Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Commonwealth & Foreign |
 Germany West 1954 Heuss defins complete to DM3. Fresh MUH. Mi 177/96 Cat. €280 $100 Sold $100 |
 Germany - French Zone 1948 Baden "no pf after value" set of 10. MLH SG FB28/37 $45 Archived |
 Germany - French Zone 1948 Rheinland-Pfatz "no pf after value" set of 10. MLH Rheinland SG FR 32/41 $25 Archived |
Germany - French Zone 1928 10f Madonna Relief Fund. Fresh MLH. Mi 134 Cat. €450 (see front cover) $180 Archived |
 Germany - French Zone 1932 Charity set of 7. Fresh MLH. Mi 161/67 Cat. €300 $100 Archived |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1930 (29th Aug) Austria to New York on "Graff Zeppelin" with neat Wein cds's on 3s & 2 x 30g airmails. Red cachet. Sieger 81C $60 Sold $120 |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1931 (10th May) Nurnberg flight on cover addressed to USA with 1930 2m South America flight tied by Friedrichshafen cds, r… $100 Sold $190 |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1931 (12th July) Austria flight card with 30g x 6 addressed to Friedrichshafen with arrival cds & pictorial Wien cancel & … $50 Sold $75 |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1936 (5th May) "Hindenburg" Germany to USA with Hannover cds on 75f LZ129. Red pictorial cachet & New York B/S. Roughly op… $40 Sold $40 |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1936 (1st Aug) Germany to New York on Sixth North American Flight with Berlin Olympic Village cancels on set of 8 stamps R… $90 Sold $180 |
 Germany - Zeppelin Mails 1936 (13th Aug) Netherlands to USA on Seventh North American Flight with pictorial cachet in red & St. Petersburg arrival … $70 Sold $110 |
 Gibraltar 1889 40c on 4d orange-brown, 50c on 6d bright lilac & 75c on 1/- bistre. All MLH SG 19/21 Cat. £160 $50 Archived |
 Gilbert & Ellice Island 1912/24 KGV 2d, 2½d, 4d, 5d, 6d & 2/- plate 1 blocks, MUH. The latter having selvedge at left & top whilst the others have… $50 Sold $50 |
 Gilbert & Ellice – Christmas Island 1918 (21st Feb) 5d Central Pacific Cocoanut Plantations Ltd Mail Boat Service stamp on env addressed to B. En… $150 Sold $150 |
 Gold Coast 1906 6d dull purple & violet KGV on chalk surface paper. MLH SG 54a Cat. £40 $10 Archived |
 Greece 1933 Airmail Govt Issue set of 7. MLH SG 468/74 Cat. £250 $90 Sold $90 |
 Greenland 1970/71 airmail covers to W.A. bearing blocks, strips & singles of face value 11kr03, 9kr80 & (1971) 15kr, the last mentioned being the o… $30 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1965 50c deep blue & 20c black Postage Dues on chalk surfaced paper. Fresh MUH SG D16/17 Cat. £34 $20 |
 Hong Kong 1971-1978 selection of RAF flight covers incl 3 signed, mostly from RAF Kai Tak. Noted one carried in Red Devils Parachute drop over Happ… $35 Archived |
 Hong Kong 1985 Dragon Boat Festival 10th Anniv Souvenir FDC folder. Limited Ed of 8000. Fine cond. $10 Sold $10 |
 Hong Kong 1997 (11th April) HMS Tamar de-commissioning illustrated cover signed by Commodore Peter Melsen, Senior Naval Officer RN Hong Kong. No. 2… $10 Archived |
 Hong Kong Frama sets for Cock, Tiger, Dragon, Dog, Pig, Rat, Ox & "characters" papers all MUH. (53 labels in 8 sets) $30 Sold $30 |
 Hong Kong QEII revenues ovpt "Contract Note" with vals 20¢ to $50 on 15cents incl $4, $5, $20 & $40. MUH (couple with adherences). Barefoot Cat. c… $20 Sold $20 |
