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Auction No. 35   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Limiting To: Unsold Lots x

The following unsold lots from Sale No. 35 are available for direct purchase at the reserve price listed. They are offered on a "first come, first serve" basis. Offers may be submitted but are with the approval of the vendor. Please do not submit offers less than 75% of this figure.

Please contact us to purchase an unsold lot. Thank you.


Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Pre-decimal
1942 2½d scarlet KGVI top left selvedge block of 4 with double & possibly triple "WA" perfins on top 2 stamps with normal WA perfins below. Also a…
Sold $210
1942 2½d scarlet KGVI top right selvedge block of 4 with the top pair showing a doubling of the " WA" perfins with a trace of the "A"s (2 holes) f…
Sold $60
1942 6d emu with "flaw on second "A" of "Australia" variety in horiz pair. MUH. ACSC 232e, cat. $60+
Sold $25
1945 Duke of Gloucester set of 3 in "By Authority..." imprint blocks & pairs with each val represented by 6 pieces displaying normal with no perfin…
Sold $140
1946 ½d kangaroo with BCOF ovpt on left marginal half sheet of 80 with perf pip visible at top & full imprint bottom left. Shows several varieties…
Sold $110
1946 1d purple-brown QM with BCOF ovpt on bottom marginal part sheet of 40 with perf pip visible at base & full imprint bottom left. Fresh MUH. SG/…
Sold $75
1946 BCOF set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thin paper MUH plus 5/- on thick paper F/U. Retail $400 (8)
Sold $140
1946 5/10d KGVI Food Parcel labels x 2. 1 MNG with tan line, the other fine & fresh MUH. (2)
1949 1/6d Hermes, mult CofA wmk in lower left "By Authority" imprint block of 4 & part imprint single with pre-printing paper folds resulting in mi…
Sold $100
1949/50 Arms set of 4 to £2. Fine MLH, £2 with pulled perf but MUH. SG 224a/d (4)
Sold $30
1949/50 Arms set of 3 ovptd "SPECIMEN". MUH with good centering. SG 224bs/ds, ACSC 269x/71x, Cat. $275 (3)
Sold $110
1949/50 10/-, £1 & £2 Arms ovptd "SPECIMEN" with the original 1950 PMG folder containing the other stamps to 5/- CTO, the 10/- to £2 ovptd Speci…
Sold $160
1949 (17th Oct) "Souvenir Commemorating the Commencement of Work by the SNOWY MOUNTAINS HYDRO-ELECTRIC AUTHORITY" booklet with programme of event, …
1950 2½d scarlet KGVI in complete sheet of 160 with perf pip on top selvedge & "Printed By Authority…" imprints at bottom. Light fold down gutte…
1951 "Card for Payment of a Broadcast Listener's or Television Viewer's Licence Fee by Postage Stamps" card with 34 postage stamps of 1/6d, 2/- & 2…
Sold $50
1952 2/6d Aborigine left corner block of 4 without imprint on paper measuring .085mm compared to the normal .095mm which accompanies it for compari…
1953/54 3½d red QEII with admonition in red panel with unshaded base of QEII neck. Ovptd "SPECIMEN". Very good cond. ACSC LC76w
1954 Aust birds "Essay of Australian Stamp Designs in design competition conducted by "Stamp News" perforated & gummed sheetlet of 4 ovptd "ESSAY" …
1957 4d claret QEII booklet pair with 6mm misplaced horizontal perfs. This variety not catalogued in ACSC & first we have seen. ACSC 320 var.
Sold $200
1963/65 5d green QEII multiples from booklet sheets imperf between &/or below plus block of 6 showing Pl. 2 at top, a block of 9 with wide imperf a…
Sold $190
1963/64 Navigators set of 6 to £2 King. Fine MUH SG 355/60, retail $180
Sold $50
1963/64 Navigators set of 8 to £2 with both 10/- & £1 cream & white papers. All fine MUH with perfect centering. SG 355/60, Retail $290+ (8)
Sold $120
1963/65 Navigators set of 6 in well centred blocks of 4, the £1 on white paper. Fine MUH. Similar sold in Ace Auctions 34 for $260+BP. SG 355/60 (…
Sold $260
1963/65 7/6d to £2 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 with the £2 ovpt centred rather than lower right. All fine MUH. ACSC 406x/09x, Cat. $1950…
