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Western Australia: Airmails
1911 (9th Sept) London to Windsor Coronation Airmail Official Postcard & Envelope with both addressed to Perth, Western Australia. These have the K…
Sold $480
1921 (14th Dec) Perth to Carnarvon flown cover by Western Australian Airways on their inaugural service. Australia's first regular airmail service …
Sold $500
1921 (19th Dec) 5d KGV tied by Carnarvon 20 DEC 21 cds for return to Perth per "Bambra" after Brealeys aircraft was dismantled on the beach at Cape…
Sold $440
1922 (21st Feb) Intermediate cover from the first Port Hedland to Geraldton flight with 3d olive kangaroo & 2d orange KGV tied by neat Onslow 1 MR …
Sold $500
1923 (30th Sept) The Geraldton to Port Hedland service was extended to Broome in April 1922, this being a return cover from Broome & onto Melbourne…
Sold $130
1925 (3rd Jan) Derby to Geraldton was on the extended service to Perth from 15th Jan 1924. "Per Aerial Mail" endorsed env with 1½d KGV x 3 tied by…
Sold $170
1926 (12th June) Caulfield, Victoria via Perth & onto Broome with 4½d violet KGV single wmk tied by bold Caulfield cds. "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cac…
Sold $110
1926 (19th June) Broome to Perth env addressed to Alex Trouchet (Perth chemist & stamp dealer) with 4½d violet KGV single wmk tied by the "FORWARD…
Sold $140
1926 (9th July) Gorge Creek via Port Hedland & onto London. "Aerial mail" endorsed top left in m/s with 3 x 1½d red KGV single wmk top right tied …
Sold $1550
1926 (16th Aug) Whim Creek to Perth large env with 3 x 6d brown kangaroos, 3rd wmk & 1½d red, single wmk KGV tied by Whim Creek cds's & boxed "FOR…
Sold $140
1926 (28th Aug) 4½d violet KGV tied by variable Derby cds in "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cachet. Addressed to Fremantle & endorsed "Aerial Mail" top le…
Sold $30
1926 (22nd Nov) Roebourne to Albany with 4½d violet KGV single wmk tied by Roebourne cds with additional strike in "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cachet. …
Sold $30
1926 (20th Dec) 1½d red KGV SMW, perf. 14 & 3d blue single wmk KGV tied by Carnarvon cds's & addressed to Guildford. "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cachet…
Sold $150
1927 (3rd Sept) "Aerial mail" endorsed cover with 4½d violet KGV, single wmk tied by Carnarvon cds & 1928 (? Aug) cover with s/l "FORWARDED BY AIR…
Sold $140
1928 (17th Sept) Port Hedland to Perth with 4½d violet KGV SMW perf. 14 tied by "FORWARDED BY AIRMAIL" cachet with Port Hedland cds in circle. "PE…
Sold $120
1928 (9th Oct) West Australian Airways uplifted a mail which originated at Mundabullangana. The pre-printed addressed covers were sent by Trouchet …
Sold $300
1929 (8th May) England to Australia env with GB ½d & 4d KGV tied by Middlesborough cds's & addressed to Sydney address Sydney plus 1930 (12th Feb)…
Sold $100
1929 (2nd-4th June) Adelaide's regulation 206 h/s on 2 covers carried on the 1st East-West flight with boxed Adelaide 3 line "Posted at Perth....Un…
Sold $60
1929 (4th June) Adelaide to Perth East West First Flight & return souvenirs incl Miniature satchel with 6 photos & information as flown, excellent …
Sold $500
1929 (June) East West flight covers & West East covers incl Kalgoorlie to Perth 5c USA Airmail PSE & addressed to US with 3d blue KGV, SMW perf. 14…
Sold $200
1929 (17th June) "Joseph Charles" large pre-printed "By Air Mail Western Australian Centenary East West Air Mail....." env "Wholly set up and print…
Sold $625
1929 (13th Dec) Narrogin to London env endorsed "By Karachi-London Air Mail". This left Perth by ship on 16th Dec to Colombo, then surface mail to …
Sold $130
1930 (31st Mar) 1d green & 2d brown KGV & 3d Airmail (Airmail rate to US) used in combination with USA 5¢ Airmail to cover US domestic rate as the…
Sold $180
1930 (14th July) Perth to Derby route was extended to Wyndham via Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Turner & Ord River with this cover registered at H…
Sold $170
1930 (22nd Sept) 1930 small env addressed to Perth & cancelled on arrival with "FIVE PENCE" ovpt on 4½d violet & 1d green KGV plus 1931 (28th May)…
Sold $80
1931 (17th Feb) Perth to Yalbalgo Station, Carnarvon with 1½d KGV "TWO PENCE" surcharge Postal Stationery env " uprated by 3d blue KGV, SMW perf. …
Sold $150
1931 (19th March) Registered Bruce Rock to London with Kingsford Smith set of 3 tied by neat Bruce Rock cds's on FDI with matching R6 label top lef…
Sold $100
1931 (14th April) Registered Airmail cover from Geraldton to Teddington, England with a 2/2d franking consisting of Kingsford Smith set of 3, 6d ch…
Sold $120
1931 (16th April) Australia-England flight covers x 2 with the first carried on the return flight (First Experimental) from Moora, WA to Scotland w…
Sold $120
1931 (24th Apr) Melbourne to Hobart with 2d surcharged 1½d KGV, 3d K-S & 3d Airmail tied by Midland Junction cds's with neighbouring pictorial cac…
Sold $60
1931 (19th Nov) Australia to England All Australian Airmail by ANA. Plain Perth Registered env with 9d violet kangaroo (SMW Die IIB), 6d brown Airm…
Sold $42
1932 (5th Sept) Namban WA cover addressed to "Rev Father Theodore Hernandey, Passenger on board northbound "Koolinda" Northbound, Derby" plus an en…
Sold $150
1934 (5th May) Parcel tag with "BY AIR MAIL" blue vignette & large 1/- lyre bird & 1d green KGV tied by individual Mundabullangana cds's. Addressed…
Sold $360
1934 (13th Dec) Registered cover from Whim Creek to Perth with 5d KGV & 3d Macarthur tied by Whim Creek cds & blank provisional blue label with no …
Sold $80
1935 (23rd Nov) Cocos Islands x 3 Airmail covers with a plain cover displaying the triangular pictorial map cachet in red ink & addressed to Victor…
Sold $80
1936 (7th Feb) Fremantle to Carnarvon attractive "Watson's Supply Stores" printed commercial env with large 1932 6d brown kookaburra (a scarce sing…
Sold $90
1936 (4th Apr) Perth to Carnarvon cover with 4d olive KGV with commercial "WA & Co.1" (Mathews) perfin. Attractive Harris, Scarfe & Sandovers Ltd i…
Sold $40
1936 (18th June) Perth addressed env with 5d brown KGV, CofA wmk tied by Doorawarrah A31 cds ("rated "rare" by Goulder) & 1924 (24th May) cover wit…
Sold $170
1946 (29th Nov) Perth to China with Perth registered cds's tying the 4/9d franking (overpaid by 1/-) with Sydney transit & Shanghai arrival b/s's p…
Sold $210
1954 (13th March) British Overseas Airways Corp. Constellation G-ALAM "Belfast" (Captain T.W. Hoyle) crashed in Singapore with 31 passengers & two …
Sold $80
1930-1960's Brian Popes "Balance of Collection" & remainders consisting of 35 covers incl first flights, an intermediate cover, WWII covers, Airmai…
Sold $340



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