Auction Lots
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Lot No | Description | Est. | |
Australia: Decimal | |||
1966 (14th Feb) Decimal defins FDC incl. QEII 1c to 4c, Fish set of 4 & Birds set of 8 all neatly pmk Claremont. Typed address & clean. SG 382/85, … $25 Sold $25 | |||
1966 3c QEII green coil stamps in complete unopened roll of 100. Rarely seen in such original format. SG 404 x 100 $40 Archived | |||
1971 7c purple QEII complete sheet of 100. MUH slight perf separation on one side. Fresh SG 388a x 100 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1973 $1 Flinders Perf. 15 x 14. Fine used. SG 401c Cat. £22 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1968 Soil Science/Medical unfolded gutter pair with "needle in thumb" variety. MUH BW490d $5 Sold $11 | |||
1970 (16th March) Expo '70 Expo on official FDC pmkd South Fremantle, WA. Unaddressed in pristine cond. SG 454/55 Retails at $120+ $50 Archived | |||
1970 (13th April) 5c Grasslands pair on official FDC pmkd South Fremantle, WA. Unaddressed in excellent cond. SG 458 Retails at $75 $30 Archived | |||
1970 (27th April) 4c & 5c Floral coil stamps on official FDC pmkd Fremantle, WA. Unaddressed in excellent cond. SG 466/67 Retails at $25 $10 Sold $10 | |||
1970 5c Cook strip of 5 & 30c on 12 First Day Covers each postmarked at relevant points of original voyage incl Botany Bay. Excellent condition. (1… $20 Sold $35 | |||
1971 Christmas block of 7 on Registered First Day Cover from Rottnest Island. Additional 8c to make up rate. Rottnest Reg label and 4 cds's neatly … $30 Sold $30 | |||
1971 Christmas block of 9 MUH & blocks of 7 on 2 FDC's pmkd Sydney. SG 498/504 $30 Sold $30 | |||
1971 Christmas Pane of 25 on cream paper. Fresh MUH SG 498ab $55 Sold $55 | |||
1971 Christmas complete sheet of 100 in cream paper. Two central gutter folds otherwise fine MUH. SG 498ab sheet $200 Sold $250 | |||
1974 $4 Shearing in complete sheet of 50. Includes "Red dot on Shearers back" variety BW 666d. Fresh MUH SG 566a $170 Sold $170 | |||
1975 45c wildflower vertical strip of 4 with middle two "missing dull yellow-green" variety. Fine used with Sydney cds's. BW 727cd $170 Sold $220 | |||
1977 (August) "PMG TEST MAIL" cachet in mauve on envelope with 7c Newspaper commem. Multiple slogan cancels for Adelaide. Scarce as few got into pu… $75 Sold $85 | |||
1978 Aviators Miniature Sheet Forgery with normal for comparison. Produced in the hope of defrauding Australia POST under the stamp re-purchase sch… $50 Sold $65 | |||
1979 Cover carried on the Parmelia Yacht Race. Postmarked Fremantle (25th Nov) with Plymouth Devon cachet. "DAMAGED BY SEA WATER" cachet explains w… $2 Sold $2 | |||
1981 National Stamp Week AUSIPEX I birds (left staple) booklet. Pfeffer No. UB09a $10 Archived | |||
1982 60c Trial Booklets with 2 x 27c frog, 2 x 1c Finch & 2 x 2c Crimson Finch in each. Pfeffer Cat No. B145a (5) $10 Sold $10 | |||
1982 Ashes Cricket PSE signed by Graeme Wood, Kim Hughes, Bruce Yardley, Terry Alderman, Bruce Laird and Dean Jones. An attractive form of cricket … $20 Sold $35 | |||
1982 Commonwealth Games Miniature Sheets Plated set of 25 overprinted in black with position numbers. MUH in original folder. $20 Sold $30 | |||
1984 $5 "Holiday at Mentone" Painting block of 25 ovptd SPECIMEN. MUH SG 779s Cat. £70 $40 Sold $40 | |||
1986 Year of Peace overprinted "Papal Visit 1986" gutter block of 10. MUH SG 1039var. $5 Sold $10 | |||
