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Est. |
States and Territories: Western Australia |
 1861 2d blue & 6d purple brown perf 14-16 clean cut & 1d perf 14-16 very rough, all used with barred numeral obliterators. SG 41,42 & 44 Cat. £120+ $50 Archived |
 1861 6d purple brown perf 14-16 clean cut. Centred slightly low. Mint. SG 42 Cat. £425 $60 Sold $60 |
1861 6d purple-brown. Clean cut perf 14-16 with blunt lower left corner. Mint SG 42 Cat. £425 $150 Archived |
 1861 1d rose carmine perf 14-16 very rough. Mint with large hinge remainder & centred to right. Rich colour. SG 44 Cat. £275 $50 Archived |
 1865 4d carmine perf. 12½, horizontal pair. One with corner crease. MLH & fresh looking. SG 56 Cat. £200 + premium for pair $180 Archived |
1877 6d lilac perf 14. Mint without gum. Nice appearance & good perfs. SG 75 Cat. £150 $40 Sold $20 |
 1882 2d chrome-yellow. MUH/MLH vertical pair. SG 77 Cat. £75 $40 Archived |
1885 ½d green swan. With WA "Medical" handstamp. Lightly used. Torn bottom right corner but not detracting from h/s & a rare item rarely seen & ab… $250 Archived |
 1886 1d bistre & 6d violet Telegraph stamps perf. 14. Some light toning on perfs of 6d otherwise both postally fine used. (2) $200 Archived |
 1886 1d bistre & 6d violet Telegraph stamps perf. 14. Postally used. Retail $350+ (2) $200 Sold $180 |
 1888 1d carmine pink swans. Mint, reinforced block of 6, two stamps with a foxed perf, otherwise fine. SG 103 Cat. £26 x 6 + premium for multiple $150 Archived |
 1890 1d carmine wmk Crown CA inverted (S/W left) Perf. 14 (Normal is S/W right). F/U with indistinct cancel with no date visible but in use 1892-18… $450 Archived |
 1890 Telegram with "TELEGRAPH OFFICE ALBANY, K.G.S. 18 SEP .90" oval strike in carmine. Form headed "Electric Telegraph (Coat of Arms) Western Aust… $50 Sold $110 |
 1890's-early 1900's Frank Stamps for General Post Office (2 types), The Museum & Woods & Forests Department. Full strikes on piece. (4) $35 Archived |
 1892 (11th April) OHMS cover from Geological Dept., Perth to USA with Perth GPO Duplex Dx 13-7 (1) & Crown Paid Handstamps & GEOLOGICAL DEPT PERTH … $120 Sold $120 |
 1892 (5th Feb) Perth duplex tying pair 1d lilac "long swan" revenues to cover front addressed to Melbourne. Pre-dates the officially sanctioned per… $200 Archived |
1893 2d dull purple Internal Revenue stamp. Fine postally used by Perth duplex but a little faded. SG F12 $40 Archived |
 1894 (21st Feb) Perth crisp "P" duplex tying long 2d lilac revenue to postally used local cover. Very fine. Cat. £65 stamp alone, x 10 on cover $450 Sold $450 |
 1895 (24th Jan) Perth light duplex tying pair of 2d lilac "I.R. TWO PENCE" surcharged revenues to local addressee. Fine $180 Sold $180 |
 1895 Fremantle to Melbourne cover with 6d lilac revenue "long type" tied by "FREMANTLE MR 7 1895" full duplex. Scarce postal usage on cover. Slight… $250 Archived |
 1896 cover Northam to Camden, New Jersey, bearing ½d, 1d x 2 & 2½d (total 5d) franking tied by NORTHAM P.O. duplex strikes of JU 19 1896. Reverse… $60 Archived |
 1898 Goldfields mining claim transfer document with 1/- & 5/- IR's cancelled in m/s 12.12.98. Triple ring "Wardens Office Murchison Goldfield ORS i… $280 Sold $280 |
 1899 "WA INTERNATIONAL MINING & INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION" s/l cachet in black on env complete with "WESTERN AUSTRALIA EXHIBITION COOLGARDIE" frank sta… $300 Sold $420 |
 1899 (5th July) Brisbane St, Perth with 1d red swans x 7. Proving cover for Dumb 7 bar obliterator from Perth to Fremantle with Perth 3b-g index 7 … $75 Sold $95 |
 1899 2d yellow "W Crown A" wmk inverted used with P.O. obliterator, plus normal for comparison. SG 113w, Cat. £100 $40 Archived |
