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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
2004 Olympics Gold Medallists set of 17 MUH & 2 sets of FDC's pmkd Geelong & Chatswood. Retail $200+
Sold $40
2004 Olympics Gold Medallists set of 17 MUH & 2 sets of FDC's pmkd Pacific Fair, Qld & Maroochydore, Qld. Exc cond. Retail $200+
Sold $50
2004 Olympics in Athens AP album with set of 17 Aust Gold Medallists FDC's plus Benham silk signed GB medallist covers x 23 with 7 unsigned. Incls …
Sold $110
2004-2005 Complete MUH range in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls sheetlets, gutter strips of 10, booklets, P&S collector packs, defin reprints & e…
Sold $450
2005-2006 Complete MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls AAT & Cocos, Rotary imperf sheetlets, P&S collector packs, booklets, defin reprints, gu…
Sold $630
2006 Complete MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls gutter strips, sheetlets of 10, P&S collector packs, M/S's, booklets, defin reprints & every…
Sold $400
2007 Complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls AAT, sheetlets & gutter strips of 10, booklets, P&S collector packs, gutter se-te…
Sold $380
2007 Complete MUH collection in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Incls AAT, sheetlets & gutter strips of 10, booklets, P&S collector packs, gutter se-te…
Sold $350
2008 MUH complete collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Incls Olympic Gold Medallists sheetlets of 10 printed with Chinese symbol…
Sold $480
2008 MUH complete collection in Seven Seas hingeless album with slipcase. Incls P&S, sheetlets, se-tenants, gutters, booklets, M/S's & Territories.…
Sold $500
2008 Olympic Gold Medallists on 150 unaddressed covers on 75 Hagners in 3 binders. Each cancelled at a diff P.O. with one 50¢ stamp per cover. (150)
Sold $75
2009 MUH on hingeless Seven Seas leaves in album & slipcase. Incls gutter strips, M/S's, booklets, P&S collector packs & strips. FV $390+
Sold $310
2009-2010 Range of issues with high degree of completeness incl P&S strips, gutters, MS's & sheetlets. MUH plus some CTO not counted in total FV. C…
Sold $900
2010 issues MUH on Seven Seas leaves & Hagners in Seven Seas binder. Not complete but incls Legends pairs & gutter strip of 10, P&S sheetlets of 20…
Sold $220
2010 Various issues in gutter blocks of 10, P&S & M/S's etc on 55 Hagners. All MUH. Incls Christmas Is & set of AAT base covers. FV $1100+
Sold $700
2010 Various issues in P&S booklets, sheetlets & strips & gutters, singles, se-tenants etc housed in Hagners. Useful period. FV $550
Sold $360
2010 Various issues incl P&S, gutter blocks & M/S's. Noted Cocos Boats. All MUH with duplication on 17 Hagners. FV $240
Sold $190
2010-2011 MUH accumulation incl P&S sheetlets, booklets, gutter strips, packs, folders & on covers, many in original packaging. Some duplication. A…
Sold $390
2011 Various issues incl sheetlets, P&S & Int Post on 11 Hagners. Incls Royal Wedding & RAN. Some duplication. MUH FV $170+
Sold $150
Aerogrammes 1948-1969 used group in good to fine cond all addressed to USA from wide range of Australian PO's. Some cds, some slogan/machine cancel…
Sold $65
Aerogrammes 1960's-1990's range of issues with majority mint but numerous FDI cancels. Dupl in later issues. Noted GB, Christmas Is, PNG & Norfolk …
Sold $35
Booklets 1972 $1.00 Prime Ministers with Editions G69/3 x11 & G70/2 x2 & $1.40 with Editions G71/3 x7, G72/1 x 3, G72/2 & V71/3. Good to fine cond …
Sold $130
Booklets 1988-2012 range of Southpex booklets for 1988, 1990, 1998, 2004, 2009 & 2012 plus 2006 SAPHIL Stampex with personalised stamp. Exc cond. (7)
Sold $25
Booklets 2003-2005 "Special Occasion" & other prestige booklets on Seven Seas pages in Seven Seas binder. Exc cond & difficult to find. FV $270+
Sold $180
Booklets 2007 Exhibition/event overprinted self adhesive $5 booklets incl Wildflowers with APTA Melbourne & Tasmania (both B/C's), Earlwood, $5 Big…
