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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
First Day Covers 1953-1960 range of addressed & unaddressed, mostly "WCS" & "Royal" with some dupl. Noted 2/- green & blue Olympics, 1956 Olympics …
Sold $60
First Day Covers 1966-1971 Decimals. Variety of issues & cover makers. Noted Capt Cook M/S 30c on small non AP cover (unaddressed). Majority fresh…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1966-2009 selection of issues with majority from early to mid 1980's. Some AAT & mint PSE's also noted. Generally fine unaddressed…
Sold $60
First Day Covers 1969-1984 FDC's addr. & unaddr. In 9 sketch books. Extensive rust & estimated accordingly. (300+)
Sold $30
First Day Covers 1970-1976 with Expo excelsior cover unaddressed, some early WCS & then AP covers incl 1972 Beef etc. Also noted AAT Cook with 4 ba…
Sold $20
First Day Covers 1970-2008 selection. All unaddressed except 2 x 1971 Xmas with blocks of 7. Also noted $5 Painting, barred edge Framas & "Living T…
Sold $180
First Day Covers 1970's incl AAT. Also some commercial airmail & other in box. Noted 1970 Cook M/S on WCS cover; 1979 WAPEX "Centenary of First WA …
Sold $70
First Day Covers 1980's period with very little duplication. (approx. 120) & always useful for FU!
Sold $30
First Day Covers 1990-1992 incl $20 Garden with some in original APO packaging. Incls Framas & odd aerogramme & PSE. Most FDC's are x 2. Good cond.…
Sold $50
First Day Covers 1995-2006 incl some PSE's & Postage Paid envelopes of various sizes in large carton. Not in strict chronological order, but noted …
Sold $200
First Day Covers 1995-2006 with aerogrammes, Framas, PSE's & APO postcards also noted. Over 500 items with duplicates, generally 2 or 3 of each, in…
Sold $150
Framas & CPS 1985-1999 Sets in packets as received from Australia Post. Comprises mainly postcode Frama sets of 7 & CPS sets (NPC, Adelaide & Brisb…
Sold $80
Framas 1984-1996 complete Postcode sets of 9 incl Barred Edge in both 30c (set of 7) & 33c & Platypus in 36c & 37c sets. All paper designs. Fine MU…
Sold $45
Framas 1985-1996 First Day Cover sets of 9 for kangaroo, platypus, echidna, possum, lizard, koala, emu, Waratah & festive papers. Odd extra Perth s…
Sold $65
Gutter Blocks, Sheets & Sheetlets 1989-1999 incl 1992 Olympics in printed gutter strips of 10, 1993 Parl Panes x 2, 1995 War Heroes in medal gutter…
Sold $120
Gutter Strips of 10 1980's period incl AAT. Issues in sets where applicable. FV 660+
Sold $250
Hutt River 1974-1994 selection of cinderellas on Hagners. The usual 1974/7 MLH (24 + M/S), plus less common 1981/94 incl Christmas & Floral issues …
Sold $45
International Post stamps incl 2001 FDC with $20 Ayres Rock, Panorama set (SG 2219/22) MUH & 33 used (vals to $3.60) with odd duplicate. Useful sel…
Sold $30
Military Mail WWI Forces in Egypt postcards (6) one of which is superb O.A.S. cover with triangular censor cachet in magenta & GB 9p agate tied by …
Sold $180
Miniature Sheets Noted 1970 Cook ovptd "ANPEX". Mostly MUH, but odd used incl Sydpex 80 & 2006 $10 Flower. (16)
Sold $20
Officials KGV issues ovptd "OS". All MLH except ½d orange & 3d Kingsford Smith CTO. Odd fault & missing 6d kangaroo Small wmk. (13)
Sold $70
PNC's 1994-2010 range of coin First Day Covers for 1994 Family, 1995 Dunlop, 1997 Bradman, 1998 Bass & Flinders, 199 IYOP, 2000 Anzacs, 2001 Army, …
Sold $300
Postage Dues Duplicated ex-German dealer stock in manila stocksheets. Starts with 1902 ½d "blank at base" (4 MLH & one with vert line at lower lef…
Sold $400
Postage Dues Monocolours & bicolours MUH, MLH & used on Hagners & stockcards, many with cat. numbers indicated. Values to 5/-. Cond. varies with so…
Sold $75
