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Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign: Ireland
1877 British Forces in Ireland - letter from London (JA 8 '77 AX) N.W.6 duplex on 1d red to Colonel Kent, Officer commanding the 77th Reg't Duke of…
1905 OHMS stampless letter imprinted ''Irish Land Commission” with matching violet oval Crown cachet. Red Dublin Official Paid AP 8 '05 cds. Add…
1951/53 2/6d black on buff stamp booklet complete with six ½d, twelve 1d & six 2½d in blocks of 6. Excellent cond. Edition 36-53 SG SB9 Cat. £65+
Sold $50
1949 Adoption of New National Flag. One from the left & a pair from the right of the sheet with sheet number. MUH SG 16 (3 stamps)
Sold $14
1949 40pr Petah Tiqwa Well. One from the left side & one from upper right corner of the sheet with sheet number. Fine MUH SG 17 (2)
Sold $20
1949 Jewish New Year with full tabs. MUH SG 18/20
Sold $60
1950 2nd Anniv of Independence with full tabs. Fine used/CTO SG 29/30
1950 (26th Dec) Opening Elat Post Office First Day Cover. Pmkd Elat 26th, day before official issue date of 27th. Fine & unaddressed. SG 53
Sold $15
1998 Israel '98 Jubilee Exhibition Prestige Booklet. Excellent cond. Retails $100+
Sold $30
1949 8y Postal Week (Moon & geese) Mint with large part og but paper remains from adhesion in album. Does not detract from fresh frontal appearance…
Sold $40
PO folders c1990/2 featuring Kabuki (set of 6), Birds at the Waters Edge (3 of 5), Stamp Design Contest (2) & International Letter Week each with M…
Sold $13



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There are 11 record(s) matching your criteria.