 Hungary 1931 Zeppelin overprints. MUH Average centring. (2) $60 Sold $60 |
 Hungary 1933 5p Airmail F/U. SG 562 Cat. £120 $60 Archived |
 India 1900 China Expeditionary Force QV ovpts to 1R MLH (mostly MLH). Several print errors, but in the nature of ink lifting & slurred (rather than… $250 Sold $250 |
 India 1944 Italian Prisoner of War postcard from Bombay & censored to Italy. From Camp No. 6/4 with POW No. Name & rank. $15 Sold $15 |
 India WWII Prisoner of War undated letter from Neutral Internment Camp, Dehra Dun & with 8a KGVI tied by oval "India Censor…", cachet at lower le… $30 Sold $45 |
India Hyderabad "Forest Tax" sheet of 24 MUH cinderellas (K+M Cat. US$10ea), 1958 court fees provisionals for Rajastan (B+H 331) vert. strip of 5 (… $40 Sold $40 |
 India - British Railway Administration 1901 cover with FPO No.4 20 AP 01 cds on black flap addressed to Tongku bearing C.E.F. ovpt on pair 3p carmi… $400 Archived |
 Ireland 1920 (25th Sept) env to Dublin with GB 2d orange KGV tied by Ballybunion Co. Kerry cds. The cover was seized & opened by the IRA & endorsed… $800 Archived |
 Ireland 1934/40 2d Coil perfs SG 749 mint no gum & 1d pair, perf 14. MLH SG 112b. Cat. £158 (3) $25 Sold $25 |
Ireland 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk high vals MLH (10/- MUH) with minor toning on 2/6d. SG102/04 Cat. £425 as MUH $80 Sold $80 |
Ireland 1937 St Patrick "Se" wmk high vals MLH. SG 102/4 Cat. £425 as MUH $120 |
 Ireland 1942 5/- St Patrick on chalk surfaced paper with "line flaw" variety. MUH SG 124cb Cat. £95 $25 Sold $25 |
Italy 1841 stampless letter sheet from "Order of Jerusalem in Napoli" to the Prior of the same Order in Palermo, Sicily. Fine $40 Archived |
Italy 1841 stampless letter with complete invoice (letter on reverse) from "Geneve 28MAI41" in red "VIA DI S. JULIEN" to Sardinia with m/s "10" for… $40 Archived |
 Italy 1867 20¢ bright blue MLH. Centred low. SG 20a Cat. £900 (see back cover) $150 Archived |
 Italy 1889 5l red & green MVLH. SG 43 Cat. £75 $30 Sold $30 |
 Italy 1901 25¢ deep blue MLH with typical streaky gum. Reasonably centred. SG 67aCat. £170 $40 Archived |
 Italy 1901 40¢ brown MLH with typical streaky gum. Centred low & right. SG 68 Cat. £800 $90 Sold $90 |
 Italy 1906 postcard from 22nd Reggimento Fanteria in Rome with boxed "Siracuse 10 9 JE 06 Sicily" & full USA arrival "Ashtabuka Harbour Stn SEP 23 … $70 Archived |
 Italy 1912 Postcard showing soldiers working at a field barracks during the 1912 Italo-Turkish war, bearing 5¢ King Umberto with "Milytare Posta 1… $30 Archived |
 Italy 1912 Postcard showing Triumphal entry of Italian Army into Tripoli with Turkish cannons captured at Ain-Zali during 1912 Italo-Turkish war. S… $30 Archived |
 Italy 1930 Ferrucci Airmails. Very F/U. SG 287/9 Cat. £170 $60 Sold $60 |
 Italy 1950 Provincial Occupations set of 19. MLH. SG 760/78 Cat. £275 as MUH $40 Sold $40 |
 Italian Colonies 1933 50th Anniv Eritrea postage & airmail set of 16 MLH. SG 37/52 Cat. £20. (16) $75 Sold $75 |
 Italian Colonies 1933 March on Rome 10th Anniv postage & airmail set of 18 MLH. 3l & 10l have tone spots & 10 values with 2-tone gum (whiter where … $30 Sold $30 |
 Italian Colonies 1934 World Football airs set of 7 MLH. SG 81/87 Cat. £325 $120 Archived |
Jamaica 1938/52 £1 KGVI MUH. SG 133a Cat. £45 $25 Sold $20 |