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Auction No. 35   - Categories - Full Lot List - Page Navigation 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | All

Limiting To: Unsold Lots x

The following unsold lots from Sale No. 35 are available for direct purchase at the reserve price listed. They are offered on a "first come, first serve" basis. Offers may be submitted but are with the approval of the vendor. Please do not submit offers less than 75% of this figure.

Please contact us to purchase an unsold lot. Thank you.


Lot No Description Est.
Miscellaneous: King George V
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown plate 3 John Ash imprint block of 4 with "flawed pearl in crown at left" variety. Light crease top left othe…
Sold $110
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown plate 3 positional block of 4 with "flaw between A&G of Postage" variety on lower right stamp. MVLH/MLH & we…
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown selvedge pair with "Eights wattles at left" variety. MUH with good centering. ACSC 127A(3)g, Cat. $140+
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown with "Missing frame behind kangaroo" variety. Superb F/U. ACSC 127A(3)r, Cat. $300
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown with "thin words of value". Variety. Fine MUH. ACSC 127A(2)h, Cat. $125
Sold $20
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown with "white flaw on "d" of right "5d" State II - additional white scratch behind kangaroo" variety. MUH & we…
Sold $50
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown x 4 varieties incl "distorted upper frame at right", "eight wattles at left", "broken top frame at left" & "…
Sold $50
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown, plate 2, John Ash imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH & very well centred with fresh colour. ACSC 127(2)z, Cat…
Sold $95
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d orange-brown, plate 3 in part sheet complete with selvedge with 30 left pane units 1-30 & 29 from the right plane. Units …
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown plate 2 John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH/MH, frontally fresh. ACSC 127B(2)z, Cat. $400
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown plate 3 top left corner selvedge block of 4 with "distorted upper frame at right" (3LI) & "flawed Maltese Cr…
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown with "frame missing behind kangaroo" variety. Fine used with bold 1937 Tynong cds. ACSC 127B(3)r, Cat. $300
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 5d yellow-brown with "frame missing behind kangaroo" variety. More extensive than previous lot but not regarded as ACSC "(3)…
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint pair with perfs at top right of gutter reinforced & light gum ageing. Useful "Budget" ex…
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue bottom selvedge single with part John Ash imprint. MLH with fresh colour. ACSC 131A, Cat. $150
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue with "flawed right frame & shading" variety & another with the "retouched thick right 1" variety. Both go…
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue. Fresh MUH, a couple of natural gum bends. Well centred. ACSC 131A, Cat. $375
Sold $40
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue imprint pair. MH with small areas of toning on gum but frontally fresh. ACSC 131Az, Cat. $1000 for block …
Sold $70
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. MLH with small paper hinges reinforcing perfs on left side affecting 2 stamp…
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d greenish-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH with very light even gum toning but frontally fresh with balanced ce…
Sold $75
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue x 3 with "defective top frame & cross", "flattened cross of crown" & "retouched S.W. corner" varieties. …
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise blue with "retouched N.E. corner" variety. Fine used. ACSC 131Bk, Cat. $100
Sold $30
