Lot No |
Description |
Est. |
Australia: Pre-decimal |
 1933 (3rd April) 3c US Oglethorpe cancelled with Melbourne roller cancel with "S.S. MONTEREY" Paquebot cachet in purple placed across stamp. Addres… $20 Archived |
 1934 1/- Cent of Victoria Perf. 10½ in John Ash imprint gutter block of 4. Lightly mounted in gutter only. Fresh, well centred & good perfs. ACSC … $150 Sold $150 |
 1934 Macarthur set of 3. Fresh MLH SG 150/152 $10 Sold $10 |
 1934 9d Macarthur. Fresh MUH. Retails $70 SG 152 $40 Archived |
 1934 (30th Jan) Taxed covers with the same date from Fremantle to Perth each bearing pair of 2d red KGV & with "T4D" mark in black & marginal posta… $30 Sold $30 |
 1934 (27th Sept) Registered Airmail cover to Sweden with 3d Vic Cent x 2 & 3d Airmail pmkd Registered Sydney. B/S Perth & Sydney Reg. Most attracti… $30 Sold $30 |
 1935 1/- Anzac in John Ash gutter imprint block of 4. Lightly mounted in gutter only. Ragged perfs in places reflected in estimate. ACSC 165zb Cat … $75 Sold $75 |
 1935 2/- Silver Jubilee imprint pair, stamps MUH, imprint with hinge marks. Fresh. ACSC $375 for block MUH $50 Sold $50 |
 1935 2/- Silver Jubilee plate 1 (UL) block of 4, MLH in selvedge & minor surface soiling, but all stamps fine MUH. ACSC $225 MLH, $375 MUH $90 Sold $90 |
1935 Silver Jubilee set of 3. Fine MUH & well-centred set. SG 156/58 $30 Sold $30 |
 1935 (10th June) Woomelang Registered cover addressed to Czechoslovakia with 2d & 3d Jubilee & 3d Macarthur with Woomelang cds's & matching Reg lab… $25 Sold $25 |
1935 (14th Oct) 5d KGV brown Registered stationary env with additional 7 x KGV, 1/6 Hermes & 3d Vic Cent addressed to England with 10 x TOOGOOLAWAH… $70 Archived |
 1936 Cent of South Aust set of 3 in John Ash imprint gutter blocks of 4. Each with small hinge mark in gutter only. 1/- has been lightly folded dow… $60 Archived |
1937 3d blue KGVI Die I MUH SG 168 $20 Sold $20 |
 1937 NSW set of 3 in John Ash imprint blocks of 4, 2d & 3d with gutter. 9d has 2 stamps MLH with others in gutter only. Fresh. ACSC 175/77zh, za & … $50 Archived |
 1937/49 1d green QM Perf 15x14 coil strip of 3 with uniformly large holes. Centred high but fresh MUH. Retails at $200+ $50 Sold $50 |
 1937/49 3d blue Die I & Die Ia KGVI singles MLH & well centred. SG 168/168b Retail $120 $40 Sold $40 |
 1937/49 Robes on thin paper set of 3 in fine used blocks of 4 with neat Melbourne cds's. 5/- is bottom right imprint block. Fresh, rarely seen & mo… $500 Archived |
 1937/49 Robes set of 3 on thin paper, the 5/- on tinted paper with small hinge remnant, while the 10/- & £1 fresh MVLH. The £1 has perfect center… $50 Sold $50 |
 1937/49 Robes on thin paper set of 3 MUH. All fresh, with the £1 centred slightly high. SG 176a/8a $60 Sold $60 |
 1938 £1 Robes on thick paper. Fresh MUH. SG 178 $50 Archived |
 1949 £1 Robes on thin paper. Fine used examples x 10. Some with minor faults but essentially sound. SG 178a Cat. £650 $200 Archived |
 1940's 9d platypus & 1/- lyrebird on "Wilson & Johns Nurserymen, Seedsmen & Florists" company env addressed to Cornwall, England pmkd Perth. Attrac… $10 Archived |
 1940 (5th Sept) green "Active Service" env with Palestine 10m & 50m stamps tied by "DIV SUPPLY H.Q. P.O. SM 1" cds. Addr. to South Melbourne with P… $30 Sold $30 |
 1940 (16th Oct) 3d AIF pmkd Cremorne on hand addressed cover to Canada with Lady Gowrie Red Cross Appeal cinderella attached top right. Attractive. $20 Sold $20 |
1940/45 WWII "Australian Army Operations" poster opening up to reveal several maps showing "Middle East", "New Guinea", "Pacific Islands", "Malay &… $30 Withdrawn |
