Lot No |
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Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign: Great Britain |
 1883 5/- rose. F/U with 1883 London "f" cds. SG 180 Cat. £250 $60 Archived |
 1883 5/- rose. F/U with socked on the nose 1897 "REGISTERED THREADMORTON AVENUE" oval cancel. Crisp cancel & good colour. SG 180 Cat. £250+ $80 Archived |
 1883 5/- crimson on white paper. Two good used examples, one overlapping cds x 2, the other hooded cds of London. SG 181 Cat. £500 (2) $75 Archived |
 1883 10/- ultramarine on white paper with hooded cds strikes. Rich colour & well centred. SG 183 Cat. £525 $100 Sold $100 |
 1883 10/- pale ultramarine with overinked & smudged cds. SG 183a Cat. £550 $50 Sold $40 |
 1883 10/- pale ultramarine on white paper. Used example with light LOMBARD STREET cds. SG183a Cat. £550 $150 Archived |
 1884 £1 brown-lilac wmk three crowns used with bullseye "WEST HARTLEPOOL" cds & boxed "C.N.C./G.P.O." Sound example free of faults. SG 185 Cat. £… $800 Sold $800 |
 1883 1½d, 2½d & 3d lilacs with good, true colour for each. All good to F/U. SG 188, 190/91 Cat. £160 $30 Archived |
 1883 4d, 5d & 6d dull green all with good colour. 4d with heavy barred "30" part duplex, 5d with hooded cds of DE 12 86 & 6 F/U with light indistin… $90 Archived |
 1883/84 6d dull green x 5. All with Aberdeen cds's of diff dates in 1884/86. Some staining on reverse & soiling on front but reasonable colour. SG … $80 Archived |
 1884 entire to Fremantle W.A. with 1883 6d QV dull green tied by London duplex. "Via Brindisi" penned top left corner with contents from Hawkins & … $30 Sold $30 |
 1885 £1 brown lilac, wmk three crowns, ovptd "I.R. OFFICIAL" & "SPECIMEN". Brownish gum with 7mm thinned perf strip at top & other abrasions on gu… $500 Sold $500 |
 1887/92 Jubilee set to 1/- plus the 1900 colour changes. Cond varies, with 1/- green true colour, others a bit "off colour" & one 5d surface thin (… $30 Sold $50 |
 1887/92 Jubilee set to 1/- plus the 1900 colour changes. Cond varies & both 5d are Die II with 9d & 1/- dull green are fine. Most others quite good… $40 Archived |
 1896 ½d vermilion "O.W. OFFICIAL" crisp cds of 1899. Lovely rich colour & very attractive. SG 031 Cat. £130 $50 Archived |
 1897 (9th Aug) OHMS stampless piece to Pwllheli with crisp full arrival cds & "LONDON 8.10PM OFFICIAL PAID 9 AU 97" in red. Most attractive & unusual. $20 Sold $10 |
 1902 2/6d lilac with bold Lombard St B.O. cds of 4 OC 05. Strong colour but horiz crease. SG 260 Cat. £140 $30 Archived |
 1902 2/6d lilac. Good used x 2, one with London cds, the other with Mark Lane hooded cds doubly struck. Surface rubbing on the former. SG 260 (2) $40 Archived |
 1902 2/6d lilac F/U with Lombard St B.O. cds 15 DE 05. SG 260 Cat. £140 $40 Sold $30 |
 1902 2/6d pale dull purple x 2 with undated parcel cancels. One has 3 missing perfs at left. SG 261 Cat. £150 $20 Sold $20 |
 1902 2/6d dull purple on chalk surfaced paper. London cds of 1910. Light scuffing top margin. SG 262 Cat. £150 $40 Archived |
 1902 5/- bright carmine KEVII. F/U with 16 MAY 02 oval registered cancel of "(LON)DON CHIEF OFFICE E.O." Touch of reg. crayon top left margin. Rich… $40 Sold $40 |
 1902 5/- bright carmine. Good used with slightly smudged London E.C. cds. SG 263 Cat. £200 $40 Archived |
 1902 5/- bright carmine (1903 reg cds) & deep bright carmine (1906 cds, blunt top right corner) & similar shade with smudged, worn London cds. SG 2… $50 Archived |
 1902 10/- ultramarine with worn, smudgy London cds. Shortish lower left cnr otherwise sound. SG 265 Cat. £475 $50 Sold $50 |