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue lower left corner selvedge single with "retouched S.W. corner" variety. Fresh MUH. ACSC 131Bh, Cat. $750+
Sold $220
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue. MLH with fresh colour & good centering. ACSC 131B, Cat. $500
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d turquoise-blue John Ash imprint block of 4. All stamps MUH, hinged in selvedge only. A premium example with sound perfs…
1931-36 CofA Watermark 1/4d deep turquoise pair with thick 1 "retouched" variety on left stamp. MVLH verging on MUH with some perf separation on bo…
Sold $4000
Miscellaneous: Officials
1913 ½d to 2/- kangaroos, 1st wmk perfined large "OS". 4d with stain, 5d thinned & 2/- faded otherwise all fine used with cds pmks bar 2d. Reserve…
Sold $150
1913 1d red, Die II perfined large "OS" horiz strip of 6 with selvedge at each end from plate F positions L7-12 with "white flaw over Au of Austral…
Sold $260
1913 1d red, Die IIA, 1st wmk perfined small "OS" with "break in right frame opposite top of Tasmania" variety. MLH with aged gum, centred low left…
1915 2d slate-grey, 2nd wmk perfined "OS" showing retouch under "PE" of "PENNY". MH, diagonal crease & stained but Drury cert (2022) for ACSC 6Bba …
Sold $30
1913 2½d indigo, 3rd wmk block of 4 perfined "OS". MLH & well centred. Attractive multiple. ACSC 11Cb, Cat. $1100
1913 2½d indigo, 1st wmk perfined large "OS" with "heavy coastline to WA" variety. Fine used by neat double ring Adelaide cds. Scarce combination.…
1913 2½d indigo, 1st wmk perfined small "OS". MUH, centred high with horiz crease at base reflected in reserve. Excellent colour & perfs. ACSC 9Ab…
Sold $200
1915/28 2½d blue gutter block of 4 with Jubilee Lines with minor retouches indicating this is from a Harrison printing. Right hand pair with a lig…
1913 3d olive, Die I 1st wmk perfined small "OS". MVLH/MLH, centred high. ACSC 12Abc, Cat.$550 x 2
1913 3d olive-green, Die I perfined small "OS" with "break top frame over ST" variety. MUH with a couple of toned perfs. Reasonable centring. A sca…
Sold $250
1913 3d pale olive-green, Die II, 1st wmk perfined small "OS". Centred bottom left with a couple of short perfs otherwise fine used with strong col…
1915/28 3d olive, 3rd wmk, Die I block of 4 perfined "OS". 2 units with thins from a hasty hinge removal with slightly toned MUH/MLH gum. Remains a…
Sold $30
1915/28 3d pale olive-green, Die II 3rd wmk perfined "OS". Light corner crease barely noticeable. Fine used with neat part Kalgoorlie cds & well ce…
Sold $50
1913 4d orange, 1st wmk with right selvedge perfined large "OS". A couple of natural gum bends otherwise fresh MUH, hinged on selvedge only. ACSC 1…
Sold $200
1913 4d orange in 5 shades, 1/- blue-green & 2/- brown, 1st wmk. All fine used (bar 1 x 4d with smudged pmk) & perfined large "OS". ACSC $700+ (7)
Sold $65
1913 6d blue with "white flaw I shading below Albany" variety & perfined small "OS". Fine used with a toned perf not frontally visible. ACSC 17Cbc(…
Sold $30
1913 6d blue, 1st wmk Die II block of 4 perfined "OS NSW". MUH/MLH & very well centred, ACSC 17, Cat $2,600 as a small "OS" perfin
Sold $700
1913 6d ultramarine with 1st wmk inverted & perfined small "OS". Ceremuga cert. (2011) noting perf faults at right & stating "extremely rare in MLH…
Sold $200
1915/28 6d chestnut, 3rd wmk, Die IIB perfined "OS". Superb MUH. ACSC 21Aba, Cat. $175
Sold $30
1929 6d, 9d & 1/- Sm Mult wmk group all perfined small "OS". Couple of split top perfs on 1/-, otherwise very fine. ACSC 22b, Cat. $125, ACSC 28b, …
Sold $200
1929/30 6d chestnut, SMW ovptd "OS" x 2 MLH (ACSC 22(OS)A x2, Cat. $90 ea) plus 1931/47 ditto CoA wmk superb MUH (ACSC 23(OS)a, Cat. $125) & anothe…
Sold $40
1931/47 6d pale chestnut, CofA wmk "N" over "A" John Ash imprint pair ovptd "OS". Fresh MUH. ACSC 23(OS)B(4)za, Cat. $350 + premium for MUH
Sold $100
1931/47 6d pale chestnut, CofA wmk, Plate 4 Ash imprint block of 8. Gum toning with stripping on reverse otherwise MUH & well centred with fine per…
Sold $30
1915 9d violet, 2nd wmk perfined "OS". Fine used with neat Perth 1916 Parcel Post cds. ACSC 25Aba, Cat. $375
Sold $200

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 


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