 1941 (28th March) Registered Censor cover addressed to Tientsin, China with 3d KGVI pair pmkd Carlton North. Opened by Censor tab at left & "PASSED… $40 Sold $160 |
 1941 (21st June) Claremont, WA cds tying 2d KGV Jubilee to matching sepia postcard. 1d QM on reverse pmkd Essendon & addressed by h/s to Essendon. … $30 Sold $25 |
1942 1d QE maroon coil strip of 10 with coil join. Odd perf fault but MUH. SG 181a Cat. £70+ $25 Sold $25 |
 1942 (30th March) Stampless censored cover from Genova (Genoa) to an Italian POW at Murchison, redirected with violet "P.O.W. CAMP MYRTLEFORD, VIC"… $200 Archived |
 1942 (10th July) Perth slogan on 3d KGVI Censor cover addressed to New York but subsequently taxed & then readdressed to Philadelphia. Censor label… $30 Sold $30 |
 1942 hand addressed cover to Melbourne with "SERVICES OF PRISONERS OF WAR", "PASSED BY CENSOR" & "Approved for Transmission by Camp Commandant 2/No… $50 Archived |
 1943 (11th Feb) Censor cover to Barclays Bank, Military Dept, Alexandria, Egypt with 2½d KGVI cancelled Melbourne with "3 Opened by Censor" tab & … $25 Archived |
 1943 (20th May) Prisoner of War letter from Stalag VIIIB to a relative in South Perth by air via North America. Various cachets incl "POSTFREE". $30 Sold $30 |
 1943 £1 War Savings Certificate franked 1943 with 1950 redeemable date. Vertical fold but fine. Also 1912 City Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd A… $50 Archived |
1944 1d QE brown coil strip of 6. MUH SG 203a Cat. £66 $20 Sold $20 |
 1944 (29th Aug) POW printed lettersheet used to Italy from Murchison Camp with single line "No. 13 P.W. GP MURCHISON" & "3 PASSED BY CENSOR 234" ca… $80 Archived |
 1944 (4th Dec) 2d purple KGVI block of 6 on Registered kangaroo illust cover. Typed address with GPO Sydney cds's & matching Reg label. Slightly wo… $30 Sold $30 |
 1946 4½d Registered Defence Force wrapper "Air Medal Section". Very fine unfolded. Scarce. $50 Archived |
1947 (8th Sept) Newcastle 150th Anniv Philatelic Exhibition cover with set of 3 pmkd exhib cancel with matching h/s Registration label. Neat typed … $20 Archived |
 1947 (8th Sept) Newcastle Registered FDC addressed to Military Hospital in Karachi, India pmkd GPO Sydney Reg. "To FPO" in hand & "SERVICE SUSPENDE… $40 Sold $40 |
 1947 5d Derwent River preliminary pencil drawing with annotations by the artist James Berry. This was the basis for one of the eighteen essays subm… $200 Archived |
 1947 1/- Horses preliminary pencil drawing with annotations for the essay submission again by James Berry. Lovely thematic appeal. $200 Sold $200 |
 1947 1/4d Hawkesbury River pencil drawing again with annotations by James Berry. The final design is illustrated in his biography, "The Image Maker… $200 Archived |
 1949/50 Arms £1 & £2 overprinted SPECIMEN. MLH verging on MUH. SG 224cs/ds $40 Sold $40 |
 1949/50 Arms set of 3 to £2 overprinted SPECIMEN. Mint hinged with hinge remainders. SG 224bs/ds Cat. £140 $40 Sold $50 |
 1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2. Fresh MUH SG 224a/d $100 Sold $120 |
 1951 1½d KGVI purple brown imprint block of 4 with double perfs on left selvedge not reaching stamps. MUH Normal for comparison, unusual. SG 237c … $40 Sold $40 |
 1952/65 2/6d aboriginal with wmk sideways inverted (top of crown facing to the left as seen from behind). Used with small tear at base not initiall… $2000 Archived |
 1953 3/6d with wmk booklets x 2, 1957 4/- & 1962 5/- (with 2 panes 5d red). All complete & fine though minor creasing to cover of one 1953 booklet.… $40 Archived |