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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: World
Aden & States/Saudi Arabia incls. Aden 1953/62 all colours to 20/-, 1953/66 commems, Federation to 1D (1965 set), Seiyun 1954-64 (13) plus ovpts; H…
Austria Cigar box of 1970's MUH issues in multiples. STC £350
Basutoland 1953-1966 incl 1954/58 to 5/-, 1961 surcharges to 1R incl types (20), 1961/63 to 1R, all commems to 1966, Lesotho ovpts to 1R & UNESCO s…
Bechuanaland KGV & KGVI MLH/MUH selection to 5/- (MLH) & 10/- (marginal & MUH). Incls 1935 SJ set of 4. A clean lot. (27)
Sold $65
Bechuanaland & Botswana 1953-1967 arranged on album leaves with KGVI to 2/6d (9), 1946 & 1947 commems, 1955/58 to 2/6d, 1961 ovpts to 1R (11 & extr…
Belgian Colonies on stockcards incl. Katanga, Ruanda Urundi, South Kasai etc. Thematic potential. Mixed mint & used. Many sets. (270+)
Sold $95
Belgium 1962-1984 with a few later. Commems & defins MUH in black Lighthouse stockbook. Total FV 4600 Belgian Francs ($140)
Sold $95
British Commonwealth 1963-1986 MUH sets on Hagners. Incls. BVI, Fiji, Falklands, Nevis, Samoa, Sierra Leone etc etc. Many useful thematics. Cat. Â…
Sold $90
British Commonwealth A-M in 2 stockbooks. Sets, singles, mint & used. Incls M/S's. Useful for gap filling. (100's)
British Commonwealth Queen Victoria Range of issues featuring sidefaces from Commonwealth countries. Majority used. (73)
Sold $40
British Commonwealth oddments on album pages & stockcards loose in briefcase. Mainly pre-1960 & largely used in very mixed cond. Noted Caymans QEII…
Sold $45
British Empire album with classic world accumulation neatly arranged. Pickings in Commonwealth with some attractive QV cancels. Value in quantity.
Sold $130
British Guiana selection of mint & used on Hagner with vals to 12c. Mixed cond on QV. Noted 1899 Surcharges set & useful F/U STC £120+ (78)
Sold $55
British Honduras QV to KGVI. Noted 1888 QV 10c surcharge MLH & 1938/47 KGVI to $2 MLH/MUH (Cat. £90). Also good to F/U KEVII. STC £200+ (69)
Sold $80
British Solomon Is.1971-1988 range of sets on Hagners in binder. Vals to $5 & M/S's noted. All appear MUH. Cat. £150+
Sold $50
British Virgin Is Attractive mint & used selection incl. 1928 2/6d KGV MLH & QEII Shells vals to $3 F/U. (29)
Sold $55
Canada 1923-1950's cheques in quality Lindner album & slipcase with various duty stamps & markings. An unusual lot. (25)
Sold $70
Canada QV to 1992 used duplicated in 2 large ''as new'' Lighthouse stockbooks (retail $100+) Many with 5-6 of each, but missing items Cat. £5 or m…
Sold $80
Canada QV used range on Hagner with sidefaces to 15c & later 1893 20c & 50c portraits good used. Faults but potential with careful viewing. STC £7…
Sold $90
Canada Selection on Hagner incl. 1900 20c olive-green QV used & 1904 7c pale olive-green KEVII F/U. Mixed cond. STC £350+
Sold $35
Canada Selection on stockcard incl. 1908 1c blue-green vertical pair. (MUH), 1927 12c & 20c Historical Issue, 1935 50c Parliament Buildings & 1946 …
Canada - New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Is QV range on Hagner. Incls vals to 17c with PE 4½d/3d stg MNG noted. F/U & MLH. Mixed cond i…
Sold $110
Cape of Good Hope QV to KEVII used range on Hagner. 4d blue triangle in poor cond. Page STC £200+ (37)
Sold $45
Ceylon Used accumulation on Hagner incl. 1935 1R. Trincomalee MUH (SG 378), 1935 SJ F/U & 1937 Coronation MUH & F/U. Other attractive F/U with per…
Sold $30
Channel Islands & IOM. Jersey 1978-84, Guernsey 1974-83, Alderney incl 1984 Birds. IOM 1975-83. 29 sets all MUH.
