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Auction No. 35   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Limiting To: Unsold Lots x

The following unsold lots from Sale No. 35 are available for direct purchase at the reserve price listed. They are offered on a "first come, first serve" basis. Offers may be submitted but are with the approval of the vendor. Please do not submit offers less than 75% of this figure.

Please contact us to purchase an unsold lot. Thank you.


Lot No Description Est.
Commonwealth & Foreign
Israel 1949 20pr National Flag tabbed left, 1950 100pr University & 1950 500pr Neger Camel (Bale 47, Cat. $300) all MUH tab singles plus 1955/56 Tr…
Sold $50
Israel 1949 Petach Tivka Well in left tab block of 4 MUH (Bale 17A) plus UPU pair with tabs in MUH/MVLH blocks. (Bale 27/28) SG total Cat. £540
Sold $60
Israel 1950 1000pr Menora with tab. Fine MUH. MLH sold in Ace Auction Sale 15 for $70. SG 64a
Sold $100
Israel 1950 New Year pair in MUH tab blocks MUH. Bale 38/9, Cat. $120
Sold $40
Israel 1952 1000pr Menorah corner block of 4 with tabs at base. Superb MUH. Bale 59, tab block Cat. $620 (SG Cat. £475 per tab single)
Sold $100
Italy 1863 40¢ rose. Unused with traces of original gum. A couple of flat perfs at left but an attractive example of this scarce stamp at an affor…
Italy 1935 Bellini Death Cent set of 11. Fresh MUH. Sassone Cat. €950, SG 462/72. Cat. £200 (11)
Sold $150
Italy 1944 Italian Social Republic ovpts on Parcel Post. Set of 12 in se-tenant MLH pairs. SG P77/88, Cat £950
Italy 1949 100l Roman Republic Centenary. Fine MUH with Sorani Cert. (2018) SG 726, Cat. £500, Sassone 600, Cat. €380
Sold $70
Italian Colonies 1932 Dante Air set of 6 to 10l all fine in blocks of 8 with "Bengasi" cds's on 5l & 10l &"Tripoli" on others dated 7.11.32 cds. St…
Jamaica 1919/21 KGV Pictorials to 10/- MLH, 1932 set of 3 & 1938 KGVI to £1 simplified MLH but most stained & £1 val has toned perfs. Also 1956 Q…
Sold $90
Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 1890 "British East Africa Company Half Anna" surcharge on Great Britain 1d deep purple. MLH, centred low. SG 1, Cat. £325
Sold $100
Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 1912/21 20r black & purple on red, MCA wmk. MVLH & well centred. SG 59, Cat. £475
Sold $200
Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 1935/37 KGV defin set to £1. MLH arranged on Lindner page. SG 110/23, Cat. £500 (14)
Sold $180
Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 1935/37 £1 black & red KGV. Fine MLH. SG 123, Cat. £325
Sold $180
Kenya Uganda & Tanganyika 1938/54 KGVI Pictorials incl all perfs MLH with SG numbers pencilled on reverse. Gum varies with 3 or 4 displaying overal…
Sold $200
KUT 1891 Mombasa Provisional manuscript ½ anna on 3a black on dull red. Neatly used with squared circle cancel. SG 24, Cat. £2750
Sold $240
Kuwait 1933/34 Airmails set of 4 with 3a & 6a MVLH, others MUH. SG 31/34, Cat. £180 (4)
Sold $50
Kuwait 1939 KGVI with "KUWAIT" ovpts on India to 15R (wmk inverted on latter) MLH, top values MVLH. Total SG Cat. £400 (13)
Sold $80
Leeward Islands 1938/51 KGVI defins to £1 MLH with £1 MUH & 1954 QEII on chalk surfaced paper to $4.80 MUH. Total SG Cat. £275 (35)
Sold $60
Liechtenstein 1941 10f Madonna & Child. Fine MUH. SG 200, Cat. £80+
Sold $20
Luxembourg 1952 Stamp Centenary set of 5. Fresh MUH. Superb "stamps on stamps" thematic. SG 552a/e, Cat. £130 (5)
Sold $30
Malaysia - Straits Settlements 1892/99 $5 orange & carmine. Fine used. SG 105, Cat. £400
Sold $80