1987 Cup-pex overprinted sheet of 100 36c America's Cup stamps resulting in 35 pairs. Rare in sheet format. MUH $50 Sold $160 | |||
1987 Australia Post Yearbook with special 1988 Bicentenary Cover & slipcase. FV $30 $25 Sold $25 | |||
1988 Australia Post Yearbook with stamps in place. Opening at less than Face Value. $30 Archived | |||
1989 $3.60 Christmas booklet overprinted World Stamp Expo ‘89 with Washington logo. SG SB68var / Pfeffer B161(2) Retails at $180 $60 Sold $60 | |||
1989/90 Gardens set of to $20 in MUH corner blocks of 4. SG 1199/1201a FV $148 (4 blocks) $100 Archived | |||
1990 $20 Gardens Glover painting. 2 x Fine used copies. SG 1201a $5 Sold $5 | |||
1990 (1st May) Stamp Anniversary M/S on First Day Cover postmarked with Perth Swan pictorial cancel with the "ANNIVERARY" missing "S" variety. Rare… $10 Sold $15 | |||
1990 Stamp Anniversary Miniature Sheet with Stamp World London '90 Silver overprint. MUH SG MS1253 var. $5 Sold $8 | |||
1990 (9th October) Postage Paid Change of Address Notification Pre-stamped Envelope postmarked FDI. Rarely seen. Excellent condition. $5 Sold $8 | |||
1991 (17th Jan) 43c Aust Flag stamp pmk Perth on cover with cachet reading "17th January 1991 The LIBERATION of KUWAIT BEGINS. Australia and the Fr… $5 Sold $16 | |||
1992 (3rd Oct) Stamp Gang Postal Stationary set cancelled Albany FDI. Complete with all 10 envs pmkd. Rarely seen. $15 Archived | |||
1992 Postage Paid Envelopes. Architecture without postcode squares. One set of 7 postmarked FDI 2.1.92 & a mint set. (14) Retail at $60 $15 Archived | |||
1992 Threatened Species Pemara & Printset self adhesive strips of 6, Printset tab pairs set of 4, $2.25 S/A sheetlet original & 1st reprint with ko… $30 Archived | |||
1993 Postage Paid Envelopes. Australian Capital Cities. Set of 7 cancelled FDI 7.4.93. Each postmarked at featured city GPO (7) Retail at $20 $5 Archived | |||
1993 Women in Parliament Pane of 25 x 2. MUH SG 1421/22 FV $22.50 $20 Sold $20 | |||
1994 80c Alpine Wildflowers "Southpex 10th Anniversary 1994" overprinted booklet. Scarce. $5 Sold $80 | |||
1994 Aeropex Aviation Feats Black Plate Proof sheetlet. No in red. Excell cond. Retails at $50 $15 Sold $15 | |||
1994 International Airmail Postage Paid Envelopes featuring Australian Aviators incl Kingsford Smith. One set of 3 postmarked FDI 18.8.94 & a mint … $10 Sold $16 | |||
1994 Self Adhesive ATM sheetlet of 20 triangle stamps with both Advance Bank & Postpak adverts on reverse. Also the FDC dated 2nd Nov. Excellent co… $20 Sold $35 | |||
1995 $2 Endeavour booklet overprinted "Armadale - Kelmscott Philatelic Society 15th Anniversary - May 1995" in black. $5 Sold $55 | |||
1995 Postage Paid Envelopes. Bridges. One set of 7 postmarked FDI 8.6.95 & a mint set. (14) Retail at $40 $10 Archived | |||
1996 AFL Football Clubs set 16 self-adhesive booklets in presentation folder. Fine cond. FV$72 $50 Sold $65 | |||
1997 $10 Kakadu M/S overprinted in gold, "ITALIA '98 Milano 21 October - 1 November 1998" on 5 separate covers with Exhibition cancels. Retails at … $100 Sold $100 | |||
1999 Navigators Miniature Sheets Perfined A99 from Melbourne Exhibition. Also additional pair of Imperf. MUH (4) $35 Sold $40 | |||
1999 Olympic Torch Stamp & Coin pack with 1956 $1.20 Olympic stamp & matching 1956 Penny. Attractive Presentation. $15 Sold $40 | |||
2000 Gold Medallists Olympic Digital Sheets of 10 printed in Western Australia identified by the swan logo on each. Presented in album. Excellent c… $60 Sold $60 | |||
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