Sold $550
Australia: Decimal
1966 1¢ to 50¢ CTO & Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" in 1968 folder plus another set excl 40¢ Tasman & outer folder.
Sold $50
1966 4c red QEII in Plate number blocks of 20 for Plates "-21" bottom, "24" bottom & "27" top plus similar block without plate no. Pl "-21" is MUH,…
Sold $25
1966 40c to $2 Navigators in blocks of 4 with $1 Flinders in Plate 3 gutter block of 4 (ACSC 463za, Cat. $50). All fine MUH. (5 blks)
Sold $55
1966 $1 Flinders in Plate 3 bottom selvedge gutter block of 20 plus $2 Bass in bottom selvedge block of 20. Fresh MUH & reserved at FV. ACSC 463zb/…
Sold $60
1966 Navigators in blocks of 30 for 75c Cook, $1 Flinders, $2 Bass & $4 King blocks of 30 with an extra block of 20 for $4 King. Rarely seen multip…
Sold $190
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 MUH plus ordinary set also MUH. Retail $150 (10)
Sold $30
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" set of 4 plus all the remaining decimal defins CTO as per the APO Pack issued at the time. Fresh MUH/CTO. (22)
Sold $50
1966 Navigators ovptd "SPECIMEN" with 75c in both 15mm & 15.5 mm types plus one with "hooked "c" of 75c" variety & another unlisted with vert strip…
Sold $160
1970 Royal Visit commem cover set of 22 with 5c & 30c pairs pmkd at each location. Unaddressed in exc cond. Retail $140 (22)
Sold $45
1971 7¢ Desert Pea coil pair with "buff omitted" & misplaced green. Fine MUH. ACSC 535ce, Cat. $300ea
1971 Christmas panes of 25 in both cream & white papers plus half sheet of 50 in cream paper. All fine MUH. SG 498a/ab Retail $350+
Sold $55
1971 Christmas pane of 25 on cream paper plus pane of 25 on white paper CTO by GPO Melbourne 13 OC 71 FDI cds's. SG 498ab/bb. Retail $170
Sold $40
1971 Christmas pane of 25 x 7, blocks of 7 x 11 & 29 single sets plus a CTO block of 7, 2 pres packs & an FDC. Ideal for re-sale. SG 498a/ab, Retai…
Sold $120
1973 7c Agate with black omitted resulting in "7c" value missing. MUH. ACSC 642c, SG 550a, Cat. £95
Sold $25
1979 20c National Parks horiz strip of 4 with right pair imperforate at both top, bottom & sides incl between design & selvedge. Fine MUH. ACSC 843…
Sold $200
1980 Nat Stamp Week M/S with the organisers Menu printed on the gummed side titled "SYDPEX 80 - TATTERSALLS CLUB 4/9/80" with the courses divided b…
Sold $75
1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background with normal for comparison. Fine MUH ACSC 930E(1), SG 841a Cat. £250
Sold $80
1984 Unissued 1914 2d red KGV bust & 1/- blue swan on replica cards plus 1934 2d to 1/- Vic Cent in alternative colours issued for Ausipex '84. The…
1987 $100 "PATENT OFFICE" Revenue featuring Commonwealth of Australia Coat of Arms block of 4 fiscally used with 3 CED 1987 boxed cancel in blue.
1992 45c Aust Day - "Young Endeavour" horiz strip of 5 with vert misplaced perfs resulting in "$" & "5" of 45c appearing on diff sides of 4 and onl…
Sold $120
1992 45c Sydney Harbour Bridge se-tenant pairs in both 14½ & 15½ perfs x 11 of each plus 4 gutter strips of 4 of each. Fine MUH. SG 1375ab/ba, to…
Sold $40
1993 ICY Reversed Panes of 25 plus 1999 Navigators M/S's perfined "A99) with MUH & CTO of each. Total retail $210 (6)
1995 25c Housing (Living Together) perf. 14½ in 4 MUH panes of 25. SG 1119a, Cat. £400, retail at $8 ea. (100)
Sold $50
1997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PACIFIC ‘97 World Philatelic Exhibition San Francisco…...” in silver. MUH x 26. Retail at $30 each ($780) Tota…
1997 $10 Kakadu M/S's ovptd “PHILANIPPON ‘01” in gold with Exhib logo. MUH x 18. Retail at $30 each ($540) FV $180 (18)
1999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia containing 28 proofs struck from the original dies in black. Incls the 1d KGV,…

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 


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