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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
Pre-decimal in Seven Seas Hingeless album (retails alone at $170) with basic range of MLH & used Kangaroos & KGV, early commem pickings, later issu…
Sold $230
Pre-decimal KGVI selection of MUH/ MLH imprint blocks of 4 on Hagners. Incls. 2d QE with coil perf. (33 blocks)
Sold $50
Pre-decimal quantities in stockbook. Majority appear MUH, though some higher vals such as 8 x 10/- Navigator have no gum. Multiples in commems. (10…
Sold $110
Pre-decimal selection on Hagners of MUH & MLH in singles & multiples incl some imprint blocks. Approx 240
Sold $55
QEII pre-decimal on album pages. Appears complete MUH apart from 5/- stockman on white paper. Incls Navigators to £2 in both papers. Retails at $550+
Sold $300
Kangaroo accumulation on Hagners. Good to F/U with some crisp cds's. Mixed watermarks with values to 5/-. Blocks & OS perfins also noted. (Approx 200)
Sold $150
KGV heads accumulation. Majority 1d reds & greens. Some pmks & multiples. Approx 600
Sold $45
KGV heads presented on album page. Used with mixed wmks & shades. Incls some OS. (110)
Sold $50
1913 1d Kangaroos & 1d KGV listed varieties arranged on stockcard & notated accordingly. High cat. value in places. (36)
Sold $70
1913-1965 Collection in SG One Country album. Few kangaroos to 1/- but with strength in KGV to 1/4d with various shades, watermarks & perfs. Commem…
Sold $1050
1913-1965 Good to fine used collection in Seven Seas Hingeless Album. Kangaroos to 5/- (3), KGV to 1/4d (4), OS overprints, Vic Cent in both perfs,…
Sold $410
1913-1965 neatly presented on Hagners. Kangaroos to 2/- MLH (5) & 1/- F/U. KGV to 1/4d MLH & F/U incl OS ovpts, 1914 6d Kookaburra MLH & 1928 3d M/…
Sold $1900
1913-1985 Good to fine used collection in SG One Country album. Kangaroos 5/- (5), 10/-, £1 & £2 (repaired poorly), complete (bar 1) KGV to 1/4d …
Sold $500
1913-1985 used collection written up on SG Senator pages in binder with spare pages. (Retails at $95) Kangaroos to 5/- (fiscal cancel), KGV to 5d, …
Sold $100
1914-47 Mint issues on SS album pages incl.1928 3d Kookaburra M/S hinged on selvedge, Kingsford Smith incl OS ovpts, Sydney Harbour Bridge to 5/- (…
Sold $900
1932-1965 Pre-decimal First Day & Commemorative Cover collection. Incls. Posted on Sydney Harbour Bridge, Royal Geographical Society, AIF, imprint …
1940's Royal Geographical Society illustrated covers for Edmund Kennedy, Thomas Mitchell, Coolangatta, Leichhardt Cent. & Flinders. All clean with …
1944/45 WWII Postal History incl 4 Telegram envelopes (3 x TG65) with accompanying Telegrams (4 TG42) from Flinders Naval Depot with relevant cache…
Sold $220
1946-1961 covers with a variety of stamps, embossed, slogans & meter marks. Interesting Company advertising envelopes. (64)
Sold $45
1957 covers from Hobart addressed to South Africa but all returned to sender. Interesting array of postmarks & cachets. Opened 3 sides (15)
Sold $25
Pre-decimal collection neatly presented on black album pages with Kangaroos to 5/-, KGV shades & Dies to 1/4d, useful early commems. incl Robes to …
Sold $340
Pre-decimal First Day Covers incl. 1948 Farrer on advertising env, 1951 3d Gold block of 4 on Reg Philatelic Exhib. Cover, 1955 2/- green Olympics …
Sold $35
Selection of pre-decimal First Day Covers. Various on Official & hand made covers, some Registered with neat early WA pmks. Imprint blocks also not…
Sold $70
1966-1980 Sherwood Year Collections in presentation folders & wallets. All fine MUH incl Navigators, Cook M/S, 1971 Christmas block 7 etc. Massive …
Sold $170
1966-1987 in SS album. Complete good to fine used bar 1971 Xmas block. Majority CTO incl 1970 Cook M/S & gutters. High retail value.
