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Lot No Description Est.
States and Territories: Western Australia
1861 6d purple-brown perf. 14-16 F/U. Watermark, sideways, right & reversed. Not listed by SG or Juhl but listed in The Black Swan Vol. 12 No 12 fo…
Sold $50
1861 6d purple-brown. Clean cut perf 14-16 with blunt lower left corner. Mint SG 42 Cat. £425
Sold $120
1861 1/- green, clean cut 14-16. Mint large part original gum. Centred up. Fresh. SG 43 Cat. £650
Sold $150
1863 1d carmine rose, mint & used, 1d lake mint & used, 6d deep lilac, mint no gum (trimmed perfs at left) & 6d dull violet F/U. All no wmk, perf. …
Sold $60
1865 4d carmine perf. 12½, horizontal pair. One with corner crease. MLH & fresh looking. SG 56 Cat. £200 + premium for pair
Sold $150
1864 1/- green with SPECIMEN overprint. MLH. SG 61s Cat. £200
Sold $100
1864 DLR with mint & good to F/U for each value. Extra 2d chrome-yellow used & 2 used 6d. No mint 6d lilac or 6d indigo violets. Odd fault but an a…
Sold $200
1864 ONE PENNY on 2d yellow. VFU. SG 67 Cat. £55
Sold $50
1871/73 3d pale brown & cinnamon mint & used plus SPECIMEN handstamp mint example but missing corner. SG 63,63a & 63s (5)
Sold $55
1876 DLR set of wmk Crown/CC perf. 14. Mint & used for each bar mint 2d wmk upright & 4d carmine. Incls. upright wmk issues. Above average cond. SG…
Sold $200
1882 6d lilac, wmk Crown CA, perf. 14 with SPECIMEN overprint. Mint full gum. SG 80s Cat. £140
Sold $90
1882/84 DLR 1d to 6d with both 6d. Wmk Crown CA, perf. 14. Mint & F/U for each. SG 76/80 Cat. £450+ (10)
Sold $135
1883 1d yellow-ochre, wmk Crown CA, perf. 12x14. F/U example. SG 81 Cat. £150
Sold $45
1883 1d, 2d, 4d & 6d DLR, wmk Crown CA, perf. 12. 1d & 2d mint & F/U for the others. Strong colours. SG 82/85 Cat. £300+ (6)
Sold $75
1885/93 DLR set, wmk Crown CA, perf. 14 incl shades. MLH & F/U range. Superb. SG 94/102 Cat. £250+ (24)
Sold $100
1888 1d carmine pink swans. Mint, reinforced block of 6, two stamps with a foxed perf, otherwise fine. SG 103 Cat. £26 x 6 + premium for multiple
1888 1d carmine pink swan with "double tail" variety. Lightly used with variety clear. SG 103var.
Sold $45
1888 set 1d carmine pink, 2d grey & 4dred-brown set with 1d & 2d MUH & used & 4d MLH & F/U. SG 103/105 Cat. £200+ (6)
Sold $60
1888-1907 1d carmine, 2d bright yellow & 1/- olive green swans with "W Crown A" wmks all inverted. All F/U. SG. 112w, 113w & 116w Cat. £220 (3)
Sold $20
1892/95 3d brown & 1895 1d overprints study plus ½d on 1d yellow-ochre in both perf 14 & perf 12. Mint & good to F/U for each. Good cond & annota…
Sold $75
1893/95 ½d & 1d overprint study on 3d brown shades. Mint & used for each with horiz pairs for 1d on 3d pale brown. Incls. double overprint in red …
Sold $250
1896 cover Northam to Camden, New Jersey, bearing ½d, 1d x 2 & 2½d (total 5d) franking tied by NORTHAM P.O. duplex strikes of JU 19 1896. Reverse…
Sold $50
1898 (14th Sept) Registered, unclaimed & returned OHMS cover with Land Titles Office Frank stamp to local Perth address. Numerous handstamps & back…
1898/1907 DLR set, wmk W Crown A, perf. 14. MLH & good to F/U for each value. SG 112/116 Cat. £120+ (10)
Sold $40
1902 1d to 8d set, V/Crown wmk, perf. 12 x 12½ with MLH & F/U for each. Sideways & upwards wmks on 1d red & 2d yellow. A neat & complete collectio…
