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Lot No Description Est.
Box Lots
World mixture mint & used loose in box. Many British Commonwealth. Many fine used noted. (1000s)
Sold $90
Large box includes albums of Hong Kong, Greece, South Africa, Hagners with stamps. UN FDC collection (approx 50). Noticed GB postage dues, old sec…
Sold $100
World in stockbooks & pile of album leaves, noting basic Australian range used kangaroos & KGV to decimal, lesser quantities of British Commonwealt…
Sold $80
Australia & British Commonwealth in used bulk. Noticed approx. 50 1936 1/- SA Cent. Used plus 50 x 1936 3d Cable. Also many NZ decimal high values…
Sold $50
British Commonwealth lot of cheaper material mainly used in stockbooks & albums. Australia is well represented & other countries bring the total to…
Sold $30
World loose in box. Both mint & used with high values to 10/- & 10R on & off paper collected from the 1940's to 1960's. One out of the attic! (100s)
Sold $75
Australia commercial mail 1930's to 1960's incl. "WA" perfins on KGV & KGVI. Many WA pmks but mainly Perth machine cancels. Mixed cond. (100s)
Sold $90
British Commonwealth with mainly FDC's & Commercial covers in box. Many registered, duplicated addressed & unaddressed. FDC's; 1960's & 1970's KUT/…
9 albums plus 2 catalogues which incl. a mixed array of mint & used British Comm. & world. Germany, South America, Iraq, Aust & deps, PNG, GB, Chin…
Sold $130
Australia pre-decimal used accumulation. loose in box. Suit variety or pmk optimist! (many, many 1000s)
Sold $40
Miscellaneous with album of Frama labels on FDC's (28), research material on bar coding, album GB maxicards, stamp literature, APF slide pack, APO …
Sold $40
Large flower press box loaded with stamps. Predominantly used. Good variety of Malaya & States. Many BMA Malaya & blocks of 4 with pmks. Noticed se…
Sold $30
Australia pre-decimal carton lot with heavily dupl. in common loose in boxes plus plastic bags & small box with dupl. kangaroos to 2/- totally unch…
Sold $210
12 albums incl. 2 Imperial Postage Stamp albums dated 1899 with mint & used of the era. Other albums contain Australia, British Commonwealth & worl…
Sold $130
Suitcase with World & Australia accumulation in 10 albums. Noted NZ & Aust with odd kangaroo, KGV & States. Also Ghana M/S's x 7, Italy, Hitler/Mus…
Sold $90
Australian collection remainders in 3 albums, 2 Seven Seas & 1 SG. Pre-decimal to decimal. Some pre-decimal used blocks of 4 or larger with imprint…
Sold $55
Large box of on/off paper & commercially used covers majority with WA postmarks. Various others in bags & envelopes. (1000's) This lot is been sold…
Sold $200
Covers in box with FDC's, airmail & censor. Many older UK KGVI to QEII period, USA, Ireland 1938, Germany 1883 cover with "Hannover" cancel, German…
Postcards in shoebox of modern world incl. mint & used with GB maxicards in full sets noted. British national postal museum series 1 to 5 (full set…
All sorts with on & off paper, "Coins of the world 1978" PNC packs x 10, postcards, covers incl an interesting array of older Thailand, Malaysia & …
Sold $35
1981 Royal wedding (24 MUH sets) plus 24 FDC's of the same in presentation albums, 1981 Yacht race (6), Michel Aust catalogue, Australian 4c & 5c Q…
Sold $30
World & Australia in variety of albums. Incls. thematics on printed album pages. Pmks in box. Also 1953 Coronation omnibus collection mint.
Sold $30
Interesting array of material incl. album of GB & Commonwealth with GB KGVI 2/6d (used, heavy cancels) , Seahorses 2/6d (2), 5/- (2), KEVIII in blo…
Sold $70
World lot full of surprises in open carton. Strong in stamps & covers of Australia & GB noting 1931 Aust-England airmail cover, few Aust 1966-1968 …
Sold $310
Australia box lot with mainly used to c1990 on leaves incl kangaroos to 10/- with 5/- & 10/- CofA lower values mixed wmks, KGV to 1/4d, £1 Robes &…
Sold $380
Collectors Spring Clean! 2000 Olympics "Instant" stamps FDC set, 1937 NZ-USA FFC, 1937 French registered cover to Australia with commems (4 diff) &…
Sold $85
Suitcase lot with all bar the preverbal sink. Noted All world in old-time packets & albums, pre-decimal Aust MUH/MLH incl blocks & FDC's. Quality L…
Sold $400
Majority of contents Great Britain with 6 stockbooks & box of glassines/larger bags with duplicated used (some MUH 1960's incl no wmk Castles to £…
Sold $80

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