Postage Dues Used range (21) on card incl 1909. 10 bicolours to 5/- good to fine, 1922/3 perf. 14 1d, 2d, 4d, 1938 1d, 2d, 4d, 1946/57 1d, 3d & cou…
Postal Stationary 1914-1980 Batch of used & unused from 1914 1d kangaroo PSE (used) to 1980, with KGV 1½d brown PSE used, a few post & letter card…
Sold $40
Postal Stationery Range incl. unused QEII 7¢ & 10¢ emb. PSE's (5 each), bundle of 5d used PSE's of S.A. origin, unused Newspaper Wrappers (9) inc…
Sold $20
Postal Stationery Used items incl. 1924 1½d green KGV PSE indicum, (Brooks, Robinson & Co, Melbourne), 5d QEII (Bells Asbestos & Engineering) both…
Sold $20
Postmarks "PAID" red cds markings c1966-1982 range in alphabetical order (W.A. origins) (c500) plus few PRIORITY PAID & RECEIVED "timer" types & ra…
Sold $140
Presentation Packs 1980-2002 Selection with some duplication & majority from the 1980's. Noted modern Int Post to $10, Christmas IS & AAT & some sh…
Sold $330
Presentation Packs 1980's packs with many x 2 or more & some AAT in box. Plus a few pre-paid 1996 Olympics lettercards & other minor oddments all h…
Sold $100
Pre-Stamped Envelopes 1978-1984 PSE's CTO/mint of each incl some Norfolk Is & few lettercards & aerogrammes in 12 medium size sketch books. Very mi…
Sold $30
Pre-stamped Envelopes 1979-1988 mint & cancelled FDI nearly all x 3 or 4 of each, crammed in box. Mint FV $200 (100s)
Sold $75
Pre-stamped Envelopes Duplicated unused range of 20¢ to 30¢ face values with total FV $70+ (100s)
Sold $30
Pre-Stamped Envelopes in large PSE album, plus extras in box. All with FDI cancels or special cachets. (100s)
Registration labels (blue, incl some typed provisionals) loose in old B&H tin. No WA or SA sighted. Incl Orange West NSW, Sprent (Tasmania), Broadb…
Replica Cards 33 different incl. cards printed from original dies for the Kingsford Smith, AIF, Sydney Harbour Bridge, Anzac, Robes, 1935 Silver Ju…
Sold $50
Revenues 1939-1944 range of original documents bearing revenues of Victoria & NSW plus postage stamps of NZ & Queensland used as revenues. Unchecke…
Sheets 1980-1985 sheets & part sheets. Incls. 1984 Airmail se-tenant pairs & sheet of 1985 Milty Uniforms MUH FV $200+
Sold $80
Specimen Sets 1988 x 1, 1989 in blocks of 4, 1990 x 2, 1991 in blocks of 4, 1994 Part 1 in blocks of 4 incl $10 & Part in pairs incl. $5 & $20. Ret…
Sold $90
Specimens 1923/4 £1 Grey MLH x 2 & 1931/6 10/- MLH, £1 MUH & £2 MLH all ovptd SPECIMEN & all with evenly toned gum. £2 has "break in Bight" var…
Sold $150
Year Books 1981-1983 with MUH stamps in place. Odd tone spot on pages, stamps appear fine throughout. FV $40 (3)
Miscellaneous & diverse MUH, MLH & used lot on Hagners in binder. Noted AAT 2/- (15 MUH), 1966 "SPECIMEN" Navigators MUH, Tax Instalment MUH unseve…
Miscellaneous 1929-1954 incoming covers & cards in "Capstan Cigarettes" tin incl 2 Adelaide-Perth 1929 covers with 3d Air + 1½d KGV (one a PSE), 1…
Sold $50
Miscellaneous Australia (and few others) on stockcards, loose & in envelopes, housed in a shoebox. Noted 1935 2/- Jubilee F/used, 1932 1/- Lyre "OS…
Sold $150
NSW & Victoria but some WA noted. Stamp duties & postage dues loose in box. Values to 6/- noted. On & off paper. Mint & used (100s)
Sold $50
NSW 1850-1910 collection used on old album leaves in binder. Much of value incl 1850 1d (4) & 2d (3) used "Sydney Views", plus 3d yellow green 4 ma…
NSW MLH & used on Hagner incl 1/- Consumptive Homes MLH (Cat. £12) & 5/- "coin". Majority used, mixed cond but STC £450+ with fair estimate. (54)
Sold $65
Queensland Range mainly used on Hagner with values to 2/-. Average cond. with some fiscally cancelled. STC £250+ (41)
Sold $30
Victoria 1884-1896 fiscally used Stamp Duty values to £2 x 2 incl 4/- (2), 5/- (2 olive, 1 claret on yellow), 10/- (4) & 15/-. Also QV 1/- blue on…
Sold $30

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