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States and Territories: Western Australia |
1854-1912 MLH & used collection on Seven Seas leaves. Incls 1854 4d pale blue cut to shape used, 1888 2d grey & 4d red brown MLH, 1874 ONE PENNY su… $140 Archived |
 1882-1912 QV & swan range of OS perfins neatly arranged on typed up pages. 1882/93 1/- CrownCA wmk incl shades, 1898/1907 & 1912 6d & 1/- WcrownA &… $750 Archived |
Swans MLH & good to F/U in small stockbook. Also WA pmks on swans, KGV to 1966 QEII on piece. Also "ONE PENNY" surcharged strip of 4 swans on 1947 … $30 Sold $30 |
Swans in massive quantity in small box. Majority of 1d reds but various vals noted. Postmark potential & some Officials sighted. 4500+ $150 Sold $150 |
Swans the majority good to F/U with numeral cancels. Noted odd imperf, multiples & some attractive cds's. (approx. 200) $120 Sold $120 |
Duty Embossed 1917-1965 Impressed Duty range on documents incl multiples, some with addition 1d revenues affixed. Values to £50. Priced to sell at… $300 Archived |
 Postmarks 1880-1890 group of the 12 known 11 bar letter pmks on swans for AL, AR, B, BE, D, E, GT, K, F, G, GR & P. Majority are clear strikes with… $80 Archived |
Postmarks 1902-1965 Postmark accumulation mounted on pages with WA swans through to pre-decimal commems. Noted kangaroos & KGV and strong in the PO… $30 Sold $40 |
Postmarks Range on WA swans through to 1970's. Incls 14 different Savings Bank cancels on swans. Many fine strikes. (400+) $150 Sold $160 |
Postmarks mounted in 2 springback albums. The first on Australian pre-decimals with approx. 400 different while vol. 2 has a 1966-2001 range of dec… $90 Archived |
Registration labels with duplication (heavy in places) on Hagners sorted into alphabetical order. Incls 7 black & blue with rest all blues. Noted M… $150 Sold $150 |
Registration labels with majority the R6 blue types. Useful duplication with some examples dated for reference. (100s) $60 Sold $60 |
 WWII incoming to Western Australia stampless covers with strikes incl "PAQUEBOT", "PASSED FREE" & POW camp "ZENSIERT GEFANGENEN LAGER" with Feldpos… $30 Archived |
 1854 1d black lightly used with numeral cancel. Clear margins at sides, touching top & bottom corners. Fresh appearance. SG 1 Cat. £275 $50 Sold $130 |
 1854 1d black swan with double tail. 3 clear margins, 4th just touching. F/U SG 1 Cat. £275 $90 Sold $70 |
 1854 4d blue imperf. 4 wide margins with light void grid cancel. Superb. SG 3a Cat. £250 $120 Sold $120 |
 1854 4d blue. F/U with 2 huge margins & 2 close but clear of design. 15 bar 6 cancel of Albany. Fine example. SG 3a Cat. £250 $120 Sold $100 |
 1854 1/- deep red-brown. 4 close to just touching margins. Mint but top margin thinned right edge. Lovely colour. SG 4a Cat. £1800 $60 Sold $60 |
 1854 1/- grey brown with "2" BN obliterator. Slightly cut into at left, otherwise fine. SG 4b Cat. £375 $100 Sold $170 |
 1855 1/- pale brown. F/U with 15 bar 1 of Perth in blue. 4 clear margins. SG 4c Cat. £325 $90 Sold $150 |
 1855 1/- pale brown F/U, cut square example with all margins clear & wmk standing out boldly. Exc stamp. SG 4c Cat. £325 $150 Archived |
 1855 1/- pale brown attractively used with "1" BN obliterator clearly struck. 2 clear margins, touching top & at left. SG 4e Cat. £325 $70 Archived |
 1857/59 6d grey black Hillman lithograph with clear margins all round & lightly cancelled. A lovely example. SG 19 Cat. £550 $240 Sold $240 |
 1861 6d sage green swan with BN "8" & close margins all round, touching at sides. Good colour. SG 28 Cat. £400 $50 Sold $50 |
