brown-lilac QV Maltese Cross wmk. Superb used with crisp Belfast AP 4 82 cds. Lettered HG. Centred right but fresh colour & excellen… $2000 Archived |
 1878 £1 brown-lilac QV, Plate 1. Superb used with crisp upright LIVERPOOL E5 JY 14 79 cds. Lettered HF. Centred right but does not detract … $3000 Archived |
 1882 £1 brown-lilac QV, Plate 1, with Anchor wmk. Good used with part London EC6 London duplex. Lettered EA. Perfined "HSD" sideways at right. Wel… $2500 Sold $2500 |
 1882 £5 orange on white paper. F/U by crisp, central Belfast T AP 15 91 cds. Lettered BH. A 4cm diagonal red crayon mark above profile reflected i… $2800 Sold $2800 |
 1883 2/6d lilac good used with 22 MAY 1896 parcel cds. Reasonable centering & good colour. SG 178 Cat. £160 $50 Archived |
 1883 2/6d deep lilac QV. Fine used example with crisp "CARDIFF EXCHANGE AP 21 92" cds. Tiny expertisation handstamps on reverse. SG 179 Cat. £300 $90 Archived |
 1883 5/- rose QV on white paper. Fresh MLH. Lettered AA. Well centred & fresh. SG 180 Cat. £1100 $400 Sold $470 |
 1883 5/- crimson F/U by half a Threadneedle St Reg oval cancel. Rich colour. SG 181 Cat. £250 $80 Archived |
 1883 10/- ultramarine. Fine used with bold hooded London 23 FE 00 cds. Well centred & strong colour. SG 183 Cat. £525 $200 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac QV with crowns wmk. Sound used with two smudged obliterators & minor rubbing of reg crayon mark at top right. SG 185 Cat. £2800 $300 Sold $300 |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac QV with Crowns wmk. Good to fine used with indistinct cds. Minute tear bottom left & slightly soiled. Useful budget example. S… $700 Archived |
 1888 £1 brown-lilac QV Three Orbs wmk. Good to fine used with neat Swansea AP 27 83 central cds & part box cancel. Lettered MB. Well centred, full… $1000 Sold $1050 |
 1883 2d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6d QV lilac & greens fine used selection. SG 189/94 with 5d a little pale thus excl from total cat of £950+ $100 Sold $100 |
 1883 6d dull green QV fine used with almost complete Gainford JU 19 85 cds. True colour with good perfs. Lettered ED. SG 194 Cat. £450 with premium $150 Archived |
 1883 6d dull green QV. Fine used with true colour & showing complete "BLACKHALL ST GREENOCK MR 20 86" cds. SG 194 Cat. £200+ $100 Archived |
 1883 9d dull green "GOVT PARCELS" ovpt. Couple of missing perfs at base & a trifle paler than issued colour but a rare survivor. SG 063 Cat. £1000 $75 Archived |
 1883 1/- dull green QV fine used by light Registered London oval pmk. Centred left but rich original colour. Lettered RI. SG 196 Cat. £300+ $180 Archived |
 1887 9d dull purple & blue. A lovely fine used example with a partial cds & true colour. SG 209 Cat. £40+ $30 Archived |
 1897 9d dull purple & blue with a cracking complete upright CARLISLE cds. F/U with true colour. SG 209 Cat. £70 with premium $30 Archived |
1887 1/- dull green QV. Fine used with neat Newcastle on Tyne JY 21 94 cds. Still attached to part piece hence true, original colour. A lovel… $60 Archived |
1891 £1 green QV with bold cds. Unfortunately repaired tear below left-hand value indicator. Remains presentable. SG 212 Cat. £800 $80 Archived |
 1891 £1 green QV. Good used with part Spring St cds. Minor toning spots but frontally fine. SG 212 Cat. £800 $200 Sold $120 |
 1891 £1 green QV F/U with 2 oval Registered cancels. Well centred with good perfs & colour. SG 212 Cat. £800 $400 Sold $400 |
 1891 £1 green QV Good to fine used with crisp cds overstruck with boxed "G.P.O." parcel cancel. Centred right by fresh looking with strong colour.… $400 Archived |