 1902 10/- ultramarine with light 1911 registered cancel. Couple of foxed perfs, otherwise fine. SG 265 Cat. £475 $75 Sold $95 |
 1902 £1 dull blue green with Guernsey parcel cancel. Clean-looking stamp with full perfs & free of other defects. SG 266 Cat. £800 $250 Sold $250 |
 1902/10 5/- bright carmine & deep bright carmine shades both used with Lombard St cds's. (2 diff types). SG 263/64 Cat. £400 $80 Archived |
 1902/10 KEVII to 1/- with shades of ½d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/-. Above average used with many nice cds examples. Odd smudged cancel or "off colour" g… $50 Archived |
 1902/10 KEVII to 1/- with shades of ½d, 2d, 3d, 4d, 6d & 1/-. Mostly good to F/U with cds cancels. Odd "washed" (2d, 3d, 4d, 1/-) or "rubbed" (9d,… $50 Archived |
 1902/10 KEVII, plus 1912 10d dull reddish purple & carmine, to 1/- incl extra shade of 2d, 3d, 6d & 1/-. Mostly selected examples with light cds & … $70 Archived |
 1911 £1 deep green with clear Guernsey cds. Centred up & to left, but otherwise F/U. SG 320 Cat. £750 $250 Sold $370 |
 1911 2/6d dull reddish purple x 2, one with 1912 cds, the other with indistinct roller cancel. Sound examples with the first mentioned good to fine… $40 Sold $40 |
1911 Valentine's "Dolly in London" postcard to W.A. bearing ½d KEVII, another to W.A. from Plymouth "May the Coming Year 1912 for you be Bright" &… $25 Archived |
 1912/24 KGV simple cypher set of 15 used. Cond. varies. SG 351/92 simplified (15) $20 Archived |
 1912/24 KGV simple cypher set of 15 used. Cond. varies. SG 351/92 simplified (15) $20 Archived |
 1912/24 KGV simple cypher set of 15 used. Cond. varies, but mostly fine. SG 351/92 simplified (15) $25 Archived |
 1913 5/- rose carmine, Waterlow, with light illegible cds & good perfs, but ironed creases. SG 401 Cat. £300 $30 Archived |
 1913 5/- rose carmine, Waterlow, with 1913 proving cds. Lovely appearance, but for 3 nibbled perfs. SG 401 $60 Archived |
 1917 (16th March) WWI YMCA HM Forces on Active Service postcard addressed to Shropshire with Army Post Office cds & Field Censor Passed cachet. Odd… $20 Sold $15 |
 1918/19 2/6- olive brown, 5/- rose red & 10/- grey blue Seahorses by Bradbury Wilkinson. Sound used with an especially fine Registered 10/-. SG 413… $90 Sold $70 |
 1918/19 2/6d chocolate brown, Bradbury Wilkinson, with violet cds of 1921. SG 414 $25 Sold $20 |
 1918/19 2/6d olive brown, 5/- rose red & 10/- grey blue, Bradbury Wilkinson, with parcel cancels. Sound. (3) $30 Sold $30 |
 1918/19 2/6d pale brown, BW, (light staining visible at front) & 5/- rose red with smudgy reg. cancel. SG 415a/6 $20 Archived |
 1918/19 10/- dull grey blue, Bradbury Wilkinson. MLH but centred high & with spot of white "touch up" on perfs & tone spot in addition to overall b… $60 Sold $60 |
 1918/19 Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses set of 3 F/U. 2/6d with "BRITISH POST OFFICE CONSTANTINOPLE" cds. SG 413e/17 Cat. £370 $100 Sold $100 |
 1918/19 Bradbury Wilkinson Seahorses set of 3 used with slurred cds. 5/- the best. SG 413a/17 Cat. £370 $60 Sold $60 |
 1922 British "Oversea Settlement Committee" booklet with frayed side & rusty staple, handstamped "Not Available for a Sailing After 3rd December 19… $25 Sold $20 |
 1923 (1st March) KGV hand painted illustrated cover with a seal balancing the stamp & titled "A sealed letter". Addressed to Cranleigh School in Su… $75 Sold $50 |
 1926-1938 Revenues on 3 receipts & a general rates & water charges document each showing revenue use. All in exc cond & an attractive group. (4) $30 Archived |