Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
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Auction Lots

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Lot No Description Est.
Outerlying Territories: Australian Antartic Territory
1961 (6th Dec) 5d Magnetic Pole & 5d Mawson on FDC postmarked Macquarie on illustrated cover. SG 6/7
Sold $25
1983 (25th Aug) Macquarie pmkd Wapex '84 1c AAT ship sheetlet on Sterling silk cover. Unusual.
Sold $16
2001 Exploration Sheetlet overprinted APTA Melbourne Stamp & Coin Show in gold. No. 241. Only 500 overprinted. MUH & scarce.
Sold $40
2007 $2 Royal Penguins unofficial booklets with left & right panes. Illustrated covers showing Penguins & chicks, whales with map inside. Excellent…
Sold $50
2008 Int Polar Year Miniature Sheet overprinted APTA Melbourne 8th - 9th November with logo in gold. No. 241 of limited overprint. MUH
Sold $25
2009 South Magnetic Pole set of 4 FDC's with base cancels. Excellent unaddressed cond. (4)
Sold $45
2009 Poles & Glaciers M/S overprinted ''ACE STAMP AUCTIONS PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA'' in black with 2009 Auction dates at base. The first in the ser…
Sold $35
2009 Poles & Glaciers set of 4 FDC's with base cancels. Excellent unaddressed cond. (4)
Sold $25
2009 Species at Risk M/S overprinted ''ACE STAMP AUCTIONS PERTH WESTERN AUSTRALIA'' in black with 2010 Auction dates & website. MUH The second in t…
Sold $25



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