Sold $55
1966-1991 First Day Cover & PSE collection in 11 albums. Incls 1970 Expo on unaddressed official covers (Retails $120) Later duplication due to a v…
Sold $150
1966-1996 Collection in 2 Seven Seas Hingeless volumes with slipcases (Retails at $450+). 95% complete incl. self adhesives, Framas, booklet panes,…
Sold $480
1966-2002 complete collection on Seven Seas Hingeless pages to 1991 & Hagners thereafter. Incls. ANPEX Cook M/S, Christmas 1971 pane of 25, M/S's &…
Sold $700
1966-2002 First Day Covers. High degree of completeness with 1966 QEII, Fish Birds & Navigators to $4 in fresh condition. Early issues have neat ty…
Sold $820
1966-2004 complete collection in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless Albums with optional pages & slipcases (retail at $700+) Includes all self adhesives with a…
Sold $1600
1966-2006 MUH & used collection in Seven Seas Hingeless Albums. 1960's & early 1970's majority used, then mainly MUH with high degree of completene…
Sold $1500
1969-1999 Aust Post Presentation Packs incl Royal Visit, Cook, Beef, 1971 Christmas, 1974 Paintings through to modern CPS & joint issues. Excellent…
Sold $520
1970-1971 range of early First Day Covers on official Aust Post covers. All fine unaddressed & pmkd South Fremantle, WA. Total retail is $35+ (7)
Sold $30
1973-1987 Pictorial Postmark & Souvenir Cover accumulation. Many different covers for all States (Barr WA) Plenty of thematic potential incl Train …
Sold $140
1975-2003 range of First Day Covers with values to $20. Some self adhesives & gutters. Many pictorial & thematic postmarks. Excellent cond in 3 FDC…
Sold $200
1978-1994 Gutter Pairs & se-tenant strips incl some commem gutter sets in stockbook. All fine MUH. Increasingly difficult to find. FV $580+
1978-2001 CTO collection incl all se-tenant strips & pairs. High degree of completeness incl International Post to $10. A good way to fill those fi…
1978-2005 Pre-Stamped Envelope collection pmkd FDI in 3 albums. ASC E58/E432 (excl PPE's) Excellent cond. (305)
Sold $40
1979-1994 Aust Post Presentation Packs. Various issues with little duplication. Values to $20 incl Gardens & Box Link. Some AAT also. Excellent con…
Sold $410
1980's selection of Taxed & Underpaid envelopes with a variety of cachets & postmarks. Majority WA originated & addressed. Each opened on 3 sides. …
Sold $65
1987 Cuppex Cover Collection in album. Complete set of 27 postmarked covers with each detailing the relevant Americas Cup Yacht Race. (27)
Sold $20
1987-1999 Maxicards. Appears reasonably complete. Excellent cond. High cost price & majority are Internationally Postage Paid. Many useful thematic…
Sold $100
1991-1997 Gutter Pair First Day Cover collection. Rarely seen & highly sought by collectors, this scarce assembly incls se-tenant gutters & AAT. E…
Sold $80
1991-2001 SWANPEX, WA selection of covers incl perfined 43c Frama pmkd Fremantle (2), gutter pairs & CPS stamps with Swanpex '99 imprints. Excellen…
Sold $20
1992-2001 booklets on Seven Seas Hingeless Pages incl. numerous Exhibition ovpts, reprint logos & self adhesives. Massive retail value & FV $250 (52)
Sold $240
1992-2002 Self adhesives Booklet Collection. Incls different printers, adverts, International Post & booklet values to $9. All in excellent cond. F…
Sold $260
1994 Aust Post Territories Collection in original pack. The first in the series. Excellent cond. Retails at $80+
Sold $55
1996-2001 selection of stamp sheetlets of 10. Incls Dolls & Bears, Olympic Legends, Rock n' Roll, Army etc. FV $58 (11)
Sold $60
1999 Australia Post Engraved Stamps of the Commonwealth of Australia. It contains 28 proofs struck from the original dies in black. Includes the 1d…
Sold $150
1999-2005 First Day Cover collection in 2 AP Albums. Incls International Post to $20, Territories, Framas & self adhesives. All in excellent cond. …
Sold $420

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