1900c Frank Stamps. W265.4 Lands & Surveys on part front plus cut outs, W145.1 Royal Celebration, W435.3, Railway Dept, W260.1 Land Titles, W540.4 …
Sold $20
1902 2/- brownish red/yellow with sideways & upright wmks. Mint & used of each. SG 124/a Cat. £380 (4)
Sold $120
1902 2/- brownish red/yellow with V/crown wmks, perf. 11. MLH x 2 & good used example. ACSC Cat. $1000 (3)
Sold $250
1902 2/6d deep blue/rose. Upright wmk. Mint & used, indistinct cancel. SG 125 Cat. £70
Sold $40
1902 10/- mauve. Mint with only partial gum & CTO from presentation set with concentric ring cancel. Upright wmks. Strong colour. SG 127 Cat. £250…
Sold $150
1905 10/- bright purple. F/U in Perth with P.P. parcel cancel 25 04 12. Well centred, few nibbled perfs. Superb & rare. SG 127a Cat £400
Sold $520
1905 10/- bright purple. MLH & centred left with upright wmk. Lovely colour. SG 127a Cat. £750
Sold $450
1902 £1 orange-brown. Fresh C.T.O. with concentric ring cancel from presentation set. SG 128 Cat £180
Sold $150
1902 £1 orange-brown. MH with most original gum. Well centred. Minor stain under "O" of Pound mentioned for accuracy. SG 128 Cat £375
Sold $220
1902 4d chestnut. V/Crown wmk, perf 11. F/U with part Coolgardie 27-12-06 cds. Top left corner perfs missing. A difficult stamp. SG 131 Cat. £425
1902 2d yellow, perf. 11 with wmk sideways & 2d dull yellow with wmk upright. Both good to F/U. Also 2d orange yellow also perf. 11 with wmk sidewa…
1902 5/- emerald. MLH & CTO copy with presentation concentric rings cancel. Upright wmk. SG 126 Cat. £120
Sold $70
1902 9d orange, sideways wmk & 9d yellow-orange with upright wmk. Mint & F/U examples of both clearly showing shades. SG 122/var (4)
1902/12 2d yellow perf. II, wmk V over Crown sideways with "socked on the nose" barred "V" from Vasse duplex. SG 130 Cat £55
1902-1912 8d apple-green, 9d orange & red-orange shades, 10d rose-orange & 5/- emerald-green, Crown/A wmk. Mint/MLH & F/U for each bar mint 9d red…
Sold $200
1903 10d red, V & Crown wmk. Mint & used examples. SG 123 Cat. £40 (2)
1906 2/- orange/yellow with upright wmk. Mint & good to F/U. SG 124b Cat. £60 (2)
Sold $40
1903 9d orange V/Crown, perf. 11. MLH centred down & left. ACSC lists the only one known mint example which is in the Bromfield collection in WA Mu…
Sold $200
1903 Paquebot postcards comprising 1903 with ½d adhesive tied by PERTH W.A. duplex, 1d tied by French cds of CHOLET (corresponding with address ),…
Sold $90
1905 (12th Oct) Port Hedland cds's tying pair of 1d red swans & 2d yellow to hand illustrated cover showing couple walking by the sea in formal dre…
Sold $200
1905 (23rd Dec) Advertising card "On Sheldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds & Consumption". Postally used Narrogin to Boulder with 1d perf. ll s…
Sold $75
1905 £1 orange with sideways wmk. Fine MLH with a few paper adhesions but original gum. Centred slightly right. A rare stamp. SG 128a Cat £650
Sold $350
1905 £1 orange. VFU with Kalgoorlie 3b cds 5-April-05. Records suggest first sheets sent to Perth in May 1905 so this is an Early Release Date or …
Sold $200
1905 ½d to 5d swan, Crown/A wmk with MLH & good to F/U for each incl shades. SG 138/43 Cat. £500+ (26)
Sold $100
1905 2d yellow with crown/A upright wmk. Perf 12 x 12½ good used with Perth 6 04 10 cancel. A rare stamp. SG 140a Cat. £350
Sold $180

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