 1899 2d yellow SPECIMEN pair ovpt "ULTRAMAR" in blue. Between 1895 & 1910, UPU SPECIMEN stamps sent to Lisbon were handstamped "ULTRAMAR" prior to … $220 Sold $220 |
 1900 OHMS Land Titles Department Frank Stamp W260.1.on Reg cover to Perth. ORS1 dated 17 OCT 1900. Various DLO's back stamps. Good cond. $30 Archived |
 2d ultramarine QV letter card surcharged ONE PENNY in scarlet. Unused with full gum, free of faults. $75 Archived |
 1901 (4th May) OHMS cover from Perth to Brisbane with General Post Office frank stamp (w410.2) in green (Kaman only reports usage in black & blue i… $120 Sold $120 |
 1902 (13th Sept) 2½d blue swan with Beaconsfield 3b in 3 (1) to USA with Fremantle 3b-f in 6 (1-2) b/s's on small cover with personal letter. Attr… $75 Sold $100 |
 1902 QV 1½d + 1½d Paris blue unused Reply card in excellent cond. Cat. P8 $300 Archived |
 1903 (9th Mar) Canning Park Turf Club cover (ORS in blue) with Perth ship mail room duplex cancels DxG-2 index 10 (1-2) to London. Unusual. $60 Sold $160 |
 1903 2d yellow swan on coarse wove paper. F/U with clearly dated cds for OC 9 03. Known May-Oct 1903, but not recorded by SG or ACSC. An example of… $50 Sold $50 |
 1903 WA registered envelope RE2 with UPU 4-ring strike. Cat. $150+ $100 Archived |
 1905 (27th Mar) 2½d blue swan on cover to New York with Fremantle cds 5 in 1 (1-2) cds. Exc cond. $60 Sold $60 |
 1905 4d pale chestnut perf. 11 with light cds. Perf "OS" example with blunt lower left corner & split side perf, otherwise fine. SG 154a Cat. £375… $100 Archived |
 1905 (12th Oct) 1d rosine PSE with SUBIACO OC 12 05 cds (22mm) & Perth WA machine cancel on reverse. Neatly opened at top. Clean & attractive local… $120 Sold $120 |
 1905 (17th Oct) Postcard (b&w "Beauty") from Broome 3b-b (2) to South Africa with 1d & 1½d swan stamps with neighbouring T/10 & 2d tax marking. E… $75 Sold $75 |
 1905/12 2d yellow, wmk Crown over A sideways marginal MLH block of 12 with vertical perfs on centre strip of 4 shifted half a perf to the right, pl… $30 Sold $30 |
 1906 postcard "Shawls, Yallingup Cave" in b&w issued by the Caves Board of WA. Scarce usage as addressed to China with 2d & ½d adhesives tied by A… $250 Archived |
 1907 Mining Company document with 5/- black & green duty stamp cancelled by "MINING REGISTRAR CUE" in mauve & dated in m/s 14.6.1907. Attractive. $120 Sold $130 |
 1908 (3rd Sept) OHMS office titles cover registered Perth with 4d chestnut OS swan to South Fremantle with interesting b/s's incl registered Freman… $400 Archived |
 1908 1d Prussian Blue postcard with Minginew 29 DEC 03 cds with rubber receival in violet "DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS DEC 30. 1908 PERTH W.A."… $150 Sold $200 |
 1908 2d Paris blue on grey stock QV letter card tied by Fremantle cds of 15 AU 10. Addressed to Leipzig & very neatly opened to reveal message (in … $180 Sold $180 |
 1908 Visit of the American Fleet "Australians Welcome Americans" mint postcard with imprint of 2d blue swan & pre-stamped with rectangular red stri… $380 Sold $340 |
 1909 (25th Nov) Beagle Bay Mission N.W. Australia (ORS on reverse) cover to Germany from Broome cds ETO (2) with 2d & ½d swan stamps. Exc cond. $120 Sold $140 |
 1911 (30th Mar) WA colour postcard "In Kings Park, Perth" (Falk) from Fremantle to Japan with Nagasaki transit & Osaka arrival. An unusual destinat… $75 Archived |
 1912 9d red-orange with upright wmk. MLH SG 145b Cat. £60 $30 Archived |
 1912 9d orange perf. 11 with upright wmk. F/U with 90% strike of Greenbushes 17 Aug 12 cds. ACSC states, "this stamp is rare, with approximately tw… $600 Sold $600 |
 1912 ONE PENNY surcharge marginal block of 6 with double perfs below & shifted to right. MUH Spectacular. SG 172var. $100 Sold $170 |