Cinderellas Hutt River Province to 1994 with duplicated of MUH strips & sets in large stockbook. Over 50 sets & 2 M/S's plus 5 gutter strips. Odd C…
Sold $40
Coils 1941-1953 accumulation of MUH coil strips. Most are ½d orange kangaroos & 1d QM. Best item is 2c floral coil strip of 8 with strong set. 194…
Sold $300
CPS's 1994-2000 range on Hagners incl 1994 5c Kangaroo & 10c Koala CPS with no imprint & 5c pair with weak print on GPO Perth imprint, strips with …
First day Covers 1937-1960 group with 1946 Peace plain FDC. Others incl. 1937 1d QM & 2d KGVI, 1936 illust cover bearing 2d S.A. Cent, 1946 Mitchel…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1937-1965 group of mainly WCS but also incl a few "Royal", "Wide World", generic & unattributed with good variety of PO origins. V…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1937-1965 mainly addressed with generic, WCS, Guthrie, Norman Piper (1), "Wide World" & various unattributed illust & plain covers…
Sold $290
First Day Covers 1945-1960 with many WCS incl 1959 AAT to 2/3d. Nearly all illustrated & incl 1947 Newcastle set regd at Exhibition, 1949/50 "Wide …
Sold $65
First Day Covers 1957-1965 Pre-Decimal all unaddressed on WCS covers x 37. 1959 4d QEII pair has Anpex cds in green. Also some early decimal covers…
Sold $700
First Day Covers 1963-1965 range of 17 different issues incl ANZAC set & Guillaux on plain addressed covers, all with CADOUX WEST AUST cds's & each…
Sold $25
First Day Covers 1978-1992 Range in 2 Cumberland albums. Incls joint issues, vals to $20 Gardens, both "Across Town" labels etc. Exc cond. (138)
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1980-1999 plus PSE's & aerogrammes in 10 albums. Fortunately the pre 1989 is sparse & in first volume then close to compete with a…
Sold $250
First Day Covers 1985-1990 whole booklet panes on FDC's incl 1989 Trams from Stampshow booklet, crafts & urban environment. $42 of FV. Rarely seen.…
Sold $25
First Day Covers 1987-2003 range of issues incl Across Town labels, booklet panes, M/S's plus $10 Wetlands stamp & M/S, P&S, joint issues & Int Pos…
Sold $200
First Day Covers 1994-2000 incl Territories. Appears complete & all in exc. unaddressed cond. Also 1994 Family & 1995 Dunlop PNC's. FV $500+ (239)
Sold $210
First Day Covers 2000-2003 range of issues with high degree of completeness. Incls 2000 ANZAC PNC (Retail $100), 2001 Army PNC ($120), joint issue…
Sold $250
First Day Covers 2004 range in 30 Hagners noting $5 Eureka PNC, AAT, Christmas & Cocos Islands issues plus 2003 AAT ships set of 4 Base covers. Use…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 2004-2006 selection incl AAT, Christmas & Cocos Islands. On 28 Hagners with odd dupl. Incls QEII Baton Relay $5 PNC (Retail $30), …
Sold $75
First day Covers 2006-2007 Range on 30 Hagners. Incls P&S & M/S's. AAT, Christmas & Cocos Is also noted plus Edna Everage, Lifesaving, CI & SHB PNC…
Sold $70
First Day Covers 2007 (Aug)-2008 (June) collection incl AAT, Cocos & Christmas Islands on over 30 Hagners. Incls PSE's, PNC's for SAS, Bounding Kan…
Sold $100
First Day Covers 2008 (Dec)-2010 (Oct) plus Territories on Hagners in 2 AP FDC albums. Noted, aside from P&S & M/s's, AAT base sets x2, Micromonste…
Sold $200
First Day Covers 2008 (July)-2009 (March) plus Territories on Hagners. Noted World Youth Day set plus singles on covers, Quarantine PNC, Beijing Ol…
Sold $100
First Day Covers 2008 Olympics Gold Medallists set of 15 diff pmks on each of 4 diff stamps (Stephanie Rice x 2 diff events, Libby Trickett & Leise…
Sold $55
First Day Covers 2009 Jan to July incl PSE's & Territories presented on Hagners. Incls "Specials", P&S & PNC's for Australia Post (3) & Bottlenose …
Sold $80
First Day Covers 2010 (Aug)-2011 (Apr) in two AP FDC albums. Incls Girl Guides, Nat Service, Mackillop (medallions), Melbourne Cup, The Ashes, Wild…
Sold $150
Framas 1984 Barred Edge to Koala designs in postcode sets of 9. MUH Retail $60+ (61)
Sold $20

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