Sold $50
China 1985-1988 in silk stockbook incl. 1985 Panda M/S, 1986 White Crane & Magnolia M/S's, 1987 Warring States & 2y Cave Mural M/S's. SG Cat. £120…
Sold $90
Christmas Is, Cocos & Pacific Is on Hagners in binder with better incl 2007/08 CI New Year $1.45 gutter strip of 10, Cocos 1963 defins MUH & range …
Sold $180
Europa FDC's. Various countries from 1960's & 1970's. All in good cond. (14)
Europe A-G countries (no ''Iron Curtain'') used 1940-1960's issues with some later. Picked over but many useful. Good to fine in Scott printed albu…
Sold $190
Europe I-V countries in printed Scott album with majority from 1940-1960's. Many sets noted with overall cond. above average. Value in sheer quanti…
Sold $150
Europe oddments on Hagners incl. Baden, Bavaria, Denmark, France, Bulgaria, Bosnia etc. All pre-1930 with German ''Shields'' incl ''2½'' & ''9'' w…
Sold $50
Europe & Foreign A-Z collection in 2 massive Minkus ''Master Globe Stamp Albums''. Mixed Mint & used with value in sheer quantity & variety. Hours …
Sold $230
European Colonies & post Independence 1960's issues used in large Scott album sparsely filled but still about 800 stamps. Many complete sets of Gui…
Sold $50
European Colonies on Hagners. Good coverage of Belgian Congo, Mozambique, Madagascar, Algeria, Togo & post-independence Rwanda & a few others. (100's)
Sold $50
Fiji 1881-1983 Accumulation in stockbook of mint & used. Basic QV to KGVI with val in QEII MUH sets incl flowers to $2.
Sold $70
France & Colonies 1950-1960 Naval covers with special cachets - some stampless with ''FM'' handwritten, plus some earlier on piece. An impressive l…
France 1856/74 group of opened out commercial entires (7) from various PO's & franking in range 20c (1856) to 40c, plus 1884 commercial cover to Sw…
Sold $0
Gambia & Somaliland The former incl 1953 to £1, 1963 to £1, 1965 ovpts & 1966 defins both to £1. 1971 Fish to 5d & most commems. Somaliland 1953…
German States, POs abroad, Saar, WWII zones & a few Germania heads. Couple of hundred on leaves & stockbook pages.
Sold $45
Germany 1925-1938 Sets on Hagners incl. 1925 Welfare (MLH), 1933 Frederick the Great (good used), 1934 Airs (F/U) & other good to fine used sets. C…
Sold $100
Germany 1986-1988 First Day Covers for both East Germany & Berlin. Incls full set of Framas (14) & variety of pmks. All clean & unaddressed. Cat. Â…
Germany Duplicated range of cheaper DDR, Berlin & West Germany good to fine used in 3 stockbooks along with 2 small stockbooks of defins heavily du…
Sold $80
Germany (French Zone) Detailed study of cheaper types, MLH & used in album with 8 covers Good basis for expansion (100's)
Sold $120
Great Britain 1858/79 1d reds with plate numbers. 86 different with most being good to fine used. STC £300
Sold $60
Great Britain Selection of used 1d QV reds on Hagner with a variety of pmks divided up as districts. Eg SW, WC, W & the London obliterators. Many s…
Sold $60
Great Britain Tin of used 1d QV reds off paper. Very mixed cond. as close cut. (600+)
Sold $55
Great Britain 1881-1991 duplicated used accumulation in stockbook, most with slogan/machine cancels. KGVI to £1. Mixed cond. (100's)
Sold $45
Great Britain 1900-1970 duplicated used. Better incl. KGVI 10/- dark blue & 1951 £1 Festival. Some attempt to study Wildings, but nothing scarce. …
Sold $55
Great Britain QV to KGVI good to fine used duplication in 2 stockbooks starting with 1840 1d black (black MC cancel & large to close margins) & the…
Sold $100
Great Britain QV to QEII range of good to fine used. Incls 1883 2/6d & 5/-, 1924 & 1925 Wembleys, Seahorses to 10/- (re-engraved), KGVI Incl 2 x 10…
Sold $100

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