 1872 letter from Guildford to Busselton redirected first to Vasse & then Australind. 2d chrome-yellow swan (SG 54) cancelled Guildford obliterator … $280 Sold $280 |
 1881 £10 lilac Revenue vertical pair with clear complete oval handstamp "C.O.Ferguson 25 Mar 1904 Authorised to Cancel Stamps" in violet. Separate… $75 Archived |
 1881 1d ochre, perf. 14, CRCC wmk ovptd IR with 2 bars. Mint & well centred. $60 Withdrawn |
 1881 6d on 3d lilac swan, CrCC wmk, with I.R. SIX PENCE ovpt. Fiscally used. $50 Sold $120 |
 1881 1/- on 3d lilac, CrCC wmk, perf. 14, with I.R. ONE SHILLING ovpt. Neatly fiscally used. $65 Sold $70 |
 1881 lilac Internal Revenues with 10 vals 2/6d to £10, latter pen-cancelled. All others with rubber handstamps. Attractive set. Dzelme 22/31 (10) $100 Sold $100 |
 1883 1d yellow-ochre, perf. 12x14. F/U by light GPO obliterator. SG 81 Cat. £150+ $90 Sold $90 |
 1885/93 4d chestnut top marginal block of 9. MUH with odd gum bend but fresh. SG 98 $80 Archived |
 1886 1d bistre & 6d violet perf. 14 & 1d bistre, perf. 12½ Telegraph stamps all postally used with neat, light obliterators. Light staining on fir… $180 Sold $160 |
 1886 1d bistre & 6d violet perf. 14 & 1d bistre, perf. 12½ Telegraph stamps. 6d has rounded corner. 1d perf. 12½ is MLH, the others good to F/U. … $220 Archived |
 1889 (20th July) 2d bluish grey pane of 60 (SG 96) on WA Claim Transfer cancelled by 14 strikes of oval "The Registrar Greenbushes Mining District"… $180 Sold $260 |
 1892 2/6d lilac Internal Revenue. MLH. Dzelme R36 $120 Sold $120 |
 1895 ½d on 3r red-brown with surcharge in red & green. Mint, no gum. SG 111b $25 Archived |
 1895 1/- & 2/6d Coolgardie Cycle Express originals with usual rough perfs & minor gum disturbance, but no rust. (2) $80 Sold $80 |
 1896 (22nd Aug) Esperance duplex cancel Dx PO (note earliest recorded usage in PHI 19-06-97) to Kilmore Victoria with Melbourne transit & Kilmore d… $75 Sold $75 |
 1896 5/- internal revenue fine fiscally used block of 4. Oval cancel in violet dated 19 Oct 1897. Fine. $60 Sold $140 |
 1896 Cassidy Hill Coolgardie Gold Mines Share Certificate for 500 shares @ £1 each - an enormous sum in 1896! Exc cond, twice folded. $95 Sold $120 |
 1898 (18th Oct) Land Titles Department Frank Stamp (Karman Cat. W260.2) on OHMS env with neat Perth Registered ORS 3-a strike. Worn around top edge… $120 Archived |
 1898 (21st Dec) QV lettercard with crisp & clear Clunes, Victoria 6 bar numeral for "147" addressed to Sugarloaf GMC, Kintore, 25 Mile via Coolgard… $480 Sold $480 |
 1899 (6th Sept) "Strelitz Bros Merchants & Shipping Agents" advertising env with Kalgoorlie duplex Dx PO b in 2 (index 2 is not recorded in PMI or … $200 Sold $360 |
 1899 memorandum to Postmaster Goongarrie on pre-printed Official PO Stationery from Mail Receiver, Kalgoorlie requesting stamps. Has been folded le… $100 Sold $220 |
 1900/20 Cash Order Coupon for 2/-. Issued by Traders Mutual Cash Order Co. Pty Ltd, Murray Street, Perth. Popular in this period with this companie… $50 Sold $50 |
 1901-1905 group of 4 "Avis de Reception" stamped forms with a variety of handstamps including (tying 2½d swan) "Inspection Branch Inquiry Divisio… $1200 Archived |
 1902 (20th Aug) cover to Tasmania with 2d yellow tied by Ship mail Room Perth WA cds & with rubber stamp in violet of Watson & Gutman at top left p… $50 Archived |
 1902 1d rose-pink block of 7 swans perfined large "OS". One has the "retouch over "STE" of Western" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC W12Cf $180 Archived |
 1902 1d to 8d set, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12 x 12½ with MLH & F/U for each. Sideways & upwards wmks on 1d red & 2d yellow. A neat & complete collectio… $70 Sold $70 |