Malaysia - Straits Settlements 1906 2c to $1 "STRAITS SETTLEMENTS" ovpts on Labuan. Patchy gum in places with 2c MNG & small thin on 4c. All fronta…
Sold $80
Malaysia-Negri Sembilan 1957 Pictorials set to $5. Fresh MUH. SG 68/79 (excl 74), Cat. £55 (11)
Malta 1926 KGV "Postage" to 10/- MLH with aged/toned gum, 1938 to 10/- KGVI Pictorials MH before 1948 "SELF-GOVERNMENT 1947" ovpts to 10/- MLH & 19…
Sold $65
Mauritius 1938/49 KGVI to 10R simplified. MLH but stained gum on majority though 10r is fresh MLH. Also 1950 Pictorials to 10R fine MLH. SG Cat. £…
Sold $40
Monaco 1951 Red Cross surcharges set of 4. Fresh MUH. SG Cat. £650 (4)
Sold $100
Montserrat 1932 Tercentenary MLH, 1938/48 KGVI to £1 MLH incl perf changes & extra 10/- & £1 plus 1951 Pictorials to $4.80 MUH & 1953 QEII to $4.…
Sold $160
Montserrat 1951 KGVI Pictorials to $4.80 (excl 6¢). Fine MUH. SG 123/35 (excl 128), Cat. £75 (12)
Morocco Agencies 1914/26 "Morocco Agencies 3 PESETAS" ovpt on Great Britain 2/6d yellowish-brown DLD Seahorse. MUH. SG 140, Cat. £55+
Sold $30
Morocco Agencies 1935/36 "3 FRANCS" ovpts on 2/6d chocolate-brown & 2/6d reddish-brown & "6 FRANCS" on 5/- re-engraved Seahorses, Waterlow printing…
Sold $100
Nauru 1916/23 ½d yellow-green KGV marginal block of 4 with "Double overprint, one albino" variety plus 1d bright scarlet single with similar varie…
Sold $280
Nauru 1916/23 1d bright scarlet KGV with "Short left stroke to N" on top left stamp in block of 6 (SG 2d) plus 1d carmine & 1d bright scarlet, 1½d…
Sold $40
Nauru 1916/23 2½d blue KGV (GB) block of 4 ovptd "NAURU" & then further ovptd "SPECIMEN". This is one of only two know to exist & released from th…
Sold $1500
Nauru 1916/23 9d agate KGV block of 12. Fresh MUH. SG 11, Cat. £110 + MUH premium
Nauru 1916/23 1/- bistre-brown KGV ovptd "SPECIMEN" x 2 MLH (one with slightly toned gum) & 2/6d & 5/- Seahorses also ovptd "SPECIMEN" in tropicali…
Sold $50
Nauru 1916/23 2/6d yellow-brown & brown shades, 5/- bright carmine & 10/- pale blue Seahorses from DLR printing. Vendor notes mention the "tilted N…
Sold $200
Nauru 1916/23 5/- bright carmine Seahorse DLR printing ovptd "SPECIMEN" MUH centred slightly low SG 22s Cat. £325
Sold $140
Netherlands 1861 (12th May) cover bearing 10¢ imperf plate VI (late use) tied by straight line "FRANCO" with neighbouring "Hertogenbosch" cds. Mou…
Sold $100
Netherlands 1920 "2.50" surcharges on 10g vals. Fresh MLH. SG 236/37, Cat. £450 (2)
Sold $50
Netherlands 1923 2½g black. Fresh MVLH & well centred. SG 268, Cat. £325
Netherlands 1940/47 5c to 10G Queen Wilhelmina defins. Fresh MLH plus a used set of the high vals. SG 506/19 & SG 616/19 Total Cat. £650 (22)
Netherlands 1949 10g Queen Juliana. Fine MVLH & well centred. SG 701, Cat. £475
Sold $40
Netherlands 1953 1g to 10g Queen Juliana 1 MUH & used plus 2½g used pair, 1946 2½g & 1926 Child Welfare 15¢ used. Useful group. Cat. £100 (13)
Netherlands Indies 1941 5g yellow-brown, no wmk. Fresh MVLH verging on MUH. Well centred. SG 442, Cat. £600
Sold $210
Netherlands Indies 1941 25g orange. Fine MLH. SG 444, Cat. £475
Sold $100
New Hebrides 1977/78 5f to 500f Port Vila surcharges set of 9 with 5, 10, 15, 35, 40, 50, 100, 200 & 500 FNH vals. SG 233/411 excl 25f & 30f, but i…
Sold $55
New Zealand QV 2nd sideface "adson" group with minimal duplication. Noted wide range of ads incl "Beecham's Pills", "S. Myers & Co Dentists", "Fry'…
Sold $160
New Zealand QV imperf "Stamp Duty" types off paper comprising 1d (5), 1/- (2), 1/8d (Cat. $1300), 2/4d (Cat. $400, but damaged), 3/- (Cat. $50), 3/